
The most bloody words in Chinese history, after reading the blood boiling, the last sentence is the most cattle no one can refute

In China's long history, countless classic celebrity quotes have been handed down, all of which have had a profound impact on today's China. Some of the sentences still make people feel the blood boiling when they read it

The most bloody words in Chinese history, after reading the blood boiling, the last sentence is the most cattle no one can refute

"The Xiongnu have not perished, so why should they be at home?" - Hodg's disease

Huo was good at riding and shooting, good at long-distance raids, and defeated the Xiongnu many times with less. For this reason, Emperor Wu of Han was very fond of this famous general of Huo's illness and ordered him to build a mansion, but Huo went ill and refused. He said, "The Huns have not perished, so why should they be at home?" This means: The Xiongnu have not yet been eliminated, how can I start a family? Showing his heart, Emperor Wu of Han was greatly moved.

The most bloody words in Chinese history, after reading the blood boiling, the last sentence is the most cattle no one can refute

This famous quote, full of patriotic passion, has inspired future generations. The only estimate that can be compared to this sentence in later generations is Wang Changling's sentence :Huangsha hundred battles wear golden armor, and if you don't break loulan, you won't pay it back." "The steadfastness and pride of the soldiers will never die.

Those who follow us prosper, and those who oppose us perish

The most bloody words in Chinese history, after reading the blood boiling, the last sentence is the most cattle no one can refute

The person who said this sentence was a Great Thief of Jiangyang in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, his name was Liu Xiazuo, and he had a nickname called Thief. Among the bandits, he was considered to be the originator, and his subordinates reached nearly 10,000 people, and they rebelled in the Yellow River Valley. However, this person is not a good stubble, and it can also be seen from this sentence he said, Sima Qian also said in the "History" that his temper was very grumpy, and he also liked to eat human flesh, except for good things, he could do anything. But this famous quote of his has been passed down to this day

A generation of heavenly pride "Genghis Khan". He unified the tribes of the Mongolian steppe and created the world's largest empire. He once said,

Wherever the map goes, it's my land of herding horses.

The most bloody words in Chinese history, after reading the blood boiling, the last sentence is the most cattle no one can refute

Whoever commits a crime against me will be punished from afar!

During the Western Han Dynasty, the Xiongnu, Kangju, Wusun and other countries in the Western Regions were all foolish and moved, trying to be unfavorable to the Han Dynasty, and at this time, Chen Tang came out of nowhere and said the famous sayings of the ancient and modern times: "Those who offend me strong Han will be punished from afar."

Chen Tang, as a general in his lifetime, once corrected the edict, coerced the Western Regions capital to protect Gan Yanshou to send troops, attacked and killed the Xiongnu Zhi Zhidan Yu, and threatened the Western Regions, which was also worthy of this famous saying!

The most bloody words in Chinese history, after reading the blood boiling, the last sentence is the most cattle no one can refute

Where the sun and the moon shine, and where the rivers go, they are all Han soil

During the reign of Emperor Xuan of Han, he defeated the Xiongnu and established the Western Regions Capital Protectorate, which managed more than 3 million square kilometers of land, which was the most prosperous period of the Han Dynasty. In the "Inscription of Emperor Dinghu of the Han Xuan Emperor", it is recorded that "where the sun and the moon shine, the rivers are all Han soil", and all the places where the sun and moon shine and the place where the Yellow River flows through the Yangtze River are the territory of the Han Dynasty, which is really blood-boiling.

"On the side of the bed, will you allow others to snore?"

In 960, Zhao Kuangyin launched the "Chen Qiao Mutiny" to establish the Song Dynasty, but there were still some small countries that were not pacified, such as the Southern Tang. In 974, Zhao Kuangyin summoned Li Yu, the lord of the Southern Tang Dynasty, to Bieliang, and Li Yu was worried that he would be detained if he personally went, so he sent someone to Bieliang to discuss peace with Zhao Kuangyin. However, he was resolutely rejected by Zhao Kuangyin and said the domineering saying that "lying on the side of the bed, do not allow others to snore", which means that his sphere of influence does not allow others to exist.

The most bloody words in Chinese history, after reading the blood boiling, the last sentence is the most cattle no one can refute

Expelled the Tartars and restored China

。 Dr. Sun Yat-sen knew that the only way to save China was to overthrow the corrupt Manchu Qing government, so he resolutely abandoned medicine and politics, embarked on a revolutionary road of arduous resistance to the Manchu Qing, and took it as his duty to expel the Tartars and restore China.

The most bloody words in Chinese history, after reading the blood boiling, the last sentence is the most cattle no one can refute

He became the first emperor, and the future generations were counted, and the second and third generations were counted as thousands, and the transmission was endless

The most bloody words in Chinese history, after reading the blood boiling, the last sentence is the most cattle no one can refute

This sentence was said by Qin Shi Huang. As the first emperor in human history, Qin Shi Huang believed that he had done a great job to the Five Emperors, so he named himself "First Emperor", and wanted the foundation of Great Qin to be passed on forever from generation to generation. This sentence of Qin Shi Huang reveals the domineering spirit of the supreme unity of the world, which can be described as ancient and unique.

Bird Bird Anzhi Honghu Zhi Ya

The most bloody words in Chinese history, after reading the blood boiling, the last sentence is the most cattle no one can refute

Speaking of this sentence, I believe that many people will not be unfamiliar with it, and it comes from the mouth of Chen Sheng, the leader of the first peasant rebel army in history. In his early years, Chen Sheng, whose family was poor, worked long-term jobs in the landlord's home in order to solve the problem of livelihood. One day, Chen Sheng was resting in the field farming, after thinking of his humble identity and situation, he couldn't help but sigh secretly, and was ridiculed by other long-term workers, Chen Sheng sighed and said, "How can the bird know the ambition of the bird?"

Jing Ke: The wind is cold and the water is cold, and the hero will not return once he is gone.

On the banks of the Yishui River, Jing Ke knew that this was a lot of evil and less auspicious, but for the sake of kindness, he did not hesitate to embark on the road to Xianyang City, and this sentence also became his last song before his death, praising the ages.

The most bloody words in Chinese history, after reading the blood boiling, the last sentence is the most cattle no one can refute

Xiang Yu: Li Ba Shan is full of qi. The times are not good enough to pass. Don't die! Yu Xi Yu Xi Nai Nai!

Li Ba Shan is full of qi, and Xiang Yu, the king of Chu Ba, is a hero of all ages. Faced with the unfavorable timing, both Wu Xiaoma and Yu Ji were reluctant to leave him. However, at the end of the road, Xiang Yu could only sigh helplessly, even his favorite Yu Ji could not protect him, and how sad the arrogant overlord was in his heart.

Although Xiang Yu lost, his story has been passed down through the ages, and this "Song under the Curtain" has also become a stunning song, and for thousands of years, I don't know how many readers' hearts have been touched.

The most bloody words in Chinese history, after reading the blood boiling, the last sentence is the most cattle no one can refute

The author of the last sentence is closest to us, he wrote in the poem

"Count the popular characters, and look at the present dynasty."

! "Looking at the magnificent mountains and rivers wrapped in silver in the eyes of the poet, thinking of today's revolutionary situation, I can't help but sigh, Tang Zong, Song Ancestors and other historical heroes have gone far away to become dust, I believe that I am not inferior to them! One sentence will fully reflect the author's ambition and broad mind, what about the ancient heavenly pride? History is always moving forward, and I am higher and lower than the blue sky, and it is precisely because there are such great people who have a new chapter in the heavens and the earth, which is really the blessing of the nation and the happiness of all the people!

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