
Why did Eight Ye Yin Yu lose to Yongzheng? These two reasons are doomed, and the harder he tries, the more he fails

First, the prince is not a wasted play

The most critical reason why the "Nine Sons And Sisters" incident broke out in Kangxi's later years was that the crown prince was really unreliable. When Yin Rong first reached the age of one year, he was crowned crown prince, fixed his name, and began his career as a prince for more than forty years.

Many people say, who let Kangxi live that long? But the question is, is this also the same as yin rong has enough time to develop his own power? So as long as he didn't make a big mistake, no one could shake him, even Kangxi!

Although the relationship between the emperor and the prince has been wonderful since ancient times, one thing is the same between the two, that is, how to continue the dynasty. That is to say, no matter how toss, try to avoid "lifting the table". And the emperor deposing the prince, or the prince murdering the emperor, is the performance of "lifting the table".

Why did Eight Ye Yin Yu lose to Yongzheng? These two reasons are doomed, and the harder he tries, the more he fails

Therefore, for Kangxi, although he had two wastes on Yin Rong, he was not "playing with the prince". Because this proves that Kangxi's setup, or layout, failed across the board. Which emperor would be willing to declare defeat in this way? The emperor's big brother needs decency the most.

Let's talk about Li Shimin, after he deposed the crown prince Li Chengqian, he once wanted to commit suicide. Thanks to the eldest grandson Wuji and Chu Suiliang and others to stop. Li Shimin is such a tough man, and he still can't bear it. Why wasn't this the case with Kangxi? He knew all too well that once the prince was deposed, it would immediately be a chicken feather.

Sure enough, the ninth son's conquest of the concubine was menacing, and Kangxi fought hard for his life, because behind each son, there was almost a force, and Kangxi was not facing a simple son problem. That is to say, when Kangxi abolished The Crown Prince Yinrong, it was equivalent to abolishing and supporting a major force of his own. That's why it's said that the prince is not a wasted play.

Why did Eight Ye Yin Yu lose to Yongzheng? These two reasons are doomed, and the harder he tries, the more he fails

Second, the eighth master stood against the prince

The Eight Brothers Party, with the Eight Masters as the core, has formed a force to seize the wife, and the main members are nine brothers, ten brothers, and fourteen brothers.

When this force was still the crown prince, it was constantly stirring up trouble but it was not conspicuous. Because the big brother rushed to the front. For example, it was the eldest brother who publicly jumped out and said: You should kill the prince, Dad, you are not willing to do it, I will do it for you.

The result? Big Brother became the first person to be kicked out. People are used to saying that this is not about family affection, or that people are not kind. But it is always ignored that the historical law of "the prince is not wasted to play", almost all those who pull the prince down will not have good results.

Sima Yanli, who had a problematic IQ, why couldn't he abolish it? It was because at that time, the power of the Gate Valve Clan was too tightly bound to the imperial power, and the princess of the Jin Hui Emperor was Jia Chong's daughter Jia Nanfeng, and the strength of the Gate Valve Clan was supporting, and the Emperor had no choice.

Why did Eight Ye Yin Yu lose to Yongzheng? These two reasons are doomed, and the harder he tries, the more he fails

Later, Sima Song, the crown prince of Emperor Hui of Jin, was killed by Jia Nanfeng, and as a result, Jia Nanfeng was buried with him, which triggered the Rebellion of the Eight Kings. The Nine Sons of the Kangxi Period are very similar to the Sima Yan period. The difference is only that the Gate Valve Clan has become the Eight Banners Nobles.

Therefore, the big brother was kicked out of the game and was buried. After understanding why the eldest brother was out, and then looking at The Eighth Master Yinyu, when he created the momentum and became the most powerful competitor, in fact, he was equivalent to standing against the prince. At that time, Yin Rong had just been abolished, and Kangxi was under great pressure. With this strong attack, he immediately became a "rafter out of the head".

After Li Chengqian was deposed, Li Shimin once said: "If I am Litai, I am the crown prince who can be sought and heard." Tai Li, Chengqian, and Jin Kings do not exist; Jin Wang Li, Tai Gong Chengqian can be unharmed. ”

This means that if I establish Li Tai, I will wait to prove that the position of crown prince can be obtained by relying on private operations, etc., is this not a joke? Therefore, if I really passed the throne to Li Tai, then Li Chengqian and Li Zhi would not want to live. And I gave it to Li Zhi, And Li Tai and Li Chengqian would not have to worry about their lives.

Why did Eight Ye Yin Yu lose to Yongzheng? These two reasons are doomed, and the harder he tries, the more he fails

Why did Li Shimin say this? The key point is that the prince who relies on private operation is "not right" after all, and he must do whatever it takes to keep everything in his hands.

Looking at Kangxi and Eight Ye Yinyu now, is it very similar to the situation of "Li Shimin and Li Tai"? And it was kangxi himself who held the same view as Li Shimin!

In the Records of Emperor Zuren of the Qing Dynasty, there is such a record: 壬寅, summoned the princes to the Qianqing Palace, and said: When the Yin Dynasty is abolished, there is already a purpose, and among the brothers, if there is a person who is a prince of the camp, that is, a thief of the country. The law does not tolerate it.

Therefore, in this case, the more the Eighth Master tried, the more he failed, because he touched on the question of the legitimacy of the imperial succession. At this moment, Eight Master Yin Yu has actually become a "bullseye", he has come to the opposite side of the prince, and has become a negative teaching material!

Why did Eight Ye Yin Yu lose to Yongzheng? These two reasons are doomed, and the harder he tries, the more he fails

Third, the origin of the eighth master

If it is said that the Eighth Master Yin Yu became a "bullseye" because he went to the opposite side of the prince, which aroused Kangxi's disgust and vigilance, then the issue of origin became Kangxi's hand in vetoing Yin Yu!

Eight Ye's birth mother is a yellow flag wrapper, zheng wu pin inner pipe collar Abu Nai girl. Although The Eighth Master was loved by Kangxi since childhood, it was because the Eighth Master was indeed capable of being intelligent. Kangxi was from the perspective of fatherly love. But in the end, Kangxi's first identity was the emperor's eldest brother. This is doomed, for the sake of the inheritance of the throne, the father's love must also give way.

In the same way, Crown Prince Yinrong's birth mother was Empress Xiaochengren, who was the granddaughter of the chancellor Sonny and the daughter of the Kangxi chancellor Suo Etu—who could match the power of the mother's family?

Yongzheng's birth mother, although she was also from a humble background, was raised by Empress Xiaoyiren Tong Jia after Yongzheng was full moon. At the same time, Empress Xiaoyiren, since she had never given birth to a prince, naturally in this case, Yongzheng was equivalent to becoming the son of Tong Jia. Behind the Tong Jia clan are the Tong Guowei and Longkeduo families.

Why did Eight Ye Yin Yu lose to Yongzheng? These two reasons are doomed, and the harder he tries, the more he fails

Now that the Eighth Master is on the opposite side of the prince, his origin problem has naturally become a major obstacle. Therefore, when Kangxi decided to take down the Eighth Master, one mouth was: I have always dreamed of Empress Xiaochengren (Yin Rong's biological mother) recently, and she is "very unhappy" with me. That is, throwing my face to show me makes me very uncomfortable!

What is the subtext? It is estimated that everyone can understand. This is a direct reference to the eighth master, the subtext is: You all recommend the eighth master to take over as the prince, but how to explain his origin?

After Kangxi had this layer of preparation, he went on to announce that Yin Rong was reinstated as crown prince. As for the Eighth Master, he was characterized as "Well known to Yun Yu's soft and adulterous nature and arrogance." His henchmen had long wanted to conspire to kill Yun Rong. Now it has been revealed. He will submit the lock to the Legislative Affairs Office for trial."

In fact, just one meaning, the prince Yinrong was framed by the eighth master, and was wronged, and now everything has been checked clearly, the prince is still the prince, as for the old eighth, go to you - the eighth master has completely failed, the harder you work, the deeper the harm.

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