
A peasant walking on the street was suddenly picked up by a special plane back to Beijing, and his clothes did not change and he became a general!

History has its own life, it is like a person, both easy-going and self-respecting. ——Yu Qiuyu

One day in 1977, a farmer wandering the streets was suddenly invited to board a special plane to Beijing and became a general. The person with such a legendary experience is Hong Xuezhi. Born in a poor family, Hong Xuezhi has been working outside the home to subsidize his family since childhood. At the age of 15, he gave up part-time work and took the initiative to join the revolution and became a soldier in our army. Because of His talent and bravery, Hong Xuezhi soon stood out in the army and was recognized by his superior leaders and soldiers.

A peasant walking on the street was suddenly picked up by a special plane back to Beijing, and his clothes did not change and he became a general!

Later, Hong Xuezhi followed the troops to participate in countless battles during the anti-Japanese and liberation periods, and made outstanding contributions to China's final victory. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Hong Xuezhi was awarded the title of general and was responsible for the work of the General Logistics Department. Although he did not work in the army, he still did everything in a down-to-earth manner. He said: "No matter what work I do, as long as I can contribute to the country and serve the people, I will conscientiously complete it." "But such a general who worries about the country and the people has not been treated well. In the 1960s, due to Hong Xuezhi's righteous words, he was innocently linked and sent to the farm for transformation. At first, Hong Xuezhi was very uncomfortable, but the company commander in the farm actively enlightened him and taught him the skills of pig farming, and over time, Hong Xuezhi adapted to this life.

A peasant walking on the street was suddenly picked up by a special plane back to Beijing, and his clothes did not change and he became a general!

Hong Xuezhi threw himself into the work of the farm, conscientiously did everything well and enjoyed the joy of being a farmer. One day in 1977, Hong Xuezhi, who had just finished his work in the fields, was wandering the streets when he was suddenly stopped by a group of people. Hong Xuezhi was confused and talked to the people who came. The visitor said that he had been sent by Beijing, and this time the purpose was to take him back to Beijing. However, Hong Xuezhi did not receive the transfer order, did not know his own arrangements for returning, he did not even change his clothes, he hurriedly stepped on the plane and flew back to Beijing.

A peasant walking on the street was suddenly picked up by a special plane back to Beijing, and his clothes did not change and he became a general!

After returning to Beijing, Hong Xuezhi was appointed as a member of the Central Military Commission of our army, and not only rectified the ordnance factory to resume production, but also vigorously studied innovative new equipment. In addition, Hong Xuezhi is also responsible for the research and development of civilian goods, making immeasurable contributions to national defense. In 1988, Hong Xuezhi was once again awarded the title of the only six-star general in our army.

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