
Hong Xuezhi was transferred to the northeast, and the commander of the brigade garrison went to visit him.

Hong Xuezhi was transferred to the northeast, and the commander of the brigade garrison went to visit him.

In July and August 1959, Mr. Peng was criticized at the Lushan Conference, dismissed from all his posts, and moved out of the Zhongnanhai Courtyard to live in the Wu Family Garden.

From August 18 to September 12, the Central Military Commission held an enlarged meeting of the Central Military Commission in Beijing, at which it traced the so-called Peng Dehuai Military Club and Litong Foreign Countries.

Deng Hua, Hong Xuezhi, Zhong Wei, and others, who harbored deep proletarian feelings for Mr. Peng, were unwilling to deeply criticize and expose Mr. Peng's political struggle, were characterized as members of Peng Dehuai's military club, transferred to local work, demoted to use, Deng Hua was transferred to Sichuan Province as a vice governor, Zhong Wei was removed from the post of chief of staff of the Beijing Military Region, transferred to the Anhui Provincial Department of Agriculture as a deputy director, and Hong Xuezhi was transferred to the Agricultural Machinery Department of Jilin Province in northeast China as director.

Hong Xuezhi was hit by this, but he was very calm, and in his life experience, this was also the second political frustration.

Hong Xuezhi was transferred to the northeast, and the commander of the brigade garrison went to visit him.

The first time was during the Yan'an period, in 1936, after the Fourth Army and the 31st Army of the Red Fourth Front arrived in Yan'an, most of the senior generals of the Red Fourth Front army entered the Red Army University to study, and Hong Xuezhi was no exception.

The divisional and regimental-level cadets of the Red Fourth Front found Xu Shiyou, Hong Xuezhi, Chen Zaidao, and other military-level cadres crying and complaining, and Xu Shiyou and the others could not sit still, and they united more than 20 military, division, and regimental-level cadres of the Red University to prepare to run away from home and go to Liu Zicai, a subordinate of Xu Shiyou in the Sichuan-Shaanxi area, to fight a guerrilla war.

However, Wang Jian'an, who was a military-level cadre of the Red Fourth Front, was shaken, and the party spirit restrained him; he reported the matter to Luo Ruiqing, the education chief of the Red Fourth Front, who felt that the situation was serious and reported to the principal Lin Biao, who was greatly shocked and immediately sent people to detain Xu Shiyou, Hong Xuezhi, Chen Zaidao, and more than 20 cadets of the Red Fourth Front, waiting for the chairman to deal with it.

Chairman Mao was magnanimous and generous, and righteously interpreted Xu Shiyou, Hong Xuezhi, and others who had made mistakes, and still let them go to the front line to kill the enemy and make meritorious contributions, and later, Xu Shiyou and others made immortal contributions in the revolutionary war.

Hong Xuezhi was transferred to the northeast, and the commander of the brigade garrison went to visit him.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Xu Shiyou, Hong Xuezhi, and Chen Zaidao were awarded the rank of founding general and held important positions in the military.

At this Lushan meeting, Hong Xuezhi was again implicated in the Peng Dehuai case, was dismissed from the post of general logistics director of the Central Military Commission, and was transferred to another post.

Hong Xuezhi was transferred to the northeast, and the commander of the brigade garrison went to visit him.

In April 1960, after taking his wife and children to Changchun, Northeast Jilin province, he came to the Jilin Provincial Agricultural Machinery Department to report.

Hong Xuezhi did not complain negatively, let alone sink, he faced it calmly, learned from scratch in the new job, grasped the role of change, dutifully did a good job, and rushed to the industrial development of Jilin Province.

Hong Xuezhi was transferred to the northeast, and the commander of the brigade garrison went to visit him.

In 1962, the Provincial Agricultural Machinery Department merged into the Provincial Department of Heavy Industry, Hong Xuezhi served as the director of the Department of Heavy Industry, after the two halls were unified, the field of work expanded, the personnel team grew, the scale was huge, Hong Xuezhi's work was busier, he cared about agricultural machinery production, encouraged technological innovation in agricultural machinery factories, and created qualified harvesters, with his support, in January 1965, Jilin Agricultural Machinery Factory produced China's first self-propelled combine harvester, named Dongfeng brand combine harvester, filling the gap in domestic harvesters.

In January 1965, Dongfeng brand combine harvester to achieve mass production, walking in the motherland of the north and south of the river, for China's agricultural mechanization added a strong ink and color, Jilin Province has since formed a complete set of agricultural machinery manufacturing industry from land preparation, sowing, weeding, harvesting, drying to grain processing, all of which embody the wisdom and painstaking efforts of Hong Xuezhi, and his contribution to agricultural mechanization in Jilin and even the whole country will be recorded in history forever.

Hong Xuezhi was transferred to the northeast, and the commander of the brigade garrison went to visit him.

One day, he was reviewing documents in his office, and the staff told him that there was a general outside who came to the door to ask for a meeting, and he wondered, who is this person?

The general was already impatient to break in, and Hong Xuezhi fixed his eyes on it, and he said happily, "Deng Yue, how did you get here?" ”

Deng Yue excitedly stepped forward, clasped Hong Xuezhi's hand, and said, "Old Chief, I heard that you work here, so I took the opportunity to come to Changchun for a meeting to come and see you." ”

Hong Xuezhi brought Deng Yue into the house to pass tea and pour water, and said to Deng Yue, "Tell me about your current situation." ”

Deng Yue took a sip of tea and told Hong Xuezhi about his situation.

Hong Xuezhi was transferred to the northeast, and the commander of the brigade garrison went to visit him.

Deng Yue, the commander of the 118th Division of the former 40th Army of the Volunteer Army, was also a heroic good man who fought from the northeast battlefield, at 5:30 p.m. on October 19, 1950, Deng Yue led the 118th Division to quietly pass through the Yalu River and go to Korea as the first batch of troops to aid Korea. A powerful blow to the US military.

Hong Xuezhi, deputy commander of the Volunteer Army, issued a commendation order to Commander Deng Yue on behalf of the Volunteer Army Headquarters.

Hong Xuezhi was transferred to the northeast, and the commander of the brigade garrison went to visit him.

In the fifth campaign, Deng Yue attacked side by side with two regiments, quickly broke through the defense line of the Sixth Division of South Korea, inserted into the depth of the enemy's position, the three battalions of the 354th Regiment broke into the enemy's heart for 60 kilometers, encountered the British 27th Brigade, fought to break through the siege, Deng Yue commanded the 118th Division to continuously repel the counterattack of the 7th Regiment of the US 1st Marine Division, the British 27th Brigade and the Canadian 25th Brigade, and finally inserted into the designated position, because of his merits, he was promoted to deputy commander of the 40th Army, after returning to China, he was transferred to the commander of the 38th Army in 1961, and he was also the first to be transferred from other units to the chief officer of the 38th Army. He was awarded the rank of Founding Major General in 1955.

In 1964, he was appointed commander of the Brigade Grand Garrison.

At this moment, he came to Changchun City, Jilin Province, for a meeting, and when he heard that Hong Xuezhi was working in the Department of Heavy Industry of Jilin Province, he took the time to come and visit the old chief, and the two of them talked for a long time. ”

Hong Xuezhi replied: "The people here are very good to me, the working environment is good, I live and work here, and my mood is very comfortable." ”

Deng Yue said, "Old Chief, as long as everything is fine here, I will be relieved, and you will also come to our brigade's large security area when you have time to walk and take a look." ”

Hong Xuezhi was transferred to the northeast, and the commander of the brigade garrison went to visit him.

Hong Xuezhi said with a smile: "If I go to the army in this capacity, I will cause you trouble, for the time being, I will not go, and when my situation improves, I will definitely go." ”

After lunch, the two chatted happily for several hours, and in the afternoon, Because Deng Yue was going to have a meeting, he bid farewell to the old chief, and Hong Xuezhi sent him to the gate of the organ of the Industrial Hall, and after the two of them said goodbye, General Deng Yue strode forward and walked far, Deng Yue looked back, the old chief was still standing at the gate and waved to him, Deng Yue's eyes were hot, tears came out, and he hurriedly turned away.

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