
Maybe Qin Shi Huang is still alive? Look at what Hawking said, ordinary people don't dare to think about it at all

Maybe Qin Shi Huang is still alive? Look at what Hawking said, ordinary people don't dare to think about it at all

Qin Shi Huang was the Chinese emperor of the 3rd century BC, and Hawking was a great physicist of the late 20th century and the beginning of this century. Whether in terms of industry or time and space, Qin Shi Huang and Hawking are two people who have no intersection. However, Hawking's words bound himself to Qin Shi Huang. Because Hawking said: Standing at the height of physics, Qin Shi Huang is actually still alive. This made the outside world feel an uproar: Qin Shi Huang has been dead for more than two thousand years, how can Hawking say that he is still alive? Could it be that Hawking dreamed of Qin Shi Huang? As a scholar, Hawking naturally gave everyone a more rigorous theoretical basis.

Maybe Qin Shi Huang is still alive? Look at what Hawking said, ordinary people don't dare to think about it at all

The influence of Qin Shi Huang

Qin Shi Huang was a well-known emperor in Chinese history. In the history of the world, Qin Shi Huang and Emperor Wen of Sui were the most famous Chinese emperors and had a huge impact on world history. Qin Shi Huang's influence lies in leaving a huge "legacy" to future generations. Among them, the hardware heritage includes the Great Wall of Qin and the territory inherited by later dynasties. The software field includes Qin's county system, the idea of unification, and the unity of writing. All of this had a profound impact on ancient China, laying the institutional model for China and even the Far East for more than 2,000 years. Some historians believe that China can ensure the situation of great unification, and these measures of Qin Shi Huang are indispensable.

Maybe Qin Shi Huang is still alive? Look at what Hawking said, ordinary people don't dare to think about it at all

The ultimate ideal of Qin Shi Huang

In his later years, Qin Shi Huang's most concerned thing was no longer how the huge empire would be governed, but how to live forever. According to the "Records of History", Qin Shi Huang voluntarily gave up the title of "朕" in his later years, but instead used the title of "Ben Zhenren" to express his will to cultivate immortals. At the same time, Qin Shi Huang also sent a large number of alchemists to the sea to look for immortals, hoping to get the elixir of immortality from the hands of the immortals and achieve immortality. However, Qin Shi Huang did not wait to find the immortal medicine and left the world. Later generations have left many legends about Qin Shi Huang and the immortals encountering, but for various reasons could not get the help of the gods - such as the Taiping Guangji has such records.

Maybe Qin Shi Huang is still alive? Look at what Hawking said, ordinary people don't dare to think about it at all

Space-time dimensions

Hawking believes that Qin Shi Huang is actually still alive, and the reason for this has to start with Einstein. As the greatest physicist of the 20th century, Einstein left an infinite academic legacy of physics to future generations, but also left many mysteries that were once difficult to understand, not as the ancients thought that "water is difficult to harvest", the past things can not be changed, and Einstein put forward the "theory of relativity": that is, if the speed level can exceed the speed of light, then it is possible to achieve crossing and break through the blockade of time and space. Of course, Einstein's theory has not been understood for a long time. Even after Einstein's death, the study of this theory faced a crisis of no successor.

Maybe Qin Shi Huang is still alive? Look at what Hawking said, ordinary people don't dare to think about it at all

Hawking's interpretation

Hawking's emergence saved the crisis of impending faults in the study of "relativity" and deepened and popularized this theory. Hawking believes that there are countless parallel universes outside the universe in which we are located, and the universe and the universe are in different space-time states, some universes are in the past state of the universe, and some universes are in the future state of the universe. At this moment, in some or even some universes, its space-time state is in the era of Qin Shi Huang, and in those universes, Qin Shi Huang is still alive, so Hawking based on this theory to come to the result: Qin Shi Huang is still alive, but the living Qin Shi Huang is not in our universe. However, for ordinary people, such an idea is really strange. But if you really think about it from the perspective of parallel universes, you have to open your mind.

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