
The Chinese emperor who terrified the West, if he did not die, his territory would reach Europe, not Genghis Khan!

In China, Guanyan Akuta and Yelü Abaoji became famous figures in the history books, and Kublai Khan was a household name, but among the heroes, there was such a person, he was not Han Chinese, nor did he play his talents in the Central Plains, so his figure was forgotten and buried in the yellow sand of history, he was not Genghis Khan, his name was Yelü Dashi.

The Chinese emperor who terrified the West, if he did not die, his territory would reach Europe, not Genghis Khan!

Born in 1087, Yerushalayim was the eighth-generation grandson of the famous Yerushalayim, so the name is familiar. Due to the special status of the Khitans, he showed outstanding riding and shooting skills at an early age. However, he was not satisfied with riding and shooting, and the young man still wanted to learn culture, so he mastered fluent Chinese and passed the jinshi examination in 1115, becoming the only Khitan jinshi.

At this time, he was already an official in the Central Plains, but at that time, the Song, Jin and other countries were in war for many years, and Yelü Dashi did not work as an official in a stable manner, and he was caught in the middle. At this time, he decided to support Yelü Chun and helped him establish the Northern Liao. At this time, Dashi began to show his talent, and he repeatedly defended against the attacks of the Song army, and even launched a surprise attack to beat the Song army to the ground.

The Chinese emperor who terrified the West, if he did not die, his territory would reach Europe, not Genghis Khan!

Fortunately, in 1123, he was captured by the Jin people, and then threatened to attack the Liao state. Although the relationship between Dashi and emperor Tianzuo of the Liao kingdom was not good, but the good villains were in the same lineage, how could they be willing to help another nation to attack them? Therefore, Dashi took advantage of the dark and windy night of a month and fled to find the Tianzuo Emperor. At this time, Emperor Tianzuo did not welcome him, after all, he had established another emperor, and he did not agree with his political views.

Dashi judged the situation and took advantage of the fact that Emperor Tianzuo was preparing to go to gold, and led more than two hundred people to run. It was precisely because of these two hundred men that he laid the foundation for his attack on Central Asia and took his first successful step. At this time, with his outstanding eloquence and super prestige, he gathered a large number of people and quickly expanded the team to more than 10,000 people.

The Chinese emperor who terrified the West, if he did not die, his territory would reach Europe, not Genghis Khan!

In the wind and sand, Dashi traveled all the way north, harvested people's hearts, and finally established himself as king. At that time, Kim learned that someone had established a country so far away, and he was very jealous of them. However, because there was no leisure at that time, only the main force could attack the Song army, and this deviation also allowed Dashi to thrive.

Since 1130, Oishi has conquered many places either by force or by eloquence. In 1132, with the support of hundreds of officials, he proclaimed himself emperor and established the Western Liao. But he did not stop, he decided to set out south, expand his territory, and later he led his army to the west, due to the fierce struggle of the Islamists.

The Chinese emperor who terrified the West, if he did not die, his territory would reach Europe, not Genghis Khan!

This scene is recorded in the history books of Islam, and they recall heavily that there has never been such a struggle in history, and there have been no more deaths. Eventually, Oishi established a kingdom that encompassed much of Central Asia. Unfortunately, in 1143, Oishi fell seriously ill and died. And the hegemony he established was also officially falling after his children succeeded to the throne.

The Chinese emperor who terrified the West, if he did not die, his territory would reach Europe, not Genghis Khan!

The life of Yelü Dashi can be described as a hero's life, he did not always participate in the wars in the Liao, Song and Jin dynasties, but set his sights on Central Asia, when Europeans heard that he was frightened, if he did not die, perhaps Europe was the territory under his jurisdiction. Unfortunately, he could not defeat the wheel of history on his own, and in the end he could only die with hatred, and everything about him was only recorded in a slight and cold text.

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