
Tesla reproduced the brake failure, causing both husband and wife to die, musk is doomed to carry the "pot"!

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Talk to you today: Tesla reproduced brake failure, resulting in the death of both husband and wife, Musk is destined to carry the "pot"!

Tesla reproduced the brake failure, causing both husband and wife to die, musk is doomed to carry the "pot"!

Tesla as a new generation of car brands, in the Chinese market has a continuous heat, and after years of careful layout has also gained a large number of loyal fans, but Tesla's safety issues, but do not let consumers worry at all, but let this safety problem is not out of the body structure, but exists in the system problem, the most common of which is the frequent "brake failure" problem.

Just recently, Tesla reproduced the accident, resulting in the death of the driver Mr. Chen on the spot, and his wife died after the rescue was ineffective, so the tragedy of both deaths has also caused Tesla to attract attention again, is it a personal driving problem, or Tesla's loss of control? However, the traffic accident is in the process of being investigated, and Tesla's Musk has behaved unusually relaxed, which can't help but disappoint consumers.

Tesla reproduced the brake failure, causing both husband and wife to die, musk is doomed to carry the "pot"!

Accidents occur

The surveillance video about the accident is also currently exposed, from the video we can see that tesla at that time turned on the bridge, and there was a significant deceleration behavior, indicating that the owner Of the car, Mr. Chen, must have stepped on the brakes, but in an instant, the car suddenly rushed forward, and then slammed the steering wheel to the right, and finally lost control and crashed into the guardrail and fell into the river, and the tragedy also happened.

"Turning acceleration", "out-of-control acceleration slamming the steering wheel" and other details, these details are difficult to ignore, there are also many doubts, this situation whether it is man-made or vehicle out of control, on the surface can be explained, but Tesla has a precedent of "brake failure", so this time the public once again associated it with vehicle failure.

Tesla reproduced the brake failure, causing both husband and wife to die, musk is doomed to carry the "pot"!

However, this time in the face of public doubts, Musk behaved very calmly, and before the relevant investigation results came out, he publicly stated: "This is a very ordinary traffic accident, and Tesla's quality problem has nothing to do with it." ”

The straight-forward way of dealing with foreigners is obviously unacceptable to the Chinese people, and Musk's approach is also considered to be blind confidence, or a way to deliberately shirk responsibility, after all, this is a serious traffic accident, before the investigation results have come out, Musk's answer is obviously too ruthless, perhaps he can make the people more acceptable in another euphemistic way.

Tesla reproduced the brake failure, causing both husband and wife to die, musk is doomed to carry the "pot"!

Speculation about the cause of the accident

Tesla accident again, is destined to cause widespread concern from all walks of life, many people have begun to express their own views, and in the reply of many people, we have also found a very likely cause of the accident, a considerable number of people believe that the owner Mr. Chen in the driving process, should have opened the automatic cruise function, before there are some owners confirmed that the automatic cruise function is not perfect, excessive superstition of the machine may cause the brake failure of the situation, and eventually lead to the occurrence of accidents.

Tesla reproduced the brake failure, causing both husband and wife to die, musk is doomed to carry the "pot"!

In the car accident that occurred in Changzhou, from the surveillance video, we can see that the vehicle did not slow down or brake during the accident, which is obviously illogical, because the driver is a male driver, and the first reaction of the vehicle out of control should be to step on the brakes, and such an action did not occur in the whole process, obviously there is a possibility of "brake failure".

And Tesla a seemingly high-tech "single pedal mode" operation, but also become the object of "thousands of fingers", this is a unique braking mode on the Tesla car, the vehicle only needs to control the speed through the accelerator pedal, the greater the force of the pedal, the speed of the vehicle will be larger and larger, once the brake pedal is released, the car will gradually slow down to the end of the operation, obviously this "lazy operation" does not meet the ergonomics, the more intelligent functions, but will increase the probability of accidents, We can't be overly superstitious about machines.

Tesla reproduced the brake failure, causing both husband and wife to die, musk is doomed to carry the "pot"!

And this "single pedal" mode, only by releasing the throttle can achieve the purpose of deceleration, and we are under the effect of extreme fear, subconsciously to step on the brake pedal, but in this mode, the more pedal the faster, which is why there are so many Tesla "brake failure" problems, in the end can be Musk's "improper human operation" perfunctory past, and did not affect sales and reputation at all.

This accident is most likely out of the Tesla failure, but it may also be the driver's misoperation, but Tesla accidents occur frequently, if you can not effectively solve similar problems, a long time will definitely affect its reputation and sales, after all, today's Tesla has become the object of ridicule, who wants to buy a car with safety risks?

Tesla reproduced the brake failure, causing both husband and wife to die, musk is doomed to carry the "pot"!

Blindly using the latest technology, but ignoring the most important safety performance of the car, this is an extremely undesirable behavior, obviously Tesla to bear a certain responsibility for similar accidents, this time Musk's "pot" believes that it can not be shaken off, what do you think about it?

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