
Zeng Guofan had dinner with his nephew, and after seeing this move, he said: You go home

China is the most exquisite table manners in the world, in China, there are many seats on the table alone, divided into the main seat and the second seat. When eating formally, there are also too many exquisite, such as how to serve the cup when toasting, how to serve the bowl when eating, how to clip the dish, and even the placement of chopsticks has many meanings.

On the one hand, this reflects that our country is a country of etiquette, on the other hand, it also reflects that Chinese attaches great importance to the meal, so there are many things that we talk about at the dinner, because we feel that a person's personality can be reflected from his eating appearance and wine. During the Qing Dynasty, Zeng Guofan was also very good at further seeing through a meal or some small details.

Zeng Guofan had dinner with his nephew, and after seeing this move, he said: You go home

Speaking of Zeng Guofan, this is a big celebrity in modern history, but also the four famous ministers of the late Qing Dynasty, who single-handedly founded the Xiang Army, and the official to the viceroy of Liangjiang, which had a profound impact on the military, economic, political and cultural aspects of the Qing Dynasty, and even some people said that it independently supported the Qing court for decades.

Zeng Guofan's special understanding of the art of knowing people, he unswervingly believes that people do not need to understand him thoroughly, but to start from the details, from his usual words and deeds, in order to spy on the leopard, you can draw conclusions. To this end, Zeng Guofan also wrote a book called "Ice Book" on these experiences of his own acquaintances.

Zeng Guofan had dinner with his nephew, and after seeing this move, he said: You go home

At that time, there were many disciples under Zeng Guofan's door, some of whom were relatives in the family, and some of whom were able people and strangers, all gathered around Zeng Guofan, hoping to be appreciated by him. However, Zeng Guofan had limited time and was very busy all day, and he did not have much free time to talk to the doormen a lot, and could only get to know them through the meal.

At that time, Zeng Guofan would hold dinners from time to time and call on his protégés to go to the banquet together, but the purpose was not to communicate feelings for the dinner. When the guests entered the table until they left the table at the end of the meal, Zeng Guofan would always look at them and rate them according to their performance at the table, and this score was very fair, whether it was an acquaintance or a stranger, it was the same.

Zeng Guofan had dinner with his nephew, and after seeing this move, he said: You go home

Once, Zeng Guofan held a dinner party again, and many people came, one of whom was Zeng Guofan's nephew, in order not to lose Zeng Guofan's face, the etiquette action looked like he had been prepared in advance, plus his appearance was thick, giving people a reliable and safe feeling, so the opening of the meal attracted the attention of many people.

Those doormen also knew that this person was the nephew of Zeng Guofan, and they all muttered in their hearts, thinking that he could be appreciated after this meal, and then soared. Zeng Guofan was indeed very satisfied with this nephew at first, and after the dinner was officially eaten, he stared at his nephew for a few times and actually found a problem with his nephew.

It turned out that when his nephew was eating, he found that there was a grain in the bowl, so he picked out the valley and threw it on the table. Rice is rice that is not full of grains, and although it does not look very beautiful, it is edible.

Zeng Guofan had dinner with his nephew, and after seeing this move, he said: You go home

Seeing this, Zeng Guofan was already secretly dissatisfied in his heart, feeling that he was a bit extravagant and wasteful, and behind his back, it was not in line with his honest and generous image, and it was likely that he was a two-faced and three-knife person.

In this way, Zeng Guofan decided to let him go home, not only the people around him were very confused, but his nephew did not know how to offend Zeng Guofan. Therefore, table manners are really important, learn more, maybe give others a good impression at any time, and win more opportunities for yourself.

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