
NBA-Nets 3 Message! The first two-game losing streak of the season, Harden set another record, and Irving appeared in college games

The Nets were previously trapped by the epidemic and were postponed for three consecutive games, but as the triggered players returned one after another, the lineup became neat. But in recent days, after Durant's return, the Nets have lost one after another, and this defeat to the Clippers is also a cold goal, suffering the first two consecutive losses of the season; Harden is still playing well, and setting a record for the first time in team history; Irving cannot participate in the home game, he is not idle, appearing on the sidelines of college games.

NBA-Nets 3 Message! The first two-game losing streak of the season, Harden set another record, and Irving appeared in college games

Facing the Clippers, which lack most of the main players, the Nets still took the initiative at the beginning, playing the Clippers and gradually regained their form, while the Nets could only rely on Durant and Harden to score points, and finally in the last quarter, they were overtaken by the opponent, and they were unable to catch up, losing to the Clippers 116-120 and suffering 2 consecutive losses. In their previous 33 games, the Nets have yet to suffer a losing streak, their first two-game losing streak of the season. Failed to regain the first place in the East, and was pulled away by a win, and the Bucks and Heat behind them also caught up.

NBA-Nets 3 Message! The first two-game losing streak of the season, Harden set another record, and Irving appeared in college games

The key to the loss was Mills' removal, and at this point Durant and Harden reached an agreement, Durant said: "After Mills left the game, the Clippers shouted that we only had two pitchers left, and they were ready to wrap me and Harden. ”

Unexpectedly, Mills became the turning point of the game, playing 32 minutes, 5 of 9 three-pointers to get 17 points, without his fire support on the outside, Harden and Durant's space would also be reduced, unable to better impact opponents. When Harris returns, there will be one more fire point on the outside.

NBA-Nets 3 Message! The first two-game losing streak of the season, Harden set another record, and Irving appeared in college games

Harden played well in this game, playing 40 minutes, shooting 9-of-22 and 13-of-15 from the free throw line, with a triple-double of 34 points, 12 rebounds and 13 assists. This is also Harden's 30+ triple-double in two consecutive games, continuing to break the Nets' record, becoming the first player in the history of the Nets to deliver 30 points and 10 assists in two consecutive 30+ triple-doubles and 4 consecutive games. After triggering the return of the agreement, Harden's state is very hot, averaging 35.5 points, 11 rebounds and 12 assists per game, if it were not for the team's record of only 2 wins and 2 losses, the best in the East would be him.

NBA-Nets 3 Message! The first two-game losing streak of the season, Harden set another record, and Irving appeared in college games

Since Irving has not yet been vaccinated, he can only play away games for the team, and he can only choose to come to the scene of the university game when he cannot watch the ball. It is reported that Owen watched the 22nd seed Villanova University against the 15th seed Seaton Hall University, and the 22nd seed finally advanced.

Now Irving can still use his free time to watch the game, he is also preparing for the return, and it is likely that he will return in the next away game. With Irving, the Nets have more offensive options.

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