
Old Lee's Sweet Troubles (5)

author:Black Earth LMH

Old Lee's Sweet Troubles (5)

Text/Liu Zhenhui

Old Lee's Sweet Troubles (5)

Old Li's state of children is to see in the eyes of the anxious in the heart, and people are often easy to drill into a dead end at this stage, even if the often noisy couple once there is a three long and two short, the other party in a short period of time is still difficult to accept this cold dead silence, not to mention their lifelong love, even if the red face of the thing rarely happens, the law of life, old age and illness and death is a heavenly river after all, leaving one party to evolve into a more conical feeling.

One day when she went home to burn paper, the sensible eldest daughter brought back a small jingba to old Li, and she saw in relevant reports that raising pets helps eliminate the loneliness of the elderly and can passively increase exercise, and old Li is extremely reluctant, muttering in her heart, "Just look at your creation." ”

When he went home again, the young son of Old Li who engaged in IT also brought back an old computer at home in order to find something for his old father to alleviate his loneliness. Taking advantage of a few days of vacation, he simply stayed down, one is to accompany the elderly, and the other is to take advantage of this short few days to teach old Li a simple Internet. Although the rational old Li psychology has some resistance, but in the end did not violate the child's painstaking heart, from the simplest Chinese Pinyin learning, old Li this time thanks to the experience of reading when he was young and not afraid of hardships in less than two days of kung fu basically mastered the reading, writing and pronunciation of pinyin. The son taught him to use the mouse hand in hand, saw the crooked and messy small arrow did not listen to the call, Old Li's stubborn temper was suddenly stimulated, and finally overcame this seemingly simple but not easy problem, and the next thing became much clearer. When the son put the newly installed broadband and computer handwriting board together and did not forget to give him the new QQ number of the new application plus the rest of the children's information before leaving home to work, with the mouse switch, children in the field can appear on the computer screen at any time, old Li's heart can also be slightly comforted.

At the beginning, Lao Li, who learned to surf the Internet, just browsed the news webpage, wandered carelessly, and happened to say a few words of relief when he happened to meet which child was online. The foreign friend application for Old Li is ignored, he is still immersed in his own thoughts of his wife can not extricate himself, a person a dog and a computer has become a combination of ancient and modern civilization in this courtyard.

Cold and summer shuttle back and forth, Old Li's life is monotonously repeated, occasionally go to the children's home to live in the day when they do not plan to go home, they can no longer stay, spring, summer, autumn and winter and the waves of the day are not alarming, time unconsciously does not know where to flow.

One day in April last year, the sun was shining and the sky was blue, and the temperature after the sting could not wait to suddenly jump out of the old high. Old Li, who had drunk a few drinks alone at noon, was slightly drunk, his squinting eyes were drowsy, and he opened the computer boredly. At this time, QQ's small speaker driped, old Li did not see it on the cancellation, but within a few minutes the small horn sounded again, some hot old Li opened the prompt this time, the data shows that it is a 64-year-old woman named "helpless life", old Li has never added a stranger, he still deleted it again without responding. However, the other party was really persevering, and after two minutes the prompt flashed again when Old Li simply pressed the consent. The other party sent a "hello" message and added a smiling icon, idle is also idle, old Li Suo opened the first time in his life to chat with strangers on the Internet. Time flies really fast, before the old Li Internet is purely to cope with time, each time less than half an hour is like sitting on a needle felt, this time until the puppy next to him Wang Wang's urging does not stop he remembered to walk the dog, a look at the time, wow! Unexpectedly, an hour and forty minutes passed, and Old Li said goodbye to each other in a friendly way.

At the same time the next day, less than five minutes after Lao Li turned on the computer, a line of "I miss you" icon popped up in the chat box. For the first time in his life, old Li's face was slightly red, but the content of this conversation was obviously much more open than the first time. On the third and fourth days after that, the story seemed to be pre-designed, the two people were very coincidental and invariably gathered at the other end of the network line, the April wilderness grass warblers flew everything back, the air also wafted with the fragrance of flowers, and the smile of Old Li that had been dormant for a long time began to show some.

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