
What is Bumpy Fat Intestine Powder? What is Bumpy Fat Intestine Powder?

author:The temptation of eating

<h1 class="ql-align-center" >What is the bubble fat sausage powder? </h1>

Fat intestine powder, that is, when the fat intestine powder is cooked, a piece of knotted pig intestines, ginger, green onion, red oil, crispy soybeans, bean sprouts, plum vegetables and other spices are added to the fat intestine powder. Originating from Baijia Town, Shuangliu County, Chengdu, The Fat Sausage Powder integrates the essence of many Sichuan cuisine cooking, breaks the drawbacks of a single snack variety, and forms the characteristics of changeable taste and easy adjustment of a variety of tastes, which can become a professional chutney powder and beef powder with slight improvement...

What is Bumpy Fat Intestine Powder? What is Bumpy Fat Intestine Powder?

Preparation of fatty intestine powder:

Sweet potato starch and batter, put into a special leaky scoop, like a boxing punch, a strip of sweet potato shreds will fall into the boiling hot water, after rolling up, with chopsticks to clip in the cold water ice, and then use the bamboo leak pocket to load the cooked sweet potato vermicelli 200 grams, with 50 grams of mung bean sprouts, put the bamboo leak pocket into the boiling fat intestine soup pot to cook into the flavor, after the pot into another seasoning (salt, monosodium glutamate 5 grams, cooked vegetable oil 10 grams, pepper powder, ginger, chopped green onion 4 grams each, red oil, crispy soybeans 20 grams each, In a large bowl of squeezed vegetables or plum vegetables 25 grams), put in the fat intestine soup cooked pig intestine knot (the knots are generally 5-8 cm long, the price is 1-2 yuan / paragraph) and it is served.

What is Bumpy Fat Intestine Powder? What is Bumpy Fat Intestine Powder?


The fat intestine powder is not simply added to the seasoning, but the use of fragrant, special fat intestine soup soaked noodles, in the process of cooking the fresh flavor is also immersed in the vermicelli, and then into the seasoning, plus soaked fresh vegetables, a bowl of aromatic, nutritious fat intestine powder to make a successful production. The fat intestine powder is also divided into spicy and original taste, spicy spicy and refreshing, white flavor is pleasant, you can also add vinegar in the process of eating, it is a good sour and spicy powder, the fresh aroma of food is refreshing, and the aftertaste is full of aftertaste.

What is Bumpy Fat Intestine Powder? What is Bumpy Fat Intestine Powder?

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