
"Taste of Chengdu": Double-stream festival fat intestine powder, the love of urban people

author:New Literature and Art in the West
"Taste of Chengdu": Double-stream festival fat intestine powder, the love of urban people

Powder is one of the core contents of Chengdu's fast food culture, especially the lunch of public officials, often choose powder as a staple food, anyway, I am such a person, especially when I first came to Chengdu to work, a person to eat the whole family is not hungry in the "aristocratic" era, powder has even become the main theme of my dinner, and among all the powders, Shuangliu Maozi fat intestine powder is the most delicious.

Chengdu people eat fat intestine powder, it is really not to solve the needs of food and clothing, but to relieve the mouth. Therefore, Chengdu's fat intestine powder is particularly popular, especially the Shuangliu Maojiezi fat intestine powder opened in Changshun Lower Street, because of its delicious taste, color and fragrance, it is often full. One Sunday in early winter, I gave up my mother's prepared breakfast and went to this fat sausage powder restaurant to eat, which was also overcrowded.

I am a little interested in Chengdu's food and beverage culture, so I love to appreciate the skills of the masters. When I went to taste the fat intestine powder, I watched carefully from the side, and saw the master grab the flour into the bamboo cage, then add some mung bean sprouts, and put it into the hot soup pot, rotate it 360 degrees to the left, rotate to the right at 360 degrees, and play the bamboo cage in my hand like a rattle. Seeing the master's skillful movements, I think this is not just a simple processing technology, but also an incomparable catering culture, which naturally echoes with the intangible cultural medals hanging on the wall, thus forming a unique song of double-flowing bubbles of fat intestine powder.

After the powder was finished, in addition to adding raw materials such as fat intestines, the master also took out the knots from the vegetable pot and gently put them into the fat intestine powder. Master Tim's knots are very superior, not only clean and bright, but also pure in color, which makes people's appetite increase, so I can't help but shout: "Master, add two more knots to me!" "When the master saw that I was so partial to the knots, it showed that the customer appreciated his products and was particularly happy in his heart, and then he took two more knots and put them sharply into the fat intestine powder that had already come out of the pot.

Seeing the steaming fat intestine powder in front of me, my appetite increased as never before, so I didn't care about eating it, and immediately ate it. When the powder is in the mouth, first a refreshing feeling, then a slight spicy, and then a few bites, the whole body is heated up, and the cold in winter is also swept away. Then, I picked up the knot, put it in my mouth, and took a hard bite, the feeling was soft with delicacy, delicate with the fragrance of the knot. Then, after eating another bite of powder and chewing it with the knot, the refreshing beauty cannot be described in words.

"Taste of Chengdu": Double-stream festival fat intestine powder, the love of urban people

Fat sausage powder aroused my impulse, I would like to take this craft home, and when I have free time on the weekend, I will also make a handful of it myself, and try the production of this section of fat intestine powder. Asked about the master, he did not want to tell me at first, so I first exchanged entrepreneurial history with him, only to learn that in the early 1990s, he went to Shuangliu Maojiezi fat intestine powder to learn art, and waited until he mastered the technology to master, he went to the chain store opened on Taisheng North Road in Chengdu, in 2012, because of the demolition of Taisheng North Road, he moved the store to Changshun Lower Street, which has been open for more than 4 years, and customers have been in full flow every day.

Boss Li told me that their fat intestine powder is different from other stores, red amaranth powder is all pure natural red amaranth powder purchased from Anyue farmhouse, without any additives, and the fat intestine is also ecological pork bought from Ya'an. As the conversation deepened, the feelings got closer and closer, so he told me about the production of double-flowing knotweed fat intestine powder, the first process is to beat the mustard, that is, put the corn starch into cold water and stir evenly, and then put it into boiling water at 100 degrees Celsius, stir it evenly again, and use high temperature to make the lettuce mature; the second process is to put the cooked mustard into a bowl, and then add the appropriate dry powder to make it a semi-finished product, and then squeeze the corn starch into boiling water at about 100 degrees Celsius, and a portion of red amaranth powder is completed The third process is the secret mixing, mainly lung slices, fat intestines, knots, stick bones and other materials, after getting it right, pour it into the pot for boiling until the bone soup is fragrant; the fourth process is to put the prepared shallots, celery, peppercorns, chicken essence and secret red oil and other condiments together into the steaming fat intestine powder, and then stir it evenly so that each amaranth powder can be flavored.

When you hold a bowl of fragrant, delicious and delicious double-flowing bubble fat intestine powder, and you don't have to taste it yourself, you will have a kind of enjoyment of swinging intestines. Really, the colors and flavors are so complete that you can't help but have an appetite.

"Taste of Chengdu": Double-stream festival fat intestine powder, the love of urban people

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