
Chengdu 30 years of fat intestine powder shop, the impostor to sell 3 yuan 1, outsiders every day in a long line to buy

author:Foraging for food

To say which part of the meat on the pig is the most delicious, I believe that every netizen has their own answer, after all, the pig is a treasure all over the body, and almost every place can be made into a variety of delicacies. But if you want to say which part of the pig has the heaviest fishy smell and the most people don't want to eat, then many netizens will definitely say that it is the pig's intestine. Yes, pig intestines in the eyes of many people is a rare delicacy, whether it is soft and sticky taste or full of flavor, so that many netizens are unforgettable, eating is even more difficult to buy a few pounds, eat enough. But there are still some netizens, fundamentally can not accept the pig intestine, because the taste of the pig intestine itself is too smelly, and it is particularly dirty, it is difficult to handle it can be thoroughly cleaned, if it is a little sloppy, the taste of the pig intestine can make everyone prohibitive.

Chengdu 30 years of fat intestine powder shop, the impostor to sell 3 yuan 1, outsiders every day in a long line to buy

But today I'm going to talk to you about this small food shop that has been open in Chengdu for many years and has always been very famous. Their fat sausage powder is one of the most reputable powder shops in Chengdu, and every day you can see a lot of diners waiting in line. In fact, fat intestine powder whether in the south or the north, is a very common special cuisine, many people who like to eat powder are quite fond of eating fat intestine powder, the essence of fat intestine powder is mainly in the overall taste and fat intestine taste, its own greasy taste with refreshing fans, this feeling does not know how many foodies are fascinated.

Chengdu 30 years of fat intestine powder shop, the impostor to sell 3 yuan 1, outsiders every day in a long line to buy

This store from the opening to now, at least has been a full 30 years, their store is not very large, those for diners to eat small tables and small benches are placed in the aisle outside the store, the environment is not very good, but the sanitary conditions are still passable, so the customers who come here to eat are still very assured, even if some people have eaten enough wine and food, when passing by this store, they will be attracted by their fat intestine powder, buy a bowl to go home and eat slowly.

Chengdu 30 years of fat intestine powder shop, the impostor to sell 3 yuan 1, outsiders every day in a long line to buy

Their family's fat intestines do taste quite good, first of all, this fat intestines are handled very clean, basically no odor, all the fat intestines themselves of the kind of fragrance, in addition, this vermicelli is also cooked just right, will not be very sticky, the roots are clear at the same time very chewy, with a rich fat, soft taste of the fat intestine is simply a taste of enjoyment ah.

Chengdu 30 years of fat intestine powder shop, the impostor to sell 3 yuan 1, outsiders every day in a long line to buy

However, the pricing of this store is indeed a little more expensive, a mole will be three pieces, a bowl of normal size fat intestine powder is also 14 pieces, this amount alone, but the cost performance is not very high, now the locals eat less, admired by the foreigners are particularly many, every day a long queue. Interested friends can try it!

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