
One Piece: From the Kaido Regiment, it can be seen that the subordinates who rely on force will only be "burdensome"

Hello everyone, I'm a little spider.

Entering the new world is only, whether it is the Four Emperors or ordinary pirates, in order to be able to strengthen their own strength has always been a state of recruitment, but people's hearts are separated, and you never know whether your subordinates are the same heart.

In the world of One Piece, many people have never worried about the appearance of traitors among their subordinates, but often at this time, many people are unconsciously betraying their former bosses, some people may be deliberate, and some people are pushing the wall down.

One Piece: From the Kaido Regiment, it can be seen that the subordinates who rely on force will only be "burdensome"

Comparatively speaking, several of the Four Emperors Pirate Regiment really did not need to think about this matter, after all, the way they recruited the crew was completely different from what we usually see.

1. Big Mama's centrifugal detachment

Big Mama's Pirate Regiment is a real negative teaching material, in order to be able to consolidate its own position, Basically all the high-level members of Big Mama's Pirate Regiment are their own children.

Originally, the aunt thought that this would strengthen her position, but who knows, because she can't level the bowl of water, and sometimes the way of doing things is not considered.

So many times they have not been able to make their children feel a sense of belonging, starting with Lola who is encountered by the three ships of terror, to after Luffy enters the world. The children who once wanted to escape from Big Mama also left All of Them in this turmoil.

One Piece: From the Kaido Regiment, it can be seen that the subordinates who rely on force will only be "burdensome"

Of course, there is much more to it than that. The reason why Fishman Island became the territory of Big Mama was originally to help herself through the identity of The Four Emperors of Big Mama, who knew that Big Mama brought tyranny.

There is also Capenbergi, the son-in-law of Big Mama, who also betrayed Big Mama in the end. However, those children who are reused by the big mother are still around the big mother.

One Piece: From the Kaido Regiment, it can be seen that the subordinates who rely on force will only be "burdensome"

2. The moody Kaido

One of Kaido's favorite things to do as the Fourth Emperor is to drink, and once he drinks, things often happen, of course, in the early years, following Kaido's subordinates was already very accustomed.

However, most of Kaido's subordinates are based on their own force, such as Apu who previously defected to himself, and Hawkins who later rebelled against the water in battle, and Kaido is a man who likes to solve things by force.

One Piece: From the Kaido Regiment, it can be seen that the subordinates who rely on force will only be "burdensome"

What kind of bad things will this bring, that is, Kaido's incident in the Kingdom of Peace this time will inevitably lead to his own defeat, but how many of those former subordinates can continue to follow Kaido in the end, this is a difficult thing to say, after all, Apu has begun the anti-water road and is ready to leave with the barbarians.

One Piece: From the Kaido Regiment, it can be seen that the subordinates who rely on force will only be "burdensome"

3. Whitebeard to subdue people with virtue

Whitebeard is a strong man of the old era, a figure of the same era as Roger, and many people have great respect for Whitebeard.

But just as the so-called people have their own ambitions, even if a figure like Whitebeard reaches the peak, he does not pursue the footsteps of One Piece, after all, for Whitebeard, what he needs is the warmth of the family.

One Piece: From the Kaido Regiment, it can be seen that the subordinates who rely on force will only be "burdensome"

It is also because of the misfortune of childhood that the current Whitebeard, the members of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment are all younger crew members, many of whom call Whitebeard Daddy.

Because Whitebeard is a true father, no matter which of his subordinates, it is very important to himself, even when he is in the war at the top, he is penetrated by Skuyad's sword, but Whitebeard is not angry, he just sees Skuyad as an ignorant child. It is also because of such a father that the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment will become a benchmark of the times.

One Piece: From the Kaido Regiment, it can be seen that the subordinates who rely on force will only be "burdensome"

4. Curiosity-driven Luffy

When Luffy recruited his partners in the early stage, it can be said that it was disorderly, no matter what kind of people hoped to join their own team, if it was not blocked by others, presumably the Straw Hat Pirate Regiment at this time was already a pirate regiment of all races.

One Piece: From the Kaido Regiment, it can be seen that the subordinates who rely on force will only be "burdensome"

In the later stage, Luffy was already quite cautious when recruiting his partners, first of all, not all people with very strange looks could become his partners, and secondly, when looking at his partners, he would also think about his ability and whether his personality could get along with himself.

Many of Luffy's friends actually had a story with themselves, in which we were able to grasp the personality of each person, and finally everyone was impressed by Luffy's charm.

One Piece: From the Kaido Regiment, it can be seen that the subordinates who rely on force will only be "burdensome"

To sum up: just like Hawkeye's evaluation of Luffy, Luffy has the most precious strength in the world, and he can infect everyone around him and eventually become the pillar of everyone.

In fact, this is also luffy through his personal charm and sincerity to people, the force is only a temporary way to make people submit, in fact, the real partner is still honest.

As for why he didn't write Shanks, because he is deeply trusted by his partners, so there is no need to say more about him Ha!

One Piece: From the Kaido Regiment, it can be seen that the subordinates who rely on force will only be "burdensome"

That's all there is to it, and fans who have different opinions on this can also leave a message to discuss. I'm a little spider, a fan who likes to talk about anime and collect handmade, like to pay attention to me, we'll see you next time! Text: Little Spider

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