
One Piece 1047 Episode: Which One Piece Has the Most Potential? The pheasant's choice is the answer

In the latest few issues of One Piece's comics, we all saw the ugliness of the four emperors, whether it was Big Mama or Kaido, all of them were hammered by the supernova, especially Big Mom, who simply lost the face of the Four Emperors, was rubbed by Kidd and Luo, and there was no room for counterattack, and was directly thrown into the sea, so that Big Mama was out of the battle of Ghost Island, such a big mother has been spat at by many people, obviously the performance in the world is invincible, the performance in the country of Peace, but it is ugly, even the Four Emperors regiment has such a miserable character, So the question is, which pirate group has the greatest potential? Let's analyze it together.

One Piece 1047 Episode: Which One Piece Has the Most Potential? The pheasant's choice is the answer


The Hundred Beasts have no future

If you are talking about the Hundred Beasts Regiment, I advise you to flee as soon as possible, because the Hundred Beasts Regiment is a weak slag team, at the beginning I admitted that their pressure is very high, three disasters and one kick to fly the Big Mama Regiment, the six sons also showed majesty, according to the reason, the people of the Straw Hat Regiment are not opponents at all, but the result is really embarrassing, the six sons are overturned, the three plagues are seconds, the barbarians rebel, basically collapsed, such a hundred beast regiments, can be called a team with no future, not as good as the team of the big mother.

One Piece 1047 Episode: Which One Piece Has the Most Potential? The pheasant's choice is the answer


The Bucky Regiment was good, but unfortunately he was somewhat disappointing

Bucky's team I think is also good, because Bucky has been quietly working in recent years, looking for treasure everywhere, the team is getting bigger and bigger, if Big Mama and Kaido are defeated, then Bucky's team is basically a large team in the Pirate world, and Bucky's interpersonal relationship is really good, and the redhead is a good buddy, have a care. It is a pity that Bucky is not angry, has invincible fruits, but he is bent on digging for treasures, ignoring the outside world, and if there is an ambitious pirate, he will not board his ship.

One Piece 1047 Episode: Which One Piece Has the Most Potential? The pheasant's choice is the answer


The pheasant's choice is the answer

In the end, it is actually the Blackbeard team, their team is actually the most potential, first of all, two reasons, one is that Blackbeard is currently a double fruit ability, his team is the person who pushed out of the city prison, the strength is at least the level of the Seven Martial Seas, Blackbeard's influence is also getting bigger and bigger, everyone hears his name, they are afraid of three points. The second is the addition of the pheasant, which makes the Blackbeard Regiment more famous, and the arrival of the former Admiral Green Pheasant is undoubtedly to strengthen the power of the Blackbeard Regiment.

One Piece 1047 Episode: Which One Piece Has the Most Potential? The pheasant's choice is the answer

Pheasant chose to join the Blackbeard Regiment, the purpose is to consult the information, and can use Blackbeard's reputation to dig up some secret information, after all, with blackbeard's protection, no one dares to stop the pheasant, of course, in the current pirate world, there are not many people who can match the pheasant, but the underground dark world is probably much more complicated than we think. The pheasant also knows what it means to hug each other, and the pheasant also sees that the Blackbeard Group has potential and will join, otherwise there is no way to explain why he did not join other people's teams, in the case of the same strength level, Blackbeard is the best choice.

One Piece 1047 Episode: Which One Piece Has the Most Potential? The pheasant's choice is the answer

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