
The tragic moment of the Battle of Moscow: Army Group Center retreated in full swing, and the Soviets fought back strongly

The German offensive against Moscow officially began in October 1941. If normal, the offensive was supposed to take place in September, but the Battle of Kiev delayed the Germans some time. It stands to reason that the Germans should end the Battle of Moscow at this moment and wait for the next spring. But the Germans, believing that they would not fail, challenged the Soviets and winters in Moscow.

The tragic moment of the Battle of Moscow: Army Group Center retreated in full swing, and the Soviets fought back strongly

At this moment, the Soviet army began a nationwide mobilization for war, and tens of millions of reserves were mobilized. It was they who built an insurmountable line of defense in Moscow. The Moscow winter of 1941 was the coldest winter in Moscow in the past hundred years, with temperatures of minus forty or fifty degrees. This was clearly something the Germans could not have foreseen.

The tragic moment of the Battle of Moscow: Army Group Center retreated in full swing, and the Soviets fought back strongly

The Germans were severely short of warm clothing and at the same time lacked spirits. In such a cold winter, the Germans could not even get food and could only go to the battlefield hungry. The German Army Group Center attacked desperately for two days, and could not hold on any longer. As the night passed, half of the German soldiers in the trenches did not wake up. The German trenches were always filled with water at noon.

After entering December, the sound of artillery fire has been frozen silently. The Soviet counteroffensive soon arrived. The Germans, on the other hand, were ordered to retreat 100 kilometers from the front. The Germans at the front watched as the white roof of the Moscow Cathedral faded in fascination.

The tragic moment of the Battle of Moscow: Army Group Center retreated in full swing, and the Soviets fought back strongly

Soon the retreat turned into a rout. It was not until the Lezhev Line that the Germans stabilized their positions. What do you think?

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