
How powerful is Li Ruidong, Cixi's personal bodyguard? Huo Yuanjia conceded defeat before he shot it, why is this?

How powerful is Li Ruidong, Cixi's personal bodyguard? Huo Yuanjia conceded defeat before he shot it, why is this?


Zhu Yuanzhang, who established the Ming Dynasty in ancient China, and Zhao Kuangyin, who established the Song Dynasty, have one of the biggest differences that is "heavy martial arts and light literature". In history, many people believe that the Manchu Qing dynasty is stronger than the Mongolian Yuan; if we talk about martial rule, the Qing Dynasty is stronger than the Yuan Dynasty. Generally speaking, our ancient China was very revered martial arts, and since the ancient imperial court had a liberal arts and sciences, the pillars of the pillars that were selected formed to support the country. Therefore, looking back at the dynasties and dynasties, the ancients learned martial arts since childhood, and in the last years of the Qing Dynasty, there were still many people who still learned martial arts, so naturally some people who learned martial arts would have some people competing, but what would happen when two peerless masters dueled? How powerful is Li Ruidong, Cixi's personal bodyguard? When he met Huo Yuanjia, he conceded defeat before he could shoot Huo Yuanjia, why is this?

How powerful is Li Ruidong, Cixi's personal bodyguard? Huo Yuanjia conceded defeat before he shot it, why is this?

A generation of heroes Huo Yuanjia

In 1901, the Russian Hercules Skifanlov arrogantly threatened to defeat all the martial arts masters in China. However, Huo Yuanjia is a person who knows how to be humble and tolerant, so he privately made a contest with Skilov, and the other party was completely convinced, so when it came to the official game, the Russian Hercules Skifanlov flinched, cowering and saying that he had come to perform, and the previous words were blown over his head, hoping that everyone would be Haihan. In 1906, Huo Yuanjia unfortunately had to run to the Haihe Wharf of Huaiqing Medicine Stack in tianjin to make a living in order to make a living, and found a rough job of moving goods as a porter.

How powerful is Li Ruidong, Cixi's personal bodyguard? Huo Yuanjia conceded defeat before he shot it, why is this?

Huo Yuanjia was born with divine power to learn martial arts from an early age, and soon he was well known to the big guys. After a long time there, Huo Yuanjia encountered a bully named Jin Daguan, who often bullied handymen who could not do martial arts and were honest, and Huo Yuanjia, who was hot-blooded fanggang, was most unaccustomed to this kind of bullying and hegemonic person, so he issued a battle book to Jin Daguan, and the difference in strength between the two was huge, and the results of the test could be imagined. After Jin Daguan was beaten, he was unconvinced but helpless, so he thought that he could borrow Li Ruidong's hand to shame himself, so he said harshly to Huo Yuanjia: "What is it to beat me, if you have the ability, go to my brother Li Ruidong to try it, he will be able to beat you within three moves, you will kneel on the ground and tell you to recognize your grandson."

One of the top ten masters, Li Ruidong

Huo Yuanjia, who was flesh and blood, couldn't stand Jinda's radical method and agreed to it, and afterwards Huo Yuanjia knew that he was talking about one of the top ten masters in the capital. Li Ruidong, the bodyguard of the current Empress Dowager Cixi. Huo Yuanjia thought that since this person could be the royal bodyguard of Empress Dowager Cixi, he must have been very skilled. However, since the words were spoken, they could not be taken back, so they decided to try it with Li Ruidong. Li Ruidong is a native of Wuqing County, Tianjin, his father is a county and town official, and his family also runs a medicine shop, good land and real estate. Li Ruidong is not worried about wearing snacks, his family situation is much better than Huo Yuanjia, he has been obsessed with martial arts since he was a child, and he only wants to practice martial arts well. He went to Shaolin to practice basic skills in his childhood, and when he grew up, he learned boxing from the martial arts masters of Hebei Province, and then became acquainted with the guidance of the Great Dao King Wushen, and had a certain attainment in martial arts, and then learned martial arts with many martial arts masters.

How powerful is Li Ruidong, Cixi's personal bodyguard? Huo Yuanjia conceded defeat before he shot it, why is this?

In terms of martial arts, he was gifted from an early age, coupled with his diligent study and hard training, inheriting the strengths of many sects, gathering the strengths of the crowd and avoiding the shortcomings of the crowd, and even more integrated and created a set of Li's Taijiquan methods, becoming a leader in the field of martial arts. Later, Li Ruidong was appreciated by Zai Yi at the Duanwang Mansion and made him a martial artist under him, ordering him to perform martial arts performances on Cixi's sixtieth birthday, and finally the four surprises won Cixi's favor, and he was instantly named a guard with a sword. Later, the situation was turbulent, and Li Ruidong also returned to his hometown of Wuqing County to teach people to learn martial arts.

A showdown between masters

At this time, Li Ruidong was teaching his apprentice to learn martial arts in the courtyard of his hometown, and Huo Yuanjia was young and vigorous and directly broke in. And Li Ruidong knew at a glance that Huo Yuanjia was coming, and first stopped what he was doing and welcomed Huo Yuanjia into the house to greet him well. After Huo Yuanjia explained his intentions, he did not respond immediately. Instead, let Huo Yuanjia tell his martial arts training experience, and after patiently listening to it, he thought of a set of martial arts methods, and Huo Yuanjia launched an attack to kick three feet at will, and if Li Ruidong's feet moved in the slightest, he would lose.

How powerful is Li Ruidong, Cixi's personal bodyguard? Huo Yuanjia conceded defeat before he shot it, why is this?

After huo Yuanjia heard this, he felt that this method was Li Ruidong looking down on himself. But after the agreement was completed, Huo Yuanjia decided to go all out to make Li Ruidong regret it, so without saying a word, he went straight to Li Ruidong's upper body and kicked him with all his strength, only to see that he was first soft enough to bend his body into a bow shape like a marshmallow, and sure enough, this foot was caught by Li Ruidong with a soft ke, and his feet were still motionless and stable like Mount Tai. At the second foot, Huo Yuanjia thought about the last kick on the opponent's one foot, but Li Ruidong's feet were like a pile on the ground, and his foot did not let the other party move in the slightest.

How powerful is Li Ruidong, Cixi's personal bodyguard? Huo Yuanjia conceded defeat before he shot it, why is this?

When Huo Yuanjia wanted to continue with the third foot, Li Ruidong issued a warning: "Little Brother Huo, you should be careful, as soon as this third foot comes out, I will definitely make you not take it back!" ”。 As soon as this remark came out, Huo Yuanjia stopped, in fact, Li Ruidong's martial arts were unpredictable, and Huo Yuanjia understood in his heart after kicking two feet. Huo Yuanjia knew that he was not Li Ruidong's opponent at all, and in the end, Huo Yuanjia conceded defeat and chose to shake hands with Li Ruidong and make peace, and a duel between masters ended silently.


The historical Huo Yuanjia, a lifelong chivalrous hero, was a famous patriotic martial artist in the last years of the Qing Dynasty. Chinese martial arts have a long history, and poets often praise the subtlety of martial arts in poems, such as Cao Zhi's "flying fox with his hands up, leaning over and scattering horses' hooves." Or Li Bai's "ten steps to kill one person, thousands of miles do not stay." "Both express the breadth and depth of martial arts. For us in modern times, martial arts is also a highly self-defensive technique, widely used, and is an excellent cultural heritage that the Chinese people have accumulated in the long course of history.

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