
For the good of the child, deliberately put the glasses low? Doctors remind you that it is a mistake

Reporter Xu Ruijie Correspondent Pei Nisheng

For the good of the child, deliberately put the glasses low? Doctors remind you that it is a mistake

In order to make the child "good", Ms. Qin gave her son, who had 300-degree myopia, a pair of 200-degree glasses, and did not expect that in just 6 months, the child's degree had risen to 400 degrees.

Half a year ago, Fan Fan found himself unable to see the blackboard clearly, thinking that the child was a myopic Ms. Qin, and took Fan Fan to the optical shop near his home for inspection. The inspection results show that Fan Fan has 300 degrees of myopia, thinking that only 9 years old Fan Fan has 300 degrees of myopia, does not want to let the child's myopia grow too fast Ms. Qin, heard that the degree of glasses with a lower degree, can make the growth rate of myopia a little slower, so he gave Fan Fan a pair of glasses of 200 degrees.

Taking advantage of the New Year's Day holiday, I thought about checking it again, and the results of the test showed that FanFan's myopia degree rose to 400 degrees. Ms. Qin was shocked to see the test results.

When she learned that Ms. Qin had given her children glasses that were lower than the actual degree, the doctor explained that the eyes of adolescents and children are in a period of development, the visual function of both eyes is unstable, and the children wearing glasses with insufficient degrees will make the eyes always be in a state of myopia. In the long run, this can lead to insufficient adjustment of both eyes, causing eye fatigue, accelerated growth of myopia and other eye problems. The principle of myopia matching is to obtain the lowest degree of myopia with the clearest corrected vision, rather than sacrificing the best corrected vision, artificially reducing the degree of undercorrected glasses.

The doctor reminds that after the child's vision declines, he should first go to a professional eye hospital for examination, check for eye diseases, and conduct a "true and false myopia" examination to alleviate the strong regulation and spasm of the ciliary muscle through mydriasis, so that the refraction degree is more accurate. Treat children myopic, parents should correctly understand, if the child has myopia, do not reject wearing glasses, myopic eyes are like sick people, do not treat it to continue to work, will only be more serious. If vision decreases when wearing glasses, determine whether glasses need to be changed under the guidance of a doctor. Children and adolescents with myopia should listen to the doctor's advice in professional medical places, and parents cannot decide freely.

Source: Wuhan Radio and Television Station

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