
The Japanese army sent 700,000 people to attack the city, and the general resisted for 6 years and wiped out 110,000 Japanese troops

Nowadays, with the advancement of science and technology, the news media has gradually developed. Our country is getting stronger, so we can be at peace. Work with peace of mind every day, watch movies or sleep on weekends, meet holidays, and take your family to different cities to experience other people's lives.

However, through the media dissemination, we also know that in the world, people in Syria, Ukraine and other countries are suffering at this moment. Their homes were devastated by war and they had no place to stay. It may be at this moment that they are facing separation from their loved ones or watching their hard-earned homes being destroyed.

The Japanese army sent 700,000 people to attack the city, and the general resisted for 6 years and wiped out 110,000 Japanese troops

The effects of war are frightening. Those who, at the snap of their fingers, say that there should be a war between a certain country and a certain country really do not understand the cruelty of war. When you really face that day, it is as if you are facing a wall that falls on you, which makes people feel extremely frightened, but there is no way to stop it. At the same time, war means economic regression. In the past, war meant the loss of large numbers of people. Now, war means a lot of economic loss.

But that doesn't mean we're fleeing war. At a time when our nation is under threat, every person with lofty ideals should do what he can to make the greatest contribution to our country. The dignity of the state does not allow for the slightest harm, the territory of the state does not allow the slightest violation, and the citizens of our country are not allowed to be treated by any unjust alien.

In modern times, our country has also suffered from the invasion of war. After the Meiji Restoration, Japan's economy developed somewhat. Under the impetus of some radical ideas, Japan has launched a war of aggression against our country. The whole of Japan had lost its mind at that time. It is obviously unrealistic for them to try to gradually expand from a small island nation to the whole world and then re-establish the global order. But at that time, Japan had no reason to speak of, and in Japan, from the emperor to the people, all that came to mind was expansion, expansion, and changing the global pattern!

The Japanese army sent 700,000 people to attack the city, and the general resisted for 6 years and wiped out 110,000 Japanese troops

This goal was ultimately a fiasco, and japan suffered one defeat after another on the world battlefield, and Japan's domestic economy could no longer support the long fronts everywhere, and the resistance of the people of the world made them retreat one after another. But before that, our country suffered from the extreme hardships of war.

Changsha, Hunan, is an ancient city with a history of thousands of years. The excellent geographical conditions have cultivated the beautiful scenery here, and it is also the hometown of historical celebrities such as Zhang Zhongjing and Zhu Xi. It is rich in products and is located in an important geographical location in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, whether from the perspective of transportation, economy, or culture, this is an important city.

On the eve of the Japanese decision to launch an attack on Changsha, Chiang Kai-shek gathered his subordinates and held a military conference. In this meeting, his main topics were: 1. Should Changsha be protected? 2. How to protect Changsha.

The Japanese army sent 700,000 people to attack the city, and the general resisted for 6 years and wiped out 110,000 Japanese troops

Of course, if there is a negative attitude towards the first question, then there is no second problem. At that time, Japan was expanding wildly in our country, and in order to provide war resources, Japan frantically grabbed resources in the areas already occupied by China. It can be said that the loss of every inch of China's land at that time meant the loss of a large number of resources and the enhancement of Japan's military strength. If Changsha fell into their hands again, it would undoubtedly add another difficulty to defending the remaining territory.

At that time, our military strength was actually far weaker than That of Japan. Although Chiang Kai-shek had previously generously thrown his elite into the battlefield, these elites suffered heavy losses under the three-dimensional attack of the Japanese army. At this time, facing Changsha, perhaps Chiang Kai-shek had already made a decision in his heart. And this military conference, at best, is only a process. Later, chiang kai-shek proposed the "scorched earth policy", that is, to abandon Changsha and destroy the city at the same time, which can be seen in his attitude. But, after all, this was his personal opinion, and he convened the meeting in order to get a so-called "democratic" evaluation.

The Japanese army sent 700,000 people to attack the city, and the general resisted for 6 years and wiped out 110,000 Japanese troops

At the meeting, some generals proposed to abandon Changsha and move to Hengyang. The so-called strategic retreat is undoubtedly to disregard the safety of the people of Changsha. However, at that time, some people also proposed to defend to the death, and the most resolute attitude was Xue Yue, who was stationed in the Two Lakes region. At that time, his attitude was to give up his life to defend Changsha: if he won the war, then he would disobey his orders and naturally be shot; if he lost the war, then he would die to thank the country. In any case, it was a death, and his generosity made his subordinates immediately clear the shadow of the successive defeats of the domestic national army, and immediately raised their spirits.

Xue Yue's name came from his father's expectations. His father's most respected person was General Yue Fei, so he named his son Xue Yangyue, and later he himself changed his name to Xue Yue. Later it turned out that he was worthy of the name!

The Japanese army sent 700,000 people to attack the city, and the general resisted for 6 years and wiped out 110,000 Japanese troops

From the beginning of the war, Xue Yue did not have to be in danger, staying with his subordinates every day. This is different from many other Nationalist generals, when the Japanese soldiers had not yet started a war, and many Nationalist generals fled Changsha with their families. Xue Yue's approach made his subordinates see the spirit of the spirit, not only once he died, he would have to defend this city!

But General Xue knew that everyone has parents, and the lives of every Chinese child are precious. Therefore, he was guided on the front line during the war, and as soon as the artillery fire stopped, he personally inspected the terrain and understood the enemy situation. In this way, under his insistence, combined with the original Heavenly Furnace Tactics, Pocket Array, etc., the Japanese army attacked Changsha three times without failing, and suffered heavy casualties. At the same time, Xue Yue's persistence had also reached a state of desperation--Changsha was about to be unable to hold on.

The Japanese army sent 700,000 people to attack the city, and the general resisted for 6 years and wiped out 110,000 Japanese troops

When the Japanese army attacked Changsha for the fourth time, General Xue tried his best, but finally lost Changsha. However, this war lasted for 6 years, annihilating 110,000 Japanese troops, which is the general who has suppressed the Japanese army the most in history, which is General Xue! Although this battle was eventually lost, General Xue's spirit inspired more people.

Unfortunately, Xue Yue's old age was not very smooth. He followed the Chiang family to Taiwan and gave him a fictitious position, but he never had real power. In tainan, he had nothing to do every day and eventually died in 1998. The funeral is very simple, simple enough to make people sigh: a generation of gods of war, the funeral is so sloppy!

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