
Defeated Belgium, Zheng Wei is still investigating! As soon as the rotation changed, it collapsed, and she was still hesitating who to bring!

author:Carry the weight forward

Zheng Wei's inspection trip: the story behind the warm-up game of the women's basketball draft

In the match between the women's basketball team and Belgium, everyone saw a slightly out of control situation. At the beginning of the game, the women's basketball team performed okay, but in the second and third quarters, the situation completely changed. The scoring was not good, and the defense was full of holes, which eventually led to the women's basketball team being completely suppressed. What's going on? Let's find out.

Defeated Belgium, Zheng Wei is still investigating! As soon as the rotation changed, it collapsed, and she was still hesitating who to bring!

The second and third sections of the crash: What's the problem?

It's hard to imagine that the turning point of the game turned out to be the second and third quarters. The women's basketball team's scoring is simply worrying, and the defense is even more useless. Why is this so? In fact, Coach Zheng Wei is still inspecting the players, and she is still hesitating who to take to Belgium. As a result, there were various attempts and changes in the game, but the results did not achieve the expected results.

Defeated Belgium, Zheng Wei is still investigating! As soon as the rotation changed, it collapsed, and she was still hesitating who to bring!

Consistent performance of the starters

Although it was a bit of a disappointment, we couldn't ignore the consistency of the starters either. Although Li Yueru and Li Meng were absent, the other players withstood the pressure. Especially Han Xu, Huang Sijing and Sun Mengran, their performances are worthy of praise.

Han Xu, as Asia's No. 1 insider, is still on the line. Whether it's defending or attacking, she can stabilize the morale of the army. Sun Mengran's performance is also quite eye-catching, and her shooting rate has been very high in the warm-up game, which can be called a stable battery for the women's basketball team.

Huang Sijing's surprise return

The most surprising thing is Huang Sijing. She didn't play in the previous game, but when she came back from this game, her role in the number four position was immediately apparent. In the first quarter, she was eye-catching, and her defense was full of suppression. With her return, she will be in better shape.

Defeated Belgium, Zheng Wei is still investigating! As soon as the rotation changed, it collapsed, and she was still hesitating who to bring!

The troubles of an uncertain lineup

However, the headache is that the women's basketball team has not yet been decided. The lineup is not well coordinated, and there are frequent mistakes. It's no wonder that Coach Zheng Wei has been inspecting Wu Tongtong to see if she is suitable to take to Belgium. But judging from this match, Wu Tongtong's performance was a bit disappointing. Not to mention the iron on the offensive end, there are also leaks on the defensive end. She lost her explosiveness after the injury, which made her future a little uncertain. Maybe she'll lose the election?

The performance of other players

In addition to the core players, the performance of others is also worth mentioning. Zhang Ru and Jin Weina each played for a few minutes, while Tang Ziting did not play. In the second quarter, Coach Zheng Wei arranged for some small players to play, and as a result, both offensive and defensive ends collapsed. If Li Yueru and Li Meng are still unable to play, the run-in of the women's basketball team will definitely continue.

Defeated Belgium, Zheng Wei is still investigating! As soon as the rotation changed, it collapsed, and she was still hesitating who to bring!

Prospects for the future

Next, the women's basketball team will go to Australia to see if Li Yueru and Li Meng can play at that time. If they are still unable to play, the system of the women's basketball team may still be difficult to determine.

The match between the women's basketball team and Belgium showed us the interweaving of dreams and reality. Every player is fighting for their dreams, but the reality has made them have to face various challenges. Coach Zheng Wei's inspection continues, and the final squad will also be revealed. Regardless of the outcome, the hard work and perseverance of these players will be an invaluable asset in their careers.

Defeated Belgium, Zheng Wei is still investigating! As soon as the rotation changed, it collapsed, and she was still hesitating who to bring!

The world of basketball is always full of possibilities and hopes. Every game, every training session, is a journey for these players to chase their dreams. I look forward to the women's basketball team in the future arena, showing stronger strength and better cooperation, bringing us more wonderful performances.

Coach Zheng Wei's inspection journey is not over yet, and the future of the women's basketball team is still being adjusted and explored. It's not just about the tactical layout of the team, it's also about the career and dreams of each player.

Defeated Belgium, Zheng Wei is still investigating! As soon as the rotation changed, it collapsed, and she was still hesitating who to bring!

The devil is in the details: how are the players performing?

Let's take a closer look at the performance of the players in the game. Han Xu's inner dominance is undoubted, and she is almost the pinnacle of the women's basketball team. Whenever the team struggled, she stepped up and gave hope to the team when it mattered. Every block, every rebound, is injecting confidence and strength into the team.

Sun Mengran is like a cannon ready to go, and her long-range and mid-range shots are very consistent. This kind of stable output at critical moments is what the team needs most. Her high shooting percentage in the warm-up games gave the coaching staff and her teammates a lot of confidence.

Huang Sijing's return is indeed eye-catching. Not only can she put pressure on the defensive end, but she can also find the right open shots on the offensive end. Her versatile ability gives the women's basketball team more tactical options. Her rebound in form is a milestone for the overall improvement of the team.

Defeated Belgium, Zheng Wei is still investigating! As soon as the rotation changed, it collapsed, and she was still hesitating who to bring!

Wu Tongtong's future: a dilemma

Wu Tongtong's situation is somewhat complicated. Her injury affected her explosiveness, causing her to perform less than expected in the game. She made frequent mistakes on the court, and there were a lot of leaks on the defensive end. This left the coaching staff a little hesitant about her future. Should you take her to Belgium or not? It was a difficult decision.

But I have to say that Wu Tongtong's confrontation ability is still worthy of recognition. Defensively, she can still cause some problems for opponents. She may need time to recover and adjust, but time is especially precious in such a tight preparation period.

Defeated Belgium, Zheng Wei is still investigating! As soon as the rotation changed, it collapsed, and she was still hesitating who to bring!

The troubles of lineup adjustments: the test of small players

In this game, we also saw multiple lineup adjustments from Coach Zheng Wei. In the second quarter, she put some smaller players on the court, and as a result, there were problems on both ends of the floor. The flexibility of the smaller players is good, but the disadvantage on the defensive end is exposed when facing tall opponents.

This attempt to adjust the lineup is to find the best combination and the best tactical plan. But in practice, the effect is not ideal. This also poses a new challenge for the coaching staff: how to find the most suitable combination of lineups in a limited time?

Defeated Belgium, Zheng Wei is still investigating! As soon as the rotation changed, it collapsed, and she was still hesitating who to bring!

The absence of key players: Li Yueru and Li Meng's return is expected

The absence of Li Yueru and Li Meng is undoubtedly the biggest hidden danger of the women's basketball team at present. The state and return time of these two core players directly affect the overall tactics and coordination of the team. If they can make a comeback in the trip to Australia, the overall strength of the women's basketball team will be greatly improved.

Li Yueru's interior deterrence and Li Meng's outside firepower are important pillars of the team's offense and defense. Their return will not only enhance the team's combat effectiveness, but also boost the confidence and morale of their teammates.

Defeated Belgium, Zheng Wei is still investigating! As soon as the rotation changed, it collapsed, and she was still hesitating who to bring!

Future prospects: the run-in and improvement of the women's basketball team

The next games and training will be a critical period for the women's basketball team to run in and improve. Coach Zheng Wei and her team need to find the best tactical plan and the most suitable lineup combination during this time. Every player also needs to find their best form in training and games to prepare for the upcoming tournament.

Basketball is a team sport, and the individual's brilliance is important, but the overall cooperation and tacit understanding are the keys to winning the game. Every player in the women's basketball team is working hard for their dreams and the honor of the team. Every effort they make is to lay a solid foundation for the future.

Defeated Belgium, Zheng Wei is still investigating! As soon as the rotation changed, it collapsed, and she was still hesitating who to bring!

The persistence and hard work of the players

Despite the disappointing result, we can't ignore the persistence and hard work of the players on the pitch. They are undaunted by tough opponents and constantly adjust their form to make a breakthrough in each round. The performances of Han Xu, Huang Sijing, Sun Mengran and other players are the best interpretation of their basketball dreams.

Coaching staff adjustments and strategies

The coaching staff's adjustments and strategies during the game are also part of the game. While some lineup combinations don't work well, these attempts are all about finding the optimal solution. Coach Zheng Wei and her team need to constantly sum up lessons and lessons in the competition to be more fully prepared for the next competition.

Defeated Belgium, Zheng Wei is still investigating! As soon as the rotation changed, it collapsed, and she was still hesitating who to bring!

The return of Li Yueru and Li Meng is what everyone is looking forward to. Their presence not only improves the overall strength of the team, but also boosts the confidence and morale of their teammates. I hope they can recover as soon as possible, get back on the court, and bring more victories and glory to the women's basketball team.

Basketball is a sport full of passion and challenges, and every offense and defense is a test for the players. Every member of the women's basketball team is fighting for their dreams. Every run, every jump, every shot they make is their pursuit of their dreams and their desire to win.

Defeated Belgium, Zheng Wei is still investigating! As soon as the rotation changed, it collapsed, and she was still hesitating who to bring!

No matter how difficult the road ahead is, every member of the women's basketball team will go on firmly. Their dreams will not stop, and their efforts will not be in vain. Let's cheer for the women's basketball team and look forward to them creating more brilliant moments in the future.

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