
Cunningham: Winning the Bucks is a big win for us and I'm excited to be back

Cunningham: Winning the Bucks is a big win for us and I'm excited to be back

Live Bar Jan. 4 The Pistons beat the Bucks today, and Corningham returned from a health and safety deal, and he was interviewed after the game.

Speaking about how it felt to come back, Cunningham said: "It's nice, I'm happy to be back. But for a few seconds, I felt like I was playing in the cold winter, and it was a feeling in my chest. ”

Sadiq Bay and Diallo have performed well in the team recently, and Cunningham said he has been watching them play for the past 2 weeks, "They played very hard and we want to continue the momentum." ”

Speaking about winning the Bucks, Cunningham said: "It's a big win, we can all play now and don't have to think too much about it. When you lose, things are magnified; when you unite to win, you can face everything with a clear mind. ”

In this campaign, Cunningham played 37 minutes, 8 of 15 shooting, 3 of 7 three-pointers, and had 19 points, 4 rebounds and 7 assists.

(Stride Meteor)

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