
Who was Mi Yue from Qin Shi Huang? Expert: "The Legend of Mi Yue" is not reliable!

With the popularity of the Mary Sue drama "The Legend of Mi Yue", Mi Yue became a household name. Mi Yue married the King of Qin. So, what is the relationship between Mi Yue and Qin Shi Huang?

The ethereal Moon

In fact, in Chinese history, there is no such person as Mi Yue. However, the prototype of Mi Yue did exist in history. But it definitely doesn't have much to do with Mi Yue in the TV series.

Who was Mi Yue from Qin Shi Huang? Expert: "The Legend of Mi Yue" is not reliable!

1. Mary Sue is not history

The Legend of Mi Yue is a Mary Sue television series. Therefore, in this TV series, many details are fabricated - including the love of Mi Yue and Huang Xie.

In fact, Huang Xie lived around the time of the reign of King Kaolie of the Chu state. And mi yue mentioned in the TV series is the daughter of King Chu Wei. That is to say, Mi Yue was at least about fifty years older than Huang Xie's age.

It is said that Huang Xie has a heavy taste, or does Mi Yue especially like small white faces? Can this absurd love affair of a woman who is at least fifty years older than a man be produced? Therefore, such a drama should be watched as entertainment, and it should not be taken seriously.

Who was Mi Yue from Qin Shi Huang? Expert: "The Legend of Mi Yue" is not reliable!

2. Eight sons

The historical prototype of Mi Yue is Mi Yazi.

芈八子, 芈 refers to the surname, 八子, is a title of the court of the Qin state. Therefore, Qi Bazi is not her real name. What the original name of the eight sons of Qi is not recorded in history.

"The Legend of Mi Yue" invented a name for Mi Bazi through the means of catching wind and catching shadows- Mi Yue. In fact, Mi Bazi himself estimated that he did not know that his name was actually Mi Yue.

Historically, the origin of The Eight Sons is actually a mystery.

Who was Mi Yue from Qin Shi Huang? Expert: "The Legend of Mi Yue" is not reliable!

Mainstream historians also do not consider Qi Bazi to be the daughter of King Chu Wei, let alone the favorite daughter of King Chu Wei.

Mainstream historians believe that Qi Bazi himself was probably a clan member of the distant branch of the Chu state, so he was sent to the Qin state as a dowry maid. As a result, The eighth son of Qi was favored by King Huiwen of Qin and gave birth to the son of Empress Dowager.

Of course, Qi Bazi and Qin Shi Huang did have a certain relationship.

Qi Bazi and Qin Shi Huang

According to the generational division, Qi Bazi was the grandmother of Qin Shi Huang. Qin Shi Huang's ability to inherit the throne of the King of Qin was actually related to the luck of The Eighth Son.

1. Qin's world

As a concubine, his son could not, in principle, inherit the status of King of Qin. Therefore, after the death of King Huiwen of Qin, the throne was inherited by The concubine son of King Huiwen, who was King Wu of Qin.

King Wu of Qin reigned for a short time. Because King Qin Wu liked to compete, he was killed by Dading in the process of lifting The Ding. After the death of King Qin Wu, there was a problem with qin's succession to the throne - that is, king Qin Wu had no sons.

As a result, Ying Ji inherited the throne, which was King Zhaoxiang of Qin.

Who was Mi Yue from Qin Shi Huang? Expert: "The Legend of Mi Yue" is not reliable!

How did King Zhaoxiang of Qin inherit the throne? The Chronicle of History is vague about this process. Presumably there are two possibilities.

The first possibility is that Sima Qian did not know the specific situation, so he could only pass it in one pass.

The second possibility is that after the death of King Wu of Qin, the clan of the State of Qin finally decided to choose a small child to succeed to the throne after some ridicule, which can ensure that the interest groups will not have any turmoil and influence because of the replacement of a new King of Qin.

During the reign of King Zhaoxiang of Qin, Qin basically completed the foundation work for the destruction of the Six Kingdoms. Because King Zhaoxiang of Qin was in the middle of ten years. In the past few decades, the Qin State has done two major things.

The first was to depose Zhou Tianzi. Although Zhou Tianzi did not have any power, as long as Tianzi existed, no matter how powerful Qin was, he was nominally an ordinary prince. Therefore, after Zhou Tianzi was deposed, Qin had the legal possibility of becoming a new Tianzi. However, this also requires strong support. If the strength does not support it, then deposing a son of heaven who has nothing will not help.

Who was Mi Yue from Qin Shi Huang? Expert: "The Legend of Mi Yue" is not reliable!

The second thing was the Battle of Changping. In the Seven Heroes of the Warring States, in terms of military affairs, the strength of Qin and Zhao can be described as equal opponents. In particular, Zhao Guo's 400,000 elites were enough to block Qin in Guanzhong. In the Battle of Changping, these families of the Zhao state were destroyed by the Qin state. Of course, although Qin destroyed Zhao's main force, he also suffered huge losses.

2. Six generations of accumulation

Qin's strength and prosperity are based on qin xiaogong's change of law. Duke Xiao of Qin was the father of King Huiwen of Qin. From The Duke of Qin to the King of Qin Zhaoxiang, Qin experienced four Qin kings. During the reign of these four Qin kings, they all made great contributions to the strength of Qin.

King Zhaoxiang of Qin died a few years after he eradicated the obstacle to Qin's unification of the world. The throne was succeeded by King Xiaowen of Qin, the son of King Zhaoxiang of Qin. King Xiaowen died only three days after he ascended the throne. After that, king Xiaowen's son Zhuang Xiangwang succeeded to the throne.

King Zhuang Xiang was none other than Qin Shi Huang's father. King Zhuang Xiang reigned for three years before he died.

Who was Mi Yue from Qin Shi Huang? Expert: "The Legend of Mi Yue" is not reliable!

The Han Dynasty article "On Passing the Qin Dynasty" saw the truth of Qin Shi Huang's unification of the world very clearly, and used a sentence to describe it, which is probably: it took the accumulation of six generations of Qin kings to achieve the unification of the world.

Qin Shi Huang was the great-grandson of King Zhaoxiang of Qin, who was the son of the eighth son of Qi. Therefore, in terms of generations, Qi Bazi is considered to be the grandmother of Qin Shi Huang.

Although the generations of Qi Bazi and Qin Shi Huang are very different. However, they are not far apart on the timeline. Because six years after the death of The Eighth Son, Qin Shi Huang was born.

In other words, if the eighth son lived for six more years, or if Qin Shi Huang was born six years earlier, then in terms of living years, Qin Shi Huang and Qi Bazi intersected.

However, even so, Qi Bazi may not be aware of the existence of Yingzheng - because Qin's clan has too many children, Qi Bazi will not notice the birth of a newborn.

In fact, sometimes think about it, if King Qin Wu did not die that year, or if king Qin Wu had a son alive before he died, maybe history would not have anything to do.

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