
Deep | American man-sea tactics, space rogue Musk's Nebula Chain!

Deep | American man-sea tactics, space rogue Musk's Nebula Chain!

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Bad Potato works

First published on WeChat A bad potato

Accompany my country to counterattack

Potato says:

Later, I finally got the hang of it, why did I produce one satellite at a time? Wouldn't it be nice for me to produce 10,000 satellites in one go?

The mode of delivery has also changed, the original rocket sent one satellite at a time to the sky, and now I directly send 100 satellites to the sky in batches with one rocket.

As a result, I found that the cost of 10,000 satellites is lower than the cost of 1,000 satellites!

Got it?

If you don't understand, I ask you, make 1 M16 rifle by hand, make 10,000 atomic bombs with the industrial assembly line, and finally share the cost, is 1 M16 rifle cheap, or 1 atomic bomb cheap?

You will find that the atomic bomb must be cheap!

Because there are enough satellites manufactured, the cost of R&D and production lines is greatly shared, the supply chain is extremely optimized, the production capacity is as mature as the mobile phone supply chain when the production capacity is large enough, and the cost of rocket transportation has also been reduced.

Theoretically, if Musk makes ten million satellites, the cost of satellites will not be higher than

When Musk found out about this problem, he was going to die!

The following text:

Part I: Musk's Starlink program will eventually become Earth's Nebula Chain, serving the U.S. military.

Part II: As long as Musk can safely make a lot of money in China, he dares to say that he is a native Chinese.

Part III: Musk's Space Enclosure Program;

Part IV: Batch Assembly Line Manufacturing WeChat, Musk's Secret;

Part V: 200 years ago, we lost the oceans, and today, we must not lose space!

Musk's Starlink satellite was close to the Chinese space station and nearly caused a collision.

This is not Musk's first offense, it is already a habitual offense.

In 2021 alone, one near hit the European space station and twice almost hit the Chinese space station..... I don't know how many times in the future...

Now the total number of satellites in the world in space is only about 4550, and Musk's Starlink program has released 1760 satellites, but this is just the beginning...

His plan is to release 42,000 satellites, almost 10 times as many as all satellites launched by Earth!

What exactly is Musk's Starlink project?

China's 4G network coverage is 99%, which has covered almost all administrative villages, and the coverage rate of 5G networks has exceeded 50%;

Up to now, the Uk is still making plans to use 4G networks in the subway in two years.

This achievement can be achieved because of the rapid development of China's infrastructure, and communication base stations have been built to almost every corner.

But for the United States, it is obvious that it will not do this, because the operators are private capital, it is to be profitable, and it is no problem to repair the base station in a big city like New York and Washington, although the network is very slow and the cost is very high, but it is profitable.

However, for small and medium-sized towns in the United States, they are not willing to repair it, because they do not make money when they are repaired, which is the same reason that Biden cannot be criticized for infrastructure construction.

You must know that Chinese operators have paid huge manpower and resources in the early stage of project launch, and the United States has calculated that I can do this for some townships and towns, can I commit the crime?

So what to do? Musk said I have a way, we don't fix the fiber optic cable, we do the Starlink plan.

Replace fiber optics with satellites to cover every corner of the United States.

Not just to cover the United States, the ultimate goal is to cover the world.

Eventually, 42,000 SpaceX Space Technology Exploration Corporation satellites will build a dense "Skynet" 550 kilometers above the Earth to provide users on Earth with an ultra-high-speed broadband network of 1Gbps-23Gbps.

According to Musk, whether you're in the Sahara Desert or in the Amazon jungle, you can easily link to the Internet.

Of course, for the benefit of mankind, even on Mars, democracy must be practiced, and Americans love to say so.

As for how to do it, it doesn't matter to you.

The first private company to propose a satellite plan was Motorola's Iridium program, but Motorola's satellite development did not keep up with the development of the network on the ground, and finally finished playing.

Motorola's development, rooted in the provision of communication equipment for the U.S. military during World War II, was called walkie-talkie at that time, bringing about rapid development in the later period. In fact, the dividends of the third technological revolution received by the United States are almost all technology transfer for military purposes.

The same is true of Musk's Space Technology Exploration Corporation, which has been highly tied to the U.S. military and government since the beginning of the Starlink program.

Deep | American man-sea tactics, space rogue Musk's Nebula Chain!

In 2006, NASA announced that SpaceX had won the first phase contract for commercial rail transportation services (COTS).

In 2008, NASA announced that SpaceX had been awarded a contract for launch services of up to $1 billion.

In 2012, SpaceX announced that it had signed two national security space launch contracts with the U.S. Air Force Space Missile Systems Center.

In 2016, the U.S. Air Force awarded SpaceX its first $82.7 million national security space launch contract, and the National Reconnaissance Agency said it had purchased launch services from SpaceX.

In 2019, the U.S. Air Force awarded SpaceX a $28 million contract to conduct a military service demonstration and verification of the Starlink program over a three-year period.

In 2019, the U.S. Air Force conducted early low-orbit technology validation tests on Starlink, which included tests of direct interconnection of satellites and U.S. Air Force fighter antenna arrays.


Why does the U.S. military attach so much importance to the Starlink program? Of course, it is not to let human beings achieve interconnection, let alone flood relief, nor to treat the new crown epidemic.

The United States cannot engage in construction, and sabotage is the specialty of the United States.

The Starlink program can first greatly improve the communication capabilities of the US military, so that the United States can build a global blind zone-free beam coverage, which will further enhance the communication capabilities of the US military.

Starlink broadband can provide ultra-high-speed networks for global users This is only a by-product, the land, sea, air and space and other combat equipment are integrated, and the interconnection of various services is what the US military wants.

The simplest, nuclear submarines dive hundreds of meters under the sea, the whereabouts are confidential, the mobility is strong, the communication is very difficult, and with the starlink plan covering the whole world, it can be easily done.

Secondly, the U.S. Prism program monitors Europe, and the Starlink plan, is simply a brother in brother, tens of thousands of satellites composed of the eye of the sky, the U.S. military can achieve all-weather uninterrupted reconnaissance and surveillance of the world, the use of big data analysis of the computing system, to identify targets, identify large and medium-sized weapon systems, such as the movement of strategic opponents' intercontinental missiles.

Deep | American man-sea tactics, space rogue Musk's Nebula Chain!

The above two are just basic functions, and they are OK

For missile defense, some satellites in the star chain are constructed into missile early warning satellite constellations, which can realize real-time monitoring of ground missile bases. Early warning and interception at the stage of missile launch and take-off will greatly improve the efficiency of anti-missile warfare.

Command and control of unmanned equipment, provide over-the-horizon communication services to unmanned combat vehicles, robots, and unmanned aerial vehicles, and the UAV's command system can be placed in any location in the world, which greatly improves the suddenness of UAV operations and the safety of control personnel. Combatants can maneuver ground-based unmanned combat vehicles and drones thousands of kilometers away.

It can also be used as a space weapon

It also improves the accuracy and anti-jamming capabilities of the US military's navigation and positioning system

Many people are wondering whether the United States will use the Starlink program for military purposes.

Isn't this problem difficult for elementary school students? Does this still need to be discussed?

Is it true that Musk has money to earn, and the goal of the StarLink project is to let people in poor mountainous areas enjoy the fun of science and technology at a lower cost? Is it to achieve communism?

Does the US military have the advantage of using existing advantages in science and technology, but recognize that the goal of the Starlink Program is to benefit mankind, to achieve a community with a shared future for mankind, or to unite the people of the world?

Moving toward military technology is the inevitable path of the Starlink project.

It is precisely because of this that the Starlink program is now frantically launching satellites into the sky, almost 2-3 batches a month, dozens to hundreds of each batch.

After the completion of the plan, it will provide strong support for the implementation of joint operations by the US military in the future. In a computer-simulated exercise, Starlink successfully intercepted up to 350 INTERCONTINENTAL ballistic missiles in orbit. For each missile, the Starlink system has 5 to 7 interception opportunities, which will greatly offset the penetration capabilities of enemy missiles and nuclear forces.

That is to say, Musk's Starlink plan will become a trump card for the US military, and it is entirely possible that the US government will acquire the Starlink plan in the future, allowing Musk to go further in the wealth rankings.

Of course, for Musk, it is true technology without borders, as long as China can make Musk earn money, let alone sing Chinese songs, write Chinese poems, prove that he is Chinese Musk can do it.

Don't say dance to show you, call your dad okay.....

As long as Tesla sells well, Musk can say good things about China every day, hold China to the sky, and say that China is the future of the world, but China can do anything, and it can't print dollars.

Deep | American man-sea tactics, space rogue Musk's Nebula Chain!

If China can make Musk safe money, Musk doesn't mind selling the Starlink program to China.

Obviously, the United States, which is good at printing money, has the financial resources to make Musk earn more, and outside the Asia-Pacific region, the United States' military threat capabilities are obviously stronger, and Musk will not do things that have to be spent.

In the future, the Starlink project will inevitably pose a major threat to us, but this threat will not appear in the future, but will now begin to acquire space supremacy through low-cost enclosure movement.

His satellite almost crashed into the Chinese space station, and in the face of an interview with reporters, Musk said:

Space is huge, but satellites are tiny. This is not a situation where we effectively discourage others in any way. We're not stopping anyone from doing anything, and we don't want to do that either.

Musk went on to say: Space is so vast, 42,000 satellites, just like there are thousands of cars on Earth.

When Musk says this, he is purely insulting the intelligence of the earthlings.

Deep | American man-sea tactics, space rogue Musk's Nebula Chain!

The space of the universe is infinite, and if Musk launches a "dead thing" into the sky, let alone launch 42,000 satellites, it is okay to have 4 trillion satellites.

However, Musk's nebula chain, moving around the Earth's orbit at high speed in space, is an uncontrollable "living thing", any accident or deviation from the orbit, will pose a danger to other satellites, because once the two satellites collide, it is definitely not the loss of the two satellites, and the countless fragments generated will be scattered irregularly after collisions.

The speed of any of these fragments is far greater than that of shrapnel, and a chalk-sized fragment can destroy a large space device under the kinetic energy of high-speed movement.

But in this regard, Musk is full of confidence and does not panic at all.

Why, because Musk is engaged in low-cost human sea tactics.

How much does a satellite cost?

We take the Beidou satellite as an example, the 55 satellites of the Beidou navigation system cost about 70 billion yuan, an average of about 1.3 billion yuan, mainly including satellite manufacturing costs, launch costs and research and development costs.

The launch cost is very expensive, such as the Long March-3B carrier rocket costing 400-500 million yuan per launch, and the launch cost per kilogram of the Earth Transfer Orbit is about 100 million, which is basically consistent with the rocket model carrying the Beidou-3 satellite.

But That's not how Musk plays at all.

The cost of Musk's satellite is about 1 million US dollars, which is equivalent to about 6 million yuan, which is only one hundredth of the cost of our satellite!

So how did he do it?

Just do the satellite like a mobile phone! Optimize the supply chain and mass production!

For example, I'm just saying here that the accounting must be inaccurate.

Beidou 55 satellites cost 70 billion, so if I don't make 55 when I make the system, I do 110, it may cost 120 billion.

I make 1,000 satellites, probably costing 800 billion.

Later I said to go to TM, why do I produce one satellite at a time, I produce 10,000 satellites in one go.

The mode of delivery has also changed, the original rocket sends one satellite at a time to the sky, I directly send 100 satellites to the sky in batches.

As a result, I found that the cost of 10,000 satellites is only 300 billion, which is lower than the cost of 1,000 satellites!

If you don't understand, I ask you, make 1 M16 rifle by hand, and make 10,000 atomic bombs in the industrial assembly line, and finally share the cost, is 1 M16 cheap, or 1 atomic bomb cheap?

It must be cheaper to atomic bombs!

Because there are enough satellites manufactured, the cost of research and development and production lines is shared, and finally the supply chain continues to standardize and mature, and the cost of rocket transportation has also been reduced.

Deep | American man-sea tactics, space rogue Musk's Nebula Chain!

Theoretically, if Musk does 10 million satellites, the cost of satellites will not be higher than Tesla.


Because if Musk's nebula chain hits our Beidou satellite, it will definitely be finished in space.

But the cost is only $1 million, and I have enough reason to believe that when Musk gets 42,000 satellites, it will cost only $100,000, and our cost is $100 million!

Musk lost 1 million, we lost 100 million!

Who do you say you are crying? And Musk has 42,000, we only have 420!

And that's not all! Do you think it's just 1 to 100?

Musk hit our space station!

How much does the space station cost? The space station does not count the research and development cost of 50 billion, the high launch cost, the operating cost, and the manufacturing cost alone is 3 billion.

The equivalent of Musk exchanging $1 million for our $500 million, 1 to 500.

At the cost of a yacht, get rid of your aircraft carrier formation! This is the New Sea tactic of the United States.

Now it is less than 2,000 nebula chains, just a year almost hit 2 times, when there are 42,000, how many times to crash?

And when Musk has 42,000 satellites, the method of industrial mass production is mastered, the cost is plummeting, and it is much easier to send satellites to the sky than to develop new cars.....

Did Musk hit our space station on purpose?

Unfortunately, it doesn't matter if it's intentional or not, Musk doesn't care, doesn't it need to be discussed whether he deliberately has 42,000 satellites?

International regulations stipulate that all satellites need to apply for orbit before launch, and after approval, all satellites can only operate in their own orbits, and all satellites should also publish their own orbital data and notify in advance before changing orbits to avoid other satellites.

But will Musk abide by this rule? Obviously not, because Musk is the most favorite Internet celebrity big V.

Musk has always been good at making "grand plans", using technology to "cut leeks", in 2009, Musk proposed the "Mars Immigration Plan", which plans to send 20,000 immigrants to Mars in 20 years.

After the release of the plan, a bunch of people signed up to pay the handling fee, and a total of 80,000 people around the world applied, including 10,000 in China.

Deep | American man-sea tactics, space rogue Musk's Nebula Chain!

Musk collected a bunch of sponsorship fees, and so far there is not a single hair.

In 2015, the Mars Immigration Program had been proven to be a scam, but the Internet had no memory, and leeks could not be cut.

For a person who is good at hyping up virtual coins and cutting leeks, and now claims to be engaged in democracy on Mars, he actually wants him to abide by the rules, which is impossible!

Okay, finally, what if Musk doesn't play by the rules and frantically launches space junk into the sky, and this space junk costs less and less, and will inevitably be acquired or requisitioned by the US military in the future.

When there are 42,000 nebula chains in space, what to do?

Oops, no way now.......

Why don't we do that?

Because to face...

As long as it is a serious country, the launch of satellites need to talk about Wude, and the orbit change should be notified, of course, you don't talk about Wude, others can't take you, but the countries that can launch satellites have to nod their faces, right?

Moreover, serious countries do not launch satellites casually, because to maintain the operation of satellites, they must be responsible for space security, can not hit others, can not produce space garbage.....

But does the United States want a face?

If the United States were to face it, it would not be the United States.

Does Musk want a face?

Musk laughed, you say I don't want a face? Musk explained that Tesla may sell 2 million units this year, which is a native Chinese!

There are no rules in space at all, that is, the development of the western region in the United States, you say that people who want faces can earn money, or people who don't want faces can earn money.

Just like the great voyages of Europe, don't face it, directly kill Indians to grab gold, sell black shu to grow cotton, and come to the Asia-Pacific region to sell drugs.....

China also has a big voyage, Zheng He went to the countryside of Java Island, and heavily armed Daming soldiers lined up neatly to find indigenous villagers to exchange porcelain for local specialties.

So Britain rose, and Daming began to decline...

Deep | American man-sea tactics, space rogue Musk's Nebula Chain!

Of course, now is not the past, and now China must shoulder the mission of a community with a shared future for mankind and the responsibility of safeguarding its own great power, so what should we do?

Either, we will unite with the global powers to formulate a treaty that will impose clear restrictions and requirements on the number, qualifications, and orbits of satellites, and all countries, all companies, must strictly abide by space security and cannot casually throw garbage into space like Musk.

Of course, if it does this, the United States will not do it, because people still refer to the conquest of the earth by the nebula chain.

The United States does not do it?

It would be great not to do it!

No one can compare with the United States than drug trafficking, arson and robbery, especially since we really haven't done it.

But than manufacturing than industry than scale, China has been afraid of whom!

Directly the satellite technology began to be widely transferred to civilian use, as long as I spend 50,000 yuan, the satellite can light up various colors of lights according to my instructions, as long as I spend 80,000 yuan, the satellite can play my girlfriend's name to send blessings, spend 800,000 yuan, you can customize the satellite, this kind of domestic stimulation, simply too beautiful.

There are also various ways that you can talk about on the message board.

Incidentally, a series of industries of astronomical telescopes and space education have also been made..... Encourage all kinds of private capital to participate!

Too costly? Really not high, gradually realized, just start to do 1,000 pieces, then ten thousand, and finally 100,000 level mass production, and do the same as Huawei mobile phones!

Don't think I'm joking, I've been working on industrial supply chains for 15 years, and I'm responsible to say that all of this can be achieved!

As long as the space industry can rise, capital, talent, and technology are pouring in, and the satellite supply chain is as mature as mobile phones, this step can definitely be done.

At this step, we ushered in our real sea of stars! The whole space is full of Chinese red.....

200 years ago, we lost the sea, and today, we must not lose space!

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