
Musk's 12th child was born: the child's mother was a female subordinate of Neuralink

Musk's 12th child was born: the child's mother was a female subordinate of Neuralink

The Webmaster's House

2024-06-24 09:02Published in Fujian

Webmaster's Home ( June 22 News: Tech giant Elon Musk has once again expanded his family and become the father of his 12th child.

It is understood that earlier this year, Musk welcomed their child together with Neuralink employee Shivon Ziris, which is at least the 12th child that Musk has. The announcement of this news has once again brought attention to the private life of the business magnate.

Musk's 12th child was born: the child's mother was a female subordinate of Neuralink

According to people familiar with the matter, the newborn was born earlier this year, but it was not known to the public until recently. Regarding the birth of this child, Ziris once told colleagues that she and Musk have no romantic relationship and have not had sex, and the birth of the child was achieved through in vitro fertilization.

This fact has sparked speculation about Musk's fertility motives. Given that Musk has publicly stated that he will do everything in his power to solve the underpopulation crisis, some believe that their original intention to have children may really be motivated by the consideration of procreation.

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  • Musk's 12th child was born: the child's mother was a female subordinate of Neuralink

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