
Old restaurant old taste! Chengdu Moziqiao's "ace fat intestine", the business is hot, too suitable for the fat intestine shop hidden in the depths of the alley, the old brand has an old taste! A bite of fat intestines and a mouthful of rice, let people eat a sense of happiness in the fly restaurant!

author:Hair to eat

<h1>Hidden in the deep alley of the fat sausage shop, the old brand has an old taste! </h1>

In an alley of Chengdu Mozi Bridge, go inside you will hear the sound of people boiling, an old restaurant that has been open for many years, the store is full, the boss and waiter are busy, this mainly fat sausage-based restaurant is the most popular fly restaurant in the legendary Kehua Lane!

Although their home looks spacious, in fact, the area of the store is very cramped, at most there are more than a dozen tables, and when there is a peak period of meals, there will often be queues for seats. But this does not affect the mood of diners at all, many of whom have been regular customers for many years and have long been accustomed to this.

Luckily, we managed to find our seats, and with the owner's warm recommendation, we got a general idea of the various specialties and signature dishes, and the speed of their home was very fast, about five or six minutes or so, and all the dishes were on the table!

Old restaurant old taste! Chengdu Moziqiao's "ace fat intestine", the business is hot, too suitable for the fat intestine shop hidden in the depths of the alley, the old brand has an old taste! A bite of fat intestines and a mouthful of rice, let people eat a sense of happiness in the fly restaurant!

The most recommended ones are mixed meat, fat sausage, marinated fat sausage and bean soup rice!

For friends who love to eat fat sausages, every dish seems to be able to accurately hit the "key"! We couldn't wait to pick up the chopsticks and pick up the rice bowl...

The environment of eating here is really noisy, and even sometimes you can't hear the voice of the people at the same table, but the boss's voice is unusually loud, and sometimes he suddenly shouts, which can frighten people! Later, I heard that the boss's big voice is also the "feature" of their home.

There are some yellowed menus on the walls, a variety of fat sausages to eat, and many common cold dishes.

Old restaurant old taste! Chengdu Moziqiao's "ace fat intestine", the business is hot, too suitable for the fat intestine shop hidden in the depths of the alley, the old brand has an old taste! A bite of fat intestines and a mouthful of rice, let people eat a sense of happiness in the fly restaurant!

<h1>A bite of fat intestines and a mouthful of rice, let people eat a sense of happiness in the fly restaurant! </h1>

Authentic marinated sausages are always served with aroma!

The taste is soft and sticky, the aroma of brine is infiltrated, and every bite is an oily aroma, and it is even more fragrant and long to chew!

Before we wrote a lot about Chengdu's halogen intestines, but to be honest, there are only a few good tastes, although their halogen intestines are not so "excellent", just a very ordinary level, but fortunately, the amount is enough, can let you eat enough at one time!

Old restaurant old taste! Chengdu Moziqiao's "ace fat intestine", the business is hot, too suitable for the fat intestine shop hidden in the depths of the alley, the old brand has an old taste! A bite of fat intestines and a mouthful of rice, let people eat a sense of happiness in the fly restaurant!

Bean soup rice is indeed a classic food of old Chengdu!

Peas stewed until rake rotten, accompanied by the grainy feeling of light sand, rice fully absorbed the soup, rice, bean flavor into one, as the saying goes, "delicious is better than soup rice", bean soup rice is really too fragrant!

Bean soup rice is very common in Chengdu, but there are not many levels that can be made, their bean soup rice is still worth affirming, if you have eaten "Fumiao bean soup rice", you will find that there are many similarities between the two of them!

Old restaurant old taste! Chengdu Moziqiao's "ace fat intestine", the business is hot, too suitable for the fat intestine shop hidden in the depths of the alley, the old brand has an old taste! A bite of fat intestines and a mouthful of rice, let people eat a sense of happiness in the fly restaurant!

Stir-fried meat is one of their signature dishes!

To be honest, eating cold dishes in the winter really requires "courage", if it does not taste good, it is far less pleasant to eat than in summer.

But the signature meat is ruddy and translucent, the color is pleasant, the taste is plump and fat, the fragrant sticky spicy blends in, the aroma fills the mouth and nose, it has not been dispersed for a long time, with rice, the taste is simply too happy!

Cooked oil spicy seeds are always the essence of cold dishes! The spicy taste is moderate, spicy but not dry, there will be a hint of sweetness after eating, and the bean sprouts at the bottom are slightly more, so that the number of crutched meat is not enough, and after eating one, there is still some addiction.

Old restaurant old taste! Chengdu Moziqiao's "ace fat intestine", the business is hot, too suitable for the fat intestine shop hidden in the depths of the alley, the old brand has an old taste! A bite of fat intestines and a mouthful of rice, let people eat a sense of happiness in the fly restaurant!

Mixing fat sausages, of course, is also not to be missed!

It tastes the same as the meat, but the fat intestines are slightly greasy, and it is even more fragrant to eat! And their fat intestines are handled very cleanly, and they can't eat a trace of fishy smell at all.

Under the infiltration of sesame red oil, the fat intestines are particularly spicy! Dip some soup on the rice, follow the soup to quickly plane the rice into your mouth, this kind of happiness of eating fat intestines, really only after you experience it yourself can feel!

Old restaurant old taste! Chengdu Moziqiao's "ace fat intestine", the business is hot, too suitable for the fat intestine shop hidden in the depths of the alley, the old brand has an old taste! A bite of fat intestines and a mouthful of rice, let people eat a sense of happiness in the fly restaurant!

On the first day back in Chengdu, I didn't expect to eat my favorite fat sausage, although this old-fashioned fly restaurant is not as amazing as imagined, but in this city alley, it is still commendable to be able to adhere to the purest taste for many years!

Strolling through Kehua Lane after dinner, the heart is full of pleasure, perhaps this is the biggest charm of food!

Not flowing, not clearly high, a group of "half a can of water" foodies

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Old restaurant old taste! Chengdu Moziqiao's "ace fat intestine", the business is hot, too suitable for the fat intestine shop hidden in the depths of the alley, the old brand has an old taste! A bite of fat intestines and a mouthful of rice, let people eat a sense of happiness in the fly restaurant!

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