
This "mooncake contest" in Sanqi Village, Xining is really lively

author:Xihai Metropolis Daily

"In August 15, Erming, Grandpa took me to play mooncakes..." "Without the Communist Party, there would be no new China..." A well-known song was sung in the happy canteen of Sanqi Village, Chengbei District, Xining City. On September 18th, the "Mooncake Contest" jointly held by eight communes in Sanqi Village and the representative team of CCB Xining Chengbei Branch kicked off at the Happiness Canteen.

This "mooncake contest" in Sanqi Village, Xining is really lively

Qinghai traditional handmade mooncake is one of the first choices of Qinghai people during the Mid-Autumn Festival. Because the workmanship is complicated, time-consuming and laborious, it is only on this day that this gastronomic "protagonist" will appear in an authentic and authentic manner.

This "mooncake contest" in Sanqi Village, Xining is really lively
This "mooncake contest" in Sanqi Village, Xining is really lively

In order to make today's wonderful "appearance", as early as the day before, the staff of ccb bank Xining Chengbei branch joined the villagers of Sanqi Village in xining civil affairs demonstration project - happiness canteen.

This "mooncake contest" in Sanqi Village, Xining is really lively

"To make a good Qinghai mooncake, traditional fermentation is the first step, the dough is fermented into a honeycomb, and then gently kneaded and vented, with a rolling pin to roll out the dough blank thinly, pour rapeseed oil, and then sprinkle with colored and fragrant coumava powder, red yeast powder, turmeric powder, and then spread evenly, layered up, and finally divided into a uniform size of the agent, the mooncake "filling" is ready. "The staff of ccb's Chengbei branch are busy learning and doing.

This side is busy making "stuffing", and that side is busy rolling out "peel". The most delicate work is to make "flowers and flowers", that is, the production of decorations on mooncakes.

This "mooncake contest" in Sanqi Village, Xining is really lively
This "mooncake contest" in Sanqi Village, Xining is really lively

"Pinching like this is a delicate flower, that pinch is a lifelike butterfly, I give you a moon cake filling, you put on a 'coat' for it, and then paste two flowers." 」 In a lively and celebratory atmosphere, the mooncakes were basketed.

This "mooncake contest" in Sanqi Village, Xining is really lively
This "mooncake contest" in Sanqi Village, Xining is really lively

"In the past, steaming mooncakes was a skill of rural women." Today, Xiao Xue, who graduated from college and just joined the CCB, is the one who has done the most vigorously. He recalled: "When I was a child, every August 15th, the family would steam a large mooncake, I especially loved to eat it, and today I finally know how this mooncake is made!" "Yes, these handmade mooncakes that embody folk memories are the taste of childhood, the taste of hometown, and the taste of family affection!" Wang Kai, secretary of the party branch of Sanqi Village, said with a smile.

The hour hand ticked, the steaming water in the cage drawer opened, and after about an hour of touching, it was finally time to open the pot! The moment the lid of the steamer was lifted, the strong smell of wheat came to the fore. "What a fragrance"! Everyone carried the steamer basket, as joyful as the harvest, and couldn't wait to taste it. "It's hot and hot!" Xiao Xue shouted hot on the one hand, and shared the mooncake with everyone, and everyone evaluated the color and taste of the mooncake while eating. The little mooncakes are done, and the big mooncakes! Hustle and bustle, talk and laugh. The moon climbed up the treetops and listened to the laughter in the happy canteen.

This "mooncake contest" in Sanqi Village, Xining is really lively
This "mooncake contest" in Sanqi Village, Xining is really lively

The next day, the eight communes of Sanqi Village and the CCB Xining North Branch, a total of nine representative teams made mooncakes together. The words "flower a good full moon" and "celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival" on the moon cake add to the festive atmosphere. The moon cake of the CCB representative team is framed with the words "Century of Glory, Building Dreams with One Heart, Rural Revitalization, AND CCB Responsibility", expressing the firm determination and confidence of CCB to take responsibility for the country, serve the people, adhere to the nature of finance, and help rural revitalization.

The crowd at the scene was filled with happy smiles, they first commented on the appearance, and then tasted the taste, and the elderly people in the village sighed: "This moon cake is still the original taste!" Nowadays, the days are better, and every day is like a festival. ”

This "mooncake contest" in Sanqi Village, Xining is really lively
This "mooncake contest" in Sanqi Village, Xining is really lively

A moon cake is full of the pure and simple life wisdom of the villagers in Sanqi Village, and also condenses the joint construction friendship between the CCB and the villagers, and conveys the strong nostalgia of the same Qinghai people who are born in Qinghai and are also Qinghai people.

If the nation wants to be rejuvenated, the countryside must be revitalized. China Construction Bank carried out a series of work in rural areas with new financial actions, and Qinghai Branch actively responded to the call of the head office to interpret the mission and responsibility of new finance with the specific practice of serving the "three rural areas". Taking the Love Old Happy Canteen Project as an example, ccbuck Chengbei Branch and chengbei District Civil Affairs Bureau took the lead in playing a role in the field of pension finance, and successively signed 24 happy canteens and 6 central kitchens to increase rural financial supply through merchant expansion and subsidies to benefit the people, and jointly solve the problem of "difficult to eat, expensive to eat, and worry about eating" for the elderly.

This "mooncake contest" in Sanqi Village, Xining is really lively
This "mooncake contest" in Sanqi Village, Xining is really lively

The Mid-Autumn Festival friendship activity aims to use the love of the old happy canteen as the medium to convey more non-financial service temperatures to the countryside and farmers, so that the "reunion taste" in the happy canteen will become the exclusive taste memory of the close connection between the CONSTRUCTION Bank and the people.

Reporter/Xu Yanqin| Correspondent/Song Qiaoling