
In December, the sales volume of many new car-making forces reached a new high, and Xiaopeng continued to win the first place in the list

On the first day of each month, new power car companies will publish their sales report cards for the previous month on time. During the New Year's Day holiday, new car-making forces can't wait to announce the sales situation in December. Judging from the statistical rankings, the performance of the new car-making brands in December was still good, with four brands selling more than 10,000 vehicles a month. From the perspective of annual delivery, there are three car companies with annual sales of more than 90,000 vehicles, of which Xiaopeng led Weilai to win the championship, reaching 98,155 vehicles, such a figure is already a level that many veteran traditional car companies are currently difficult to reach. Below, let's take a look at the specific performance of each family with Uncle Che!

Fifth place: Zero-run cars

December sales: 7,807 units

January-December sales: 43,121 units

Zero-run vehicles delivered 7,807 units in December, with a cumulative delivery of 43,121 units in 2021. Although from the perspective of sales, there is still a big gap between zero-run cars and the "Wei Xiaoli" of the first echelon, but its upward trend is not to be underestimated, with the good results of 7807 vehicles successfully ranked among the Top5. Zero running can achieve high sales, mainly because the T03 and C11 models currently on sale are more cost-effective.

In December, the sales volume of many new car-making forces reached a new high, and Xiaopeng continued to win the first place in the list

As the second long-endurance intelligent pure electric car under Zero-Run Automobile, the Zero-Run T03 is equipped with five doors and four seats as standard, and the NEDC cruising range reaches 403km, surpassing the same level. The zero-run C11, the price of mainstream compact SUV, the specification configuration of luxury medium-sized SUV, the battery of up to 90kWh and the maximum endurance of 610km, have become the sales pillar of zero-run since the price was announced in 2020 and the pre-sale was opened. However, at present, this car is deeply involved in the storm of user rights protection, and whether it can be recognized by consumers in the future still needs time to test.

Fourth place: Nezha Car

Sales in December: 10,127 units

January-December sales: 69,674 units

After sales exceeded 10,000 units in November, Nezha Automobile continued to maintain more than 10,000 units in December, reaching 10,127 units. Since the second half of this year, the monthly delivery volume of Nezha Automobile has basically increased steadily, with a cumulative delivery volume of 69,674 vehicles in 2021. Although Nezha Automobile is not as famous as "Wei Xiaoli" in the new forces, it is also trying to catch up. Nezha Automobile can achieve stable growth, first of all, it is naturally inseparable from excellent products.

In December, the sales volume of many new car-making forces reached a new high, and Xiaopeng continued to win the first place in the list

At present, Nezha Automobile has a total of three models on sale, namely Nezha V, Nezha U, Nezha S, to achieve the product layout of cars + SUVs. In addition to the product itself, there is also a certain correlation with the cooperation with 360, in May 2021, 360 Company announced that it would join hands with Nezha Automobile to enter the field of intelligent vehicles, and in October, 360 Company issued an announcement that it intends to invest 2.9 billion yuan in its own funds into Hezhong New Energy Automobile Co., Ltd., which further stabilizes the stability of the sustainable development of Nezha Automobile.

Third place: NIO

December sales: 10,489 units

January-December sales: 91,429 units

In December, NIO delivered 10,489 units, although it was more than 10,000 units, but compared with November, sales did not increase much. From January to December 2021, a total of 91,429 vehicles were delivered, and the annual sales volume was only less than 1,000 vehicles away from the ideal, but Xiaopeng was more than 6,700 vehicles ahead of WEILAI, and Weilai lost the qualification to win the annual sales championship. From the current point of view, WEILAI's products are the most, including ES6, ES8, EC6, ET7, ET5 and other five models.

In December, the sales volume of many new car-making forces reached a new high, and Xiaopeng continued to win the first place in the list

Among them, the ET5 released on December 19, 2021 is very noteworthy, as a medium-sized pure electric car, WEILAI ET5 will launch 75kWh and 100kWh versions, starting at 328,000 yuan, not only that, if consumers adopt the rental policy, it only needs 258,000 yuan to start, but it costs 980 yuan per month for battery rental fees. Can the ET5, which is considered to be more accessible to the people, quickly become a hot car and strive for more market share for NIO in the market?

Second place: Ideal car

December sales: 14,087 units

January-December sales: 90,491 units

In December, the delivery volume of the ideal car was 14,087 units, compared with 90,491 deliveries in 2021. At present, ideal cars have only one ideal ONE, and more interestingly, there is only one configuration. That is to say, the delivery volume of the ideal ONE model reached 14,087 units in December, which is enough to enter the forefront of the market segment, and it can fully sell with most of the same level of fuel models.

In December, the sales volume of many new car-making forces reached a new high, and Xiaopeng continued to win the first place in the list

Ideal ONE has just carried out a mid-term redesign in 2021, focusing on upgrading the driver assistance system, and also solving problems such as seat comfort and fuel tank volume for user feedback, and the price of the new car after the redesign is 338,000 yuan, which has won the praise of consumers with labels such as large six-seater, daddy car, and extended range electric. However, the changes in the domestic auto market are changing rapidly, for the ideal car, relying on a model is too single, in order to continue to maintain the existing market share, it is necessary to add new models as soon as possible.

First place: Xiaopeng Motors

December sales: 16,000 units

January-December sales: 98,155 units

The performance of Xiaopeng Automobile is undoubtedly the most eye-catching, and it has won the monthly sales crown in the past three months. A total of 16,000 vehicles were delivered in December, of which 7,459 were delivered in the Xiaopeng P7 and 5,030 in the P5, making it still the highest-selling brand of new power. From the perspective of annual deliveries, Xiaopeng Automobile has delivered a total of 98,155 new cars in 2021, leading Weilai Automobile to win the annual sales championship. The reason for the continuous increase in sales of Xiaopeng Automobile in recent times has a lot to do with its rich product matrix.

In December, the sales volume of many new car-making forces reached a new high, and Xiaopeng continued to win the first place in the list

At present, there are very few brands with three different model positioning in the new forces, and in addition to the Xiaopeng P7 and Xiaopeng G3, There is also the Xiaopeng P5, which is known as the world's first mass-produced lidar, covering cars and SUVs, and the price range covers 150,000-400,000 yuan. It is worth mentioning that as the world's first mass production model equipped with lidar, Xiaopeng Automobile has lowered its price to 160,000 yuan, entering the main price range of fuel vehicles. It is believed that in the future, as the product line becomes more and more abundant, Xiaopeng Automobile will also usher in a broader space for development.

Uncle Che summed up

Judging from the delivery results of the new car-making brand in December, the performance of the head brand is still very eye-catching, of which the sales of Brands such as Xiaopeng, Ideal, Weilai, and Nezha have exceeded 10,000 vehicles. Such sales for the new forces, undoubtedly symbolizes entering a new era, has the ability to compete head-on with traditional car companies, the future whose sales performance is better, it is worth looking forward to!

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