
The days of lying down and counting money are coming to an end Next year's stock ratio let go of a few joys and a few sorrows?

In 1994, the state promulgated the China Automobile Industry Policy, which stipulates that foreign car companies can only have joint ventures with at most two domestic car companies, and their shares in the joint ventures shall not exceed 50%. The reason for this practice is nothing more than to make good use of foreign resources to cultivate their own industries under the premise of restricting foreign investment.

The days of lying down and counting money are coming to an end Next year's stock ratio let go of a few joys and a few sorrows?

However, from January 1, 2022, passenger car manufacturing foreign equity ratio restrictions and restrictions on foreign investment to establish two or less vehicle product enterprises will be lifted, to put it bluntly, the national level believes that the current independent industry, has been able to accept the impact of foreign investment, and hope to lift the restriction of the practice, will be some "unqualified" independent brands, eliminated from the market or reshuffled, forcing them, either choose to delist, or readjust the business direction, in short, for some independent brands, lying a few days, It's almost over.

The days of lying down and counting money are coming to an end Next year's stock ratio let go of a few joys and a few sorrows?

Looking back at the development process of the domestic automobile market in the past 30 years, there are some independent enterprises that rely entirely on the profits generated by the joint venture to survive, typical, such as Southeast, Haima, Brilliance, etc., after losing foreign investment support, the development of its independent business is obviously not satisfactory, the lack of research and development capabilities at the enterprise level, and the lack of core competitiveness at the product level.

The days of lying down and counting money are coming to an end Next year's stock ratio let go of a few joys and a few sorrows?

Of course, there are also some real long-term independent brands, as early as many years ago began to operate to achieve self-sufficiency, constantly draw nutrition from foreign brands for the development of their core technical capabilities, complete the modern version of the Shiyi long skills, although did not complete the yi but successfully achieved self-improvement, therefore, only this part of the independent brand, after the release of the stock ratio has the ability to control the Yi, is also this part of the force, so that the country has the courage to "lead the wolf into the room".

The days of lying down and counting money are coming to an end Next year's stock ratio let go of a few joys and a few sorrows?

At present, including many new energy new force brands, including a number of independent car brands, fully qualified to compete with foreign capital, according to the sales data from January to November, China's brand passenger car sales completed 8.406 million units, an increase of 25.1% year-on-year, its market share increased from 37.7% to 44.1%, basically has occupied half of the country, and the average price of brand products, there are also signs of surpassing the joint venture brand, of course, the sales base is low, the single product is also the objective reason for the high average price.

The days of lying down and counting money are coming to an end Next year's stock ratio let go of a few joys and a few sorrows?

We often say that mourning its misfortune, anger at its indisputable, even in the nearly two years since the stock ratio has not been released, there have already been independent brands because of non-contention and self-inflicted fruit, such as Brilliance was completely acquired by BMW, Jianghuai Automobile was reduced to a pawn by Volkswagen Holdings, etc., because of the indisputable gas of independent business, during the cooperation period has long lost the right to speak, there are also independent brands such as Southeast, BAIC, Zotye, Huatai, too dependent on foreign-funded enterprises to provide core components, and there are obvious shortcomings in product quality control, Therefore, after the evacuation of the patron, there is no room for maneuver.

The days of lying down and counting money are coming to an end Next year's stock ratio let go of a few joys and a few sorrows?

Of course, what is more worthy of the chinese people's joy is that after the independent brand snake swallowed the elephant, it has developed rapidly, and even in the overseas market can get a place, so after the liberalization of the stock ratio, even if foreign capital continues to choose cooperation, it must also lower its head, and cooperation will also change from food to strong alliance and mutual respect.

The days of lying down and counting money are coming to an end Next year's stock ratio let go of a few joys and a few sorrows?

Once, Tesla's sole proprietorship made many people feel that the wolf really came, but the fact is that it is based on Tesla's entry, which not only gave birth to a number of powerful new forces, but also allowed auto parts-related enterprises to grow rapidly, which shows the vitality of the brand struggle and the mature supply chain system.

The days of lying down and counting money are coming to an end Next year's stock ratio let go of a few joys and a few sorrows?

All, after the liberalization of the stock ratio, the competition between brands will undoubtedly be more intense, some independent enterprises that do not have hard nuclear strength are bound to be merged or even directly withdrawn from the market, the so-called weak meat and strong food, survival of the fittest, want to survive, you must come up with hard products to grab food with the wolves in the circle.

The days of lying down and counting money are coming to an end Next year's stock ratio let go of a few joys and a few sorrows?

Of course, for consumers, the stock ratio is more worthy of attention after the liberalization, and it is also the most profoundly related, which is the vicious fight between independent and foreign manufacturers, or will bring benefits to consumers. To be honest, ordinary consumers may not care too much about whether a brand is independent or foreign-funded, whose car is good, buy whose family, you say?

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