
The children of relatives came to my house to board, and after two months the relatives did not mention anything, and I directly showdown

Text: Flower blossom tide

The children of relatives came to my house to board, and after two months the relatives did not mention anything, and I directly showdown

It seems that relatives have a kind of "indelible" embarrassment before, and sometimes when facing relatives to make unreasonable demands, many people are thinking that they are related to each other and can't bear to refuse.

And Ms. Wei is precisely because she can't wipe her face, she promised her relatives' children to come to the house for two months, but she didn't expect that after two months, the relatives didn't mention anything, during this time, Ms. Wei also paid a lot, seeing that the relatives were so blind, Ms. Wei was angry, and she had a showdown with her relatives.

The children of relatives came to my house to board, and after two months the relatives did not mention anything, and I directly showdown

Ms. Wei and her husband are ordinary office workers, relying on a meager income can only barely cope with life, the family situation itself is not so rich, moreover, the two recently have plans to have children, so usually more frugal.

Just a few months ago, the distant cousin suddenly called Ms. Wei, after a greeting, the topic is on the right track, the cousin means that she has to travel for two months due to work, and the husband has returned to his hometown, there is a 7-year-old child in the family who is not taken care of, it just so happens that he and Ms. Wei's home are not far away, hoping that Ms. Wei can help her take care of the child.

Finally, Ms. Wei's distant cousin may be to dispel Ms. Wei's concerns, she said: The child needs to go to class during the day, and I have arranged for someone to be responsible for picking him up, as long as I can rest in your place every night, because I am not at ease with others.

Ms. Wei saw that her cousin was so sincere, and thought that the two were related, so she agreed.

In order to welcome the arrival of her cousin's children, Ms. Wei specially prepared a new futon and also cleaned up a room to come out.

On the night of the cousin's children's arrival, Ms. Wei took a half-day leave for the unit and prepared a sumptuous dinner, after eating, the cousin's children watched TV in the living room, while Ms. Wei and her husband began to clean up the housework.

Ms. Wei was busy, and suddenly heard the crying of her cousin's child in the living room, and Ms. Wei quickly ran over and asked him what was wrong. I didn't expect that the reason why the child cried in the end was that watching TV was too boring and wanted to play with toys, but his toys were at home and he didn't take them.

In desperation, Ms. Wei said: Don't cry first, what toys you like, I will take you to the supermarket.

The child stopped crying and turned to laughter, but what Ms. Wei did not expect was that when she arrived at the supermarket, he not only wanted some toys, but also hugged a lot of snacks, for which Ms. Wei could only smile helplessly.

The children of relatives came to my house to board, and after two months the relatives did not mention anything, and I directly showdown

After returning home, he played with toys on the side, and when it was time to rest, he was not sleepy at all, and when Ms. Wei put him to sleep bitterly, it was already midnight, and Ms. Wei dragged her tired body to bed to rest, and the next morning she was almost late for work.

Every night is the case, the children of relatives are willing to sleep until midnight every time, and Ms. Wei can't bear to go to bed first, every time she coaxes him to sleep, she will go to rest, and during the day in the company has been dozing off, and was named by the boss several times.

Not only that, the child of the relative is still a small glutton, he does not like to eat much, he likes to eat snacks, always pestering Ms. Wei to take him to the supermarket, every time he carries a lot of snacks home.

In this way, Ms. Wei lived like a year during these two months, and finally, she finally waited for the day when her cousin returned from a business trip.

However, what Ms. Wei did not expect was that the first words of her cousin when she saw the child were: How did you lose weight?

"Dare I take care of your child faithfully and conscientiously for two months, and in the end you didn't say a word of thanks, but you complained to me about not taking care of your child well?"

The more Ms. Wei thought about it, the more angry she became, she looked at her cousin and the child intimately, until the cousin left, she did not even say a word of "thank you", and the cost of taking care of her child, the cousin also did not mention anything.

After Ms. Wei returned home, the more she thought about it, the more angry she became, because her cousin's children had to argue every night to go to the supermarket, each time holding a lot of snacks, accumulating into more, plus other expenses, the two months spent on her children were not a small amount.

After consulting with her husband, Ms. Wei decided to call her cousin and have a direct showdown with her.

The children of relatives came to my house to board, and after two months the relatives did not mention anything, and I directly showdown

However, I did not expect that after listening to Ms. Wei's story, my cousin said impatiently: You say a number, I will call you later, really, we are relatives, help take care of the child and so many requirements.

Dare she still think that it is a matter of course for her to help take care of her children?

Ms. Wei also recognized her cousin's true face, and since then, she has broken off contact with her cousin.

Conclusion: Relatives should help each other, afraid to be afraid, some people are unconscious, think that they are related, others should help themselves. Just like Ms. Wei's cousin above, there is no need to contact such relatives.

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