
Adolescent rebellious child, how can I love you?

A netizen asked: "How to get along with children in the rebellious period of adolescence?" The adolescent daughter is in a rebellious period, saying nothing and being anxious as soon as she speaks! ”

It seems that another parent whose child's growth is not smooth, in the face of the great change of the well-behaved and sensible child overnight, the original routine is all invalid, and for a while he is busy and confused. Anxious, anxious, the heart is too chaotic, scratching the ears and scratching the cheeks, I don't know how to adjust?

My advice is to get along with yourself first.

The family has a seventeen-year-old depressed daughter, the adolescent rebellion period of depression, is the heavy taste of adolescence, all kinds of work, all kinds of fancy torture, minutes let the parents angry and rush to the crown, seven tricks of smoke.

After taking a lot of detours and hitting a lot of south walls, I finally found that parents should pay the most attention to how to get along with themselves, accept themselves, love themselves, live themselves, relax and be happy, full of vitality, full of positive energy, and create a happy and warm family atmosphere. Let children like themselves, be willing to be with themselves, and be willing to be themselves when they grow up.

Children, on the other hand, need independent time and space to self-organize and heal. What kids like to roar most like is, "Shut up! "Roll! "Disappear from me!" "Let me be quiet!"

Therefore, parents live well, smile, take good care of their children in life, undertake children's emotions, and treat children as friends.

"The adolescent daughter is in a rebellious period, saying nothing, and being anxious when she speaks!" This is not an isolated phenomenon, but a universal phenomenon, so it is very important for parents to smile and shut up and let go and live themselves well.


With adolescent children, the focus is definitely not on communication, but on attitude. Treat children as friends, equality, respect, understanding, and acceptance.

Adolescent children, physical and mental development, all kinds of ideas collide, his own war is already annoying enough, can not listen to the parents' nagging, preaching. Even if what the parents say is more true than pearls, the children will probably not listen to it. The south wall that should be hit and the detour that should be detoured must be experienced by hand before giving up. Life is the best teacher.

Only parents who live well, accept themselves, like themselves, and can live in harmony with themselves can avoid being angry and angry all day long, or being weak and dejected, and parents are living like a decay, how to pass on positive energy, courage, confidence, and hope to their children?

I watched a video yesterday of a wonderful little girl playing a violin, and the teacher made her laugh, and she couldn't laugh at all. The teacher walked up to the little girl's mother and asked her a few questions: "Do you think your daughter is beautiful?" Cute? Does the violin play well? Mom gave all the negative answers. The teacher affirmed the little girl's talent in music and gently told the mother that the current problem was not that the little girl had to increase the time and intensity of practice, but that the mother needed to adjust herself hard and not continue to pass on anxiety and pressure to the child.

The situation is created by the heart, the parent's own improper interpretation of the world, the projection of anxiety, pressure, fear, panic, it can be said that it is the child who suffers deeply.

Therefore, parents first learn to get along with themselves well, so that their life state is more powerful and more vigorous, which is the right way to open.

Adolescent rebellious child, how can I love you?

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