
The first reception of my career

author:Hai na bai chuan 124455630

I haven't written anything in a long time! Because of the ups and downs of the commercial sea in the past ten years, personal gains and losses, as well as relatives and neighbors around them, they naturally woke up a lot, and they were also cold a lot! But as long as people live, they have to think better! Good running! This mentality reminds me of bits and pieces of my career! A lot of emotion, write it out! Encourage yourself, please others, everyone is in a good mood!

It should be a matter of 1995: at that time, the group company opened the China Merchants Association, transferred me back from the Shanghai office to engage in reception, I went to the reception center of the hotel arranged by the company in Jining City to do the front desk registration, that day was busy for a long time according to the list and Hebei Langfang customers have not yet arrived, they insisted on continuing to wait, let other customers and so on together for the party party! It was about eight or nine o'clock in the evening, and the customer arrived! Greetings:

Me: Liu Zong (Hebei Langfang customer)! Hello, just waiting for you, why are you here now?

Mr. Liu (Langfang customer): Yes! Oh brother! Don't mention, we were supposed to be here this morning, we took the train to the station, there is no "gun" station as you say!

Me: What is it (๑•̌.•̑๑)ˀ̣ˀ̣Gunzhou, it should be "Yan(yan) State Station"! You mispronounce it, don't sit and stand to blame it! [Shy]

Mr. Liu: Yes! Right! Right! Later, I asked the conductor, and I learned that there is no (✪▽✪) Gun (gun) station at Yan (Yan) Prefecture Station! Hahaha

Laughing dead!!!

Mr. Liu: This is not the main thing, the main thing is that you can't find the name of the hotel on the invitation card you mailed me! I can't find it for a long time! Look at the brother!

Me: Oh hey, I'm going! Who wrote you the invitation! The address should be "Jining Yipinxiang Hotel", written to you as "Jining Yixiang Hotel"! Where to look, I will definitely not find it! [Cover your face] [Cover your face] [Cover your face] [Yay] [Yay] [Yay]

Years have passed! Remembering that scene back then, that Liu Zong was helpless, real, aggrieved! I woke up laughing when I fell asleep, and when I thought about it in a daze, I laughed and the tears fell! [Smile] [Smile] [Smile]

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