
This Jew was denied a visa by 50 countries, and his fate changed after he arrived in China, looking at the feelings of a big country

In the course of the development of our human history, peace is often what people yearn for, but things will never develop in this way according to people's wishes, where there are human beings, there will be conflicts of interest, for the rational distribution of interests, people will also try their best to compete, so war will break out. Speaking of war, this is a word that no one wants to mention, because he has brought very serious disasters to both the state and the individual.

This Jew was denied a visa by 50 countries, and his fate changed after he arrived in China, looking at the feelings of a big country

But in the event of war, tens of millions of people will lose their homes and loved ones, and watching the homes that have lived here for a long time become broken, and the relatives who used to accompany them have lost their lives, and the pain that no one wants to experience, and the war is so sad.

When it comes to the greatest war that caused harm to mankind, I think people must think of the Second World War! The scope of this war, the number of casualties, is unprecedented in human history.

The main source of this war was the fascist forces led by Germany and Japan who wanted to gain more benefits.

At the same time, many peoples and countries in the European battlefield were also harmed by the war, and the Jewish people were almost wiped out in World War II, because Hitler's persecution of Jews was also exiled around the world. I believe that many people have seen "Schindler's List", and many scenes in this movie are still deeply remembered.

This Jew was denied a visa by 50 countries, and his fate changed after he arrived in China, looking at the feelings of a big country

So I wonder if you know the story between Eric and He Fengshan? The story of the two of them also brings the truth, goodness and beauty of human nature to the extreme, and today we will explore the story of these two people in depth.

In fact, if there is no war, I believe that Erik will be able to live a happy and happy life, as a Jew, then for business, they also have a unique experience, Eric was born into a merchant family.

Before the start of World War II, Erik was a 17-year-old student who was supposed to live his carefree life in school, but the arrival of the war was unexpected, and Jewish life was changed.

It should be known that Hitler was very hostile to the Jewish people, so the Jews who were basically captured by the German army had a miserable end. The German iron also entered Austria, and Austria was quickly occupied by the German army.

This Jew was denied a visa by 50 countries, and his fate changed after he arrived in China, looking at the feelings of a big country

Because Austria was already in control of the German army, the doom of the Jews began here. The German army began to hunt down Jews and force them to do humiliating things, and beaten Jews could be seen everywhere on the streets.

In short, with the germans entering Austria, the Jews here went from heaven to hell. Some Jews still cling to luck, but the german behavior is getting worse and worse, and the scope also affects all Jews.

What people did not expect was that in order to control these Jews, the German army also specially built concentration camps in order to better control them and carried out mass murder against them, and some Jews chose to commit suicide because they could not accept this fact and did not want to be bullied again.

This Jew was denied a visa by 50 countries, and his fate changed after he arrived in China, looking at the feelings of a big country

All in all, Austria at that time was no longer suitable for the Jews to survive. There are also some Jews who want to travel to other countries, but this requires a visa, and Eric also thinks the same way.

However, many countries at that time avoided these Jews, lest the German army involve them, so it was difficult to obtain a visa.

In addition, many countries have quotas, and later at a conference in Lyon, France, a meeting was held specifically to discuss the arrival of Jews. I was even more chilled by the Jews, who refused visas to the Jews.

It was Erik who was not dead-hearted, he ran to the consulates of almost every country, but was refused to answer, which already made Erik feel a little desperate.

But fortunately, there is no way out, and Eric came to the Chinese consulate. When he arrived at the Chinese consulate, Eric couldn't believe his eyes, and it was He Fengshan who received him, and He Fengshan also gave him a firm answer, as long as you bring all your documents, I will give you a visa to Shanghai.

This Jew was denied a visa by 50 countries, and his fate changed after he arrived in China, looking at the feelings of a big country

This shocked Erik, because she was ready to be rejected, but she did not expect that He Fengshan's answer to him was so clear, which made Eric move. In fact, at that time, Eric didn't even know where China was, he just wanted to give it a try, but he didn't expect it to succeed.

Early this morning, he got all the visas for his family, and He Fengshan also fulfilled his promise to Erik and gave him a visa to Shanghai.

As more and more Jews were sent to concentration camps, Erik finally embarked on a steamship to Shanghai, and after arriving in Shanghai, China, Erik also saw the madness of the Japanese, when Shanghai had long ceased to look like an international metropolis, and was full of ruins after being bombed by Japanese planes and bombs.

This Jew was denied a visa by 50 countries, and his fate changed after he arrived in China, looking at the feelings of a big country

There are about 20,000 Jews who have taken refuge in Shanghai! They also established an organization to help Jews who had taken refuge here from Europe.

In order to live a better life here, Erik also found a job in an import and export trading company, but their living conditions were very difficult at that time, and they had to face the wreckage of the Japanese at any time, but they persevered.

Jews can be said to be born with business acumen, in Shanghai, they also opened their own shops to increase their livelihood for their lives, which can also be regarded as adding some color to Shanghai at that time.

When Eric recalls Shanghai, he also said that Chinese was very kind to them, and they did not have a different vision because they were refugees who had fled.

This Jew was denied a visa by 50 countries, and his fate changed after he arrived in China, looking at the feelings of a big country

Later, they also heard that 6 million Jews had been slaughtered in Europe, and they were glad that they had fled to Shanghai. Later, Shanghai was about to be liberated, and Eric also went to Canada.

Despite leaving China, Eric has never forgotten He Fengshan's kindness to him. Erik told his family that he must remember to thank He Fengshan, without him, we might all be dead under the Nazi butcher's knife. And when Erik communicates with his friends, he will also say that he is already half a Chinese.

After all, in the most difficult time, China took them in, and it was He Fengshan who provided them with visas, all of which are closely related to China, and living in China for a long time, he has also adapted to local customs and habits. All in all, Eric has never forgotten He Fengshan and Chinese's kindness to him.

This Jew was denied a visa by 50 countries, and his fate changed after he arrived in China, looking at the feelings of a big country


The occurrence of war brings disaster to people is terrifying, and at the same time, the most sincere emotions between people can be seen in the war, just like Eric and He Fengshan, without He Fengshan, there would be no Current Eric. But this also tells us that we must guard peace well, after all, war is what everyone does not want to see, and we hope that there will be no more war in the world!

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