
The legendary "Fu General" of the Qing Dynasty, who fought for 59 years without any wounds, experts: see what he gives the soldiers to eat!


Throughout the ages, dynasties and dynasties seem to be unable to escape the baptism of war. And cruelty and bloodshed are the eternal themes of war. Modern warfare has entered the era of hot weapons, and once a war is fought, powerful lethality will inevitably cause serious consequences. Therefore, the contest between major powers must return to rationality. In contrast, the era of cold weapons pays attention to close combat, with swords as the main weapon, as described in "Chibi": "The iron that breaks the sand and sinks is not sold, and the self-will be polished and washed to recognize the former dynasty." Sword and gun sword, is the protagonist of the ancient battlefield.

On the battlefield, when the military generals were on iron horses and met their opponents in a narrow road, the light ones were wounded and the serious ones were killed. Those soldiers who have been in the battlefield for a long time are even more injured. As a soldier, the scars on his body are also a symbol of courage and a proof of his achievements. Those who can retreat are usually the cowards who have escaped from the battle. However, there are exceptions, according to the "Draft History of the Qing Dynasty": "In the spring of the knot, hundreds of battles, all of them were trapped in the formation of arrows, and they were not injured at all." Renzong inquired and sighed as a 'blessed general'. It is said that Yang Yuchun, a famous general of the Qing Dynasty, experienced hundreds of battles in his life, but there was no damage.

The legendary "Fu General" of the Qing Dynasty, who fought for 59 years without any wounds, experts: see what he gives the soldiers to eat!

▲ Ancient war stills


He was Yang Yuchun, a famous general of the Qing Dynasty, who served as the governor of Shaanxi and Gansu. Yang Yuchun's hometown was in Chongzhou, Sichuan, and he practiced martial arts from an early age, and because of the fall of his family, in the forty-fourth year of Qianlong (1779 AD), at the age of 19, he was admitted to the martial arts, thus beginning his life as a horseman. It was not until the end of his seventy-eight life that his military life came to an end.

Because of Yang Yuchun's outstanding military achievements, the Jiaqing Emperor summoned him many times and praised him greatly, calling him a "lucky general". A lifetime of hundreds of battles without injury, which is very rare on ancient battlefields. Moreover, Yang Yuchun's role on the battlefield is not a military division in the planning, but a real military attaché, skilled in bow and horse, and superb in martial arts. Relying on his own strength, he was promoted step by step from the bottom, to the viceroy, and then to the first rank of Zhao Yong Marquis.

The legendary "Fu General" of the Qing Dynasty, who fought for 59 years without any wounds, experts: see what he gives the soldiers to eat!

▲Portrait of Yang Yuchun

Yang Yuchun participated in countless battles in his lifetime. For example, in the eighteenth year of Jiaqing (1813 AD), Li Wencheng of the Tianli Sect revolted and occupied the town of Daokou in Huaxian County. Yang Yuchun was ordered to lead troops to carry out requisition and suppression. One day, he led eighty soldiers to scout the enemy on the front line, but on the way he encountered Li Wencheng and thousands of his men. Such a situation is undoubtedly an enemy and a widow, Yang Yuchun saw this, but he did not have any fear, but calmly and calmly, with his subordinates to fight the enemy army. His bravery and fortitude also infected his relatives, killing the enemy with one enemy and a hundred, all of which were commendable in courage.


Sure enough, Yang Yuchun also rushed out of the encirclement circle with dozens of his own soldiers, and achieved the record of killing more than 200 enemies. On the way back to the camp, Yang Yuchun counted the number of people as usual, and found that there were two less relatives, and he immediately turned around and led the soldiers back to the enemy position, forcing him to retrieve the corpses of these two relatives.

The legendary "Fu General" of the Qing Dynasty, who fought for 59 years without any wounds, experts: see what he gives the soldiers to eat!

▲ Eight Banner Soldiers of the Qing Dynasty

Casualties on the battlefield were inevitable, but Yang Yuchun, as the main general, never ignored the casualties of soldiers, nor did he regard battle deaths as a normal event. Yang Yuchun treated the soldiers like brothers and sisters, even if they were the subordinates who died on the battlefield, they would try their best to guard their last glory. Treating his subordinates with such courtesy and cherishing life also enhanced his cohesion and leadership. This is also the secret of his ability to endure hundreds of battles and remain unscathed. In dealing with the enemy, Yang Yuchun was fierce and fierce, and showed no mercy; in dealing with his subordinates, he was benevolent.


"Reciprocal exchanges" is the most basic human affection, not to mention the comrades-in-arms who live and die together. Experts said that just by looking at the diet of Yang Yuchun's soldiers, we can know that this person has a heart. Yang Yuchun cherished his subordinates and also received the love and support of the generals. He has always been honest and upright, never greedy for military salaries, soldiers can eat well, thank him for Dade, naturally will not let him be damaged in the slightest. Yang Yuchun also never escaped from the battlefield, or hid in the tent as a shrunken-headed turtle, always leading by example, rushing to the front line, and advancing and retreating with the soldiers.

The legendary "Fu General" of the Qing Dynasty, who fought for 59 years without any wounds, experts: see what he gives the soldiers to eat!

▲Stills of Qing Dynasty soldiers

Under the leadership of such a commander, soldiers will naturally give up their lives and forget their deaths, and have the courage to participate in the war. Fu fight, courage also. The so-called "one drum, then decline, three exhaustion", morale is also the key to victory, good morale is often half of the victory in war.

In this way, Yang Yuchun's army cohesion was enhanced, and the chance of winning the battle was also greatly improved, which naturally reduced the danger of the main general's battle. Even if he encountered a dangerous situation, Yang Yuchun's soldiers would desperately protect him and form a solid human wall, which achieved his record of being experienced in hundreds of battles and zero injuries.

The legendary "Fu General" of the Qing Dynasty, who fought for 59 years without any wounds, experts: see what he gives the soldiers to eat!

▲ Portrait of a Soldier of the Qing Dynasty


It can be seen that Yang Yuchun has fought for 59 years, but there is not a single wound on his body, and the reason can be summed up in eight words: there is grace under the control, and his death force is obtained. In short, it is to give grace to the subordinates in exchange for the trust and support of the soldiers, so as to get the desperate effectiveness of the subordinates. This is not only Yang Yuchun's successful experience in managing the army, but also the embodiment of his personal charm in his career. Such an experience is also worth learning from contemporary managers.

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