
TVB "deserved"? On acting skills, we still have to look at Deng Cuiwen

author:Pickpocket sister outside the circle

The 2021 TVB Awards, the list of winners has been released.

Many viewers do not recognize this list, which is largely related to acting.

Among the winners of TVB's previous TV Emperor Vision, there are also many voices that have been questioned.

TVB "deserved"? On acting skills, we still have to look at Deng Cuiwen

There are many people who question the "water emperor" and "water queen".

However, the time goes back to the era of five lives and five flowers and further forward, and there are also many acting strengths that have won the throne after the emperor and become the well-deserved "best protagonist".

To say that TVB's after-view "deserved"? On acting skills, we still have to look at Deng Cuiwen.

TVB "deserved"? On acting skills, we still have to look at Deng Cuiwen

The time can be traced back to the 2004 TVB Gongdou God's work "Golden Branch Desire", when Deng Cuiwen played the "Ru Concubine", which has already made the audience feel "what is acting".

Later, the two parts of the "Towel Gangster" series made Deng Cuiwen leap into the existence of TVB, and she became a well-deserved winner after winning the series.

How good is Deng Cuiwen's acting skills? Next, let's talk about her performance in three classic masterpieces.

TVB "deserved"? On acting skills, we still have to look at Deng Cuiwen

The excitement of "absolute protagonist" and "big heroine" still depends on Deng Cuiwen.

01 Fire spread all over the country

Many people know that the heroine that the original producer of "Golden Branch Desire" wanted to find was Cai Shaofen.

We can also see the existence of Cai Shaofen in the "Golden Branch Desire" tour film, but for various reasons, Cai Shaofen did not have the opportunity to participate.

TVB "deserved"? On acting skills, we still have to look at Deng Cuiwen

And the series also found Zhang Keyi, She Shiman and Li Zi, as well as Deng Cuiwen to act.

Deng Cuiwen played the role of "Rufei" in the play and was the core protagonist of "Desire for Evil in The Golden Branch".

At the time of the broadcast of the series, at first glance, Li Zi and She Shiman were the existence of the female one, but in fact, all four were heroines.

Rufei's early existence was like an auxiliary, but in fact, Deng Cuiwen performed the domineering and ambition that Rufei should have.

The drama between the queen and the nobles and the little lords is the most wonderful performance of Deng Cuiwen when interpreting the role of "Ru Concubine".

TVB "deserved"? On acting skills, we still have to look at Deng Cuiwen

Mature appearance combined with arrogance, such as concubine is not a brainless concubine, on the contrary, she is a master of conspiracy and calculation in the harem.

The drama of being ignored by the emperor due to the loss of favor in the later stage, and then the existence of returning to the peak of the "first-line pet concubine" with a wonderful performance, all let Deng Cuiwen perform "true feelings" and "false intentions".

TVB "deserved"? On acting skills, we still have to look at Deng Cuiwen

Such as the "play-in-play" of the concubine holding the child, many audiences in front of the screen, are in tears.

Even if it is fake, Rufei also performs the sad scene of losing her child.

This rich personality allows Deng Cuiwen to perform a real flesh and blood.

TVB "deserved"? On acting skills, we still have to look at Deng Cuiwen

It is also because of this role, "Rufei" and several other heroines, are all popular all over the country.

Deng Cuiwen became popular with this role and became the existence of the main actor, taking over a number of TVB dramas.

In many later TVB dramas, Deng Cuiwen's performance was very outstanding, and she also showed the characteristics of professional women in fashion dramas.

TVB "deserved"? On acting skills, we still have to look at Deng Cuiwen

But to say "hot", it has to be the "Towel Gangster" series that Deng Cuiwen and Li Yaoxiang cooperated later.

02 "Rice Line" Four Grandmothers

The acting skills of an actor are "changeable", and only by not being bound by a role can he really be considered an actor.

Just like Deng Cuiwen in the first series of "Towel Gangster", she starred in Kang Baoqi, the head of the rice industry, known as "Four Grandmothers".

This character is ice and snow intelligent, compassionate, tough personality with a little tenderness, firm to love.

TVB "deserved"? On acting skills, we still have to look at Deng Cuiwen

The role of "Four Grandmothers" is completely different from Thatufei.

In the play "The Gangster", we can see the four grandmothers facing the "internal and external troubles" of the family and the rice market.

You can also see how she uses her tactics to turn everything around.

But this role is not "universal", nor does it have a strong heroine aura, and more often there is "Chai Jiu" played by Li Yaoxiang to assist her.

TVB "deserved"? On acting skills, we still have to look at Deng Cuiwen

The relationship between the two also changed from the beginning of "friends" to the position of good friends.

After the protagonist Jiang Qiao receives the box lunch, the four grandmothers and Chai Jiu support each other, so that the whole story can be reversed in the end, despite the ups and downs.

The fourth grandmother and Chai Jiu are actually complementary roles.

In the play "The Gangster" alone, we can see the character of the overly ordinary and non-mythical protagonist.

Chai Jiu is a grassroots counterattack, and the fourth grandmother has gone from the "royal kitchen lady" to the top beam and pillar position of the rice merchant.

TVB "deserved"? On acting skills, we still have to look at Deng Cuiwen

These are the most wonderful places for the roles interpreted by Deng Cuiwen in "The Gangster".

The popularity of "The Gangster" has prompted the rapid launch of the second season, which has become a very classic existence.

03 "Righteous characters are the head," Zheng Jiumei said

In "Yihai Pride", we see what is the real "big heroine".

Deng Cuiwen played "Zheng Jiumei" in the play, known as the Nine Girls, a big hostess with a righteous word.

TVB "deserved"? On acting skills, we still have to look at Deng Cuiwen

In order to achieve the goal, the six relatives can not recognize, every sentence is inseparable from the "righteous qi", with the most brilliant means to seize the highest position of power.

But in the process of plot development, we can see the "alternative tenderness" of this character.

It can be said that Deng Cuiwen's cooperation with Li Yaoxiang in this play is like the existence of "red flowers and green leaves".

Zheng Jiumei is a "red flower", while Liu Xing is more like a "foil".

TVB "deserved"? On acting skills, we still have to look at Deng Cuiwen

But if we take a serious look, we can also find that Liu Xing also played an extremely important role in supporting and helping Zheng Jiumei in the middle and late stages.

The two later on are more like returning to the style and scene of the first season of "The Gangster".

TVB "deserved"? On acting skills, we still have to look at Deng Cuiwen

The most brilliant place of "Yihai Pride" is not only the ups and downs and "cool feelings" of the plot, but more importantly, it highlights the touching drama of the two people spanning most of their lives and transcending the love of the world.

04 "Speaking Acting" after taking the video

Many netizens have analyzed that after wanting to get TVB TV, they should have "talked about acting", "performance" and "drama performance".

And Deng Cuiwen's performance in "Yihai Haoqing" can be said to be well-deserved.

On acting, "Zheng Jiumei", played by Deng Cuiwen, has full momentum and the most sincere "true feeling".

TVB "deserved"? On acting skills, we still have to look at Deng Cuiwen

On performance, Deng Cuiwen's performance in the play is not bad, not only so that the audience does not have a sense of jumping, but also lets the audience have a strong sense of substitution, so that the audience is full of tears, and even revisited many times.

Looking back at the episodes from ten years ago, we can see that TVB is full of talent and fierce competition.

Although the "Gangster" series was very prominent at the time, there were also many high-quality dramas at that time, all of which were its "fierce enemies".

TVB "deserved"? On acting skills, we still have to look at Deng Cuiwen

Looking at today, the TVB Awards Ceremony 2021 has been questioned by netizens, and the hot comments are even more unbearable.

What's the problem? Presumably, many viewers have a lot of it.

"Speaking acting" after taking the tv was undoubtedly a hard condition at the time, and Deng Cuiwen starred in the two series of "The Gangster", won TVB TV for two consecutive years, and became the best actress, which is obviously "the expectation of the people".

However, the episodes of 10 years ago are still classic, and they are also high scores now.

TVB "deserved"? On acting skills, we still have to look at Deng Cuiwen

But today, things have long been human.

Now after the 2021 TVB Awards, I am nostalgic for TVB 10 years ago.

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