
He was originally a fierce man, but he was taken out of context and made into a hero

The history of China's rendition novels and quyi has a history of hundreds of years, and its contradictions are created and the means of expression are becoming more and more sophisticated in the process of development, and the three-dimensional characterization of loyalty and adultery is portrayed by various events. Sometimes, novels and music artists will portray or whitewash historical characters in order to shape some contradictions and conflicts. Of course, this is an artistic technique, and you should not compare it too much with history. For example, Li Daozong, a great general of the Tang Dynasty, was both humane and martial, and made great contributions to the Tang Dynasty in opening up the territory and expanding the territory. However, in the rendition "Xue Rengui", he was portrayed as a big villain, and he was completely bad.

He was originally a fierce man, but he was taken out of context and made into a hero

Today, Xiaobian introduces you to a person who is not very familiar to everyone. This man's reputation in history is not very good, but his reputation in the novel is very good, almost called a hero. This person was Liu Zongmin, a general under Li Zicheng in the late Ming Dynasty.

Liu Zongmin is a native of Lantian, Shaanxi, and the character Jiexuan. He was born into a poor tenant family, and due to the serious corruption of officials in the late Ming Dynasty, local officials expropriated and tyrannical for their own selfish desires. Liu Zongmin's father was forced by the government to commit suicide. His mother took him around begging, and soon after his mother froze to death on the road. This incident caused a great blow to Liu Zongmin's heart, so Liu Zongmin hated the Ming Dynasty very much.

He was originally a fierce man, but he was taken out of context and made into a hero

In the seventh year of Chongzhen, Li Zicheng led the peasant army to Lantian, and Liu Zongmin immediately joined the peasant army and became a basic warrior. He had great strength because he was fighting iron, and in the past when he had rushed to make weapons, he had a certain understanding of the sword, wielded the knife quickly and accurately, and often used one enemy on the battlefield, and soon got The reuse of Li Zicheng.

In the years when Li Zicheng failed in the early days, Liu Zongmin was always able to follow Li Zicheng and help him make a comeback many times. Until the great famine in Henan, tens of thousands of hungry people joined the peasant army, and the peasant army was so strong that it conquered Luoyang in one fell swoop and killed King Fu. Liu Zongmin distributed The blood of King Fu mixed with venison to the people to eat, and distributed all of King Fu's money to the people, and let go of the official warehouses to help the victims of the disaster, achieving a very good reputation.

He was originally a fierce man, but he was taken out of context and made into a hero

Many interpretations portray Liu Zongmin as a hero based on this historical record, completely ignoring his later cruelty. In the sixteenth year of Chongzhen, Li Zicheng defeated the famous general Sun Chuanting, occupied Xi'an, Shanxi, Henan and other places, and instead began to advance northward, preparing to attack Beijing.

At this time, the Ming Dynasty had exhausted its strength, although the Chongzhen Emperor tried to save it, but still could not break the fate of destruction, Li Zicheng was in full swing, and at once he attacked Beijing, the Chongzhen Emperor hanged the coal mountain, and the Ming Dynasty was basically destroyed. After entering the city of Beijing, Liu Zongmin did not restrain his subordinates, but instead wantonly connived at his subordinates to harm the city of Beijing.

He was originally a fierce man, but he was taken out of context and made into a hero

His subordinates robbed the people of Beijing of their family property and raped the women of the people of Beijing, and he himself was also beastly, not only raping the palace women in the palace, but even occupying Wu Sangui's concubine Chen Yuanyuan, forcing Wu Sangui to rebel at once, indirectly leading to his own demise. He also tortured officials to force them to confess, causing them to hand over their family property, killing many people by mistake, and the people's hearts and minds that had been accumulated were scattered.

In the seventeenth year of Chongzhen, the Dashun army fought a decisive battle with the Wu Sangui-Manchu Qing coalition army outside Shanhaiguan, and the result was defeated, Li Zicheng was defeated, and Liu Zongmin retreated with an arrow. In the first year of Shunzhi, Li Zicheng withdrew from Beijing after burning the Forbidden City, and as a result, the Qing army pursued him and Li Zicheng was forced to go nowhere. In the second year of Shunzhi, Liu Zongmin was captured while fighting at Jiugong Mountain in Hubei Province, and then killed by Qing soldiers, and cut off the first rank to report for merit, when he was only thirty-eight years old.

He was originally a fierce man, but he was taken out of context and made into a hero

Liu Zongmin, a person, can fight wars, but after all, his cultural level is limited, and he has always lived by bravery. His own limitations determined that he could not succeed, and it was normal for him to lose. He fought against the decadent rule of the Ming Dynasty and also killed many innocent people, and the evaluation of him in the history books is mixed.

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