
The Ming Dynasty fell, and the culprit was first and foremost on Wanli's head

author:Tao knowledge


Hello ladies and gentlemen, in the history of the Ming Dynasty, there was such an emperor, Emperor Wanli, Zhu Yijun, this guy has been the emperor for a long time, and he has been sitting for 48 years in one breath!

But, speaking of him, most of the people behind him shook their heads, why? Because he has a bullish "record" - he hasn't been to the early dynasty for 28 years!

The Ming Dynasty fell, and the culprit was first and foremost on Wanli's head

Do you think, the emperor doesn't go to work, can the country not mess up? Therefore, some people said: "The Ming Dynasty finally collapsed, not because Emperor Chongzhen was not good, but because Emperor Wanli was too lazy." ”

In fact, in my opinion, laziness is only the surface, and there are deeper reasons why Emperor Wanli does not go to court.

Click to pay attention and talk about those things in Wanli together!

Let's talk about Emperor Wanli, he and his grandfather Jiajing Emperor Zhu Houxi, that's a bit similar.

The Ming Dynasty fell, and the culprit was first and foremost on Wanli's head

Both of them have a long life, Jiajing lived to be 60 years old, and Wanli was 58 years old, which is also amazing.

The Ming Dynasty fell, and the culprit was first and foremost on Wanli's head

The reign is also long, Jiajing 45 years, Wanli direct 48 years, a new record.

The Ming Dynasty fell, and the culprit was first and foremost on Wanli's head

Also, these two people don't like to go to work, Jiajing didn't go to the early dynasty for 24 years, Wanli was even more fierce, and he didn't go for 28 years!

However, Jiajing loves to cultivate immortals and refine pills, and Wanli loves beautiful women, drinks, and money.

The Ming Dynasty fell, and the culprit was first and foremost on Wanli's head

Speaking of why Wanli didn't go to the early dynasty for 30 years, there are many reasons, some people say he is lazy, some people say he has a problem with his legs, but I think ah, this has something to do with the fact that he was too strict when he was a child, just like a spring, if the pressure is too tight, it will rebound!

The young son of heaven Zhu Yijun

Zhu Yijun, the emperor of Wanli, became the crown prince at the age of six and became the emperor at the age of ten. When he was a child, he was also a young man with dreams and pursuits, and he was bent on making the Ming Dynasty better.

The Ming Dynasty fell, and the culprit was first and foremost on Wanli's head

But at that time, he was still young, and he had to listen to his teacher Zhang Juzheng. Zhang Juzheng is a ruthless character, not only a big official, but also his teacher, who is super strict with him. Before dawn, you have to get up and read, you can't read a word wrong, you have to be scolded. It's not easy.

finally waited for the tenth year of Wanli, Zhang Juzheng died, and Zhu Yijun was 20 years old, so he could be the master of his own house. He was so happy in his heart, he was finally able to vent his grievances for many years, and he directly copied Zhang Juzheng's home.

The Ming Dynasty fell, and the culprit was first and foremost on Wanli's head

However, although he got rid of the shackles, Zhu Yijun still wanted to do something practical. In the first few years of pro-government, he worked hard, studied every day, saved expenses, and was like a diligent Mingjun.

The Struggle for Heirs "The Struggle for the Nation"

The good times are like the clouds in the sky, which are scattered when they are said to be scattered. Next, there was a big storm in the palace, that is, a big debate about "who will be the prince", and the entire court blew up, like a big stone being thrown on the surface of the lake, turning the river and the sea.

The Ming Dynasty fell, and the culprit was first and foremost on Wanli's head

This matter has to start with Emperor Wanli wanting to promote Concubine Zheng Guifei. He wants to make Zheng Guifei the imperial concubine, this is not a trivial matter, and the meaning behind it is big - he wants Zheng Guifei's son Zhu Changxun to be the crown prince. When the ministers heard this, they were anxious, because Zhu Changxun also had an elder brother Zhu Changluo!

Zhu Changluo's mother is a little palace maid in the palace, from a humble background. According to the rules, it is difficult to be a prince with such an identity.

The Ming Dynasty fell, and the culprit was first and foremost on Wanli's head

But Zhu Changluo is the first son of Emperor Wanli, and according to the old rule of "there is a grandson, there is no grandson", he should be a sure candidate for the crown prince.

This matter has to be traced back to the ninth year of Wanli, when the Wanli Emperor was only 19 years old, young and vigorous, and loved to play. One day I went to say goodbye to the Queen Mother, but the Queen Mother was not there, so he and a little palace maid, who was later the palace concubine, something happened.

This matter was originally quite private, but the palace maid was pregnant! Emperor Wanli wanted to admit it at first, feeling that it was disgraceful to say it.

The Ming Dynasty fell, and the culprit was first and foremost on Wanli's head

But the Queen Mother didn't think so, her old man was in a hurry to hug her grandson, and she didn't care about so many rules, so she directly asked the eunuch to dig out the emperor's "living note", which was the diary that recorded what the emperor did every day, and Emperor Wanli couldn't rely on it.

The Queen Mother also persuaded Emperor Wanli, saying: "Look, this palace maid is pregnant with your child, or the first grandson of our family, you have to give someone a name." When Emperor Wanli heard this, he had no choice but to admit it, and named the palace maid as the palace concubine, and later she gave birth to Zhu Changluo, the later eldest son of the emperor.

But this time, the selection of the prince is complicated. Emperor Wanli wanted to set up his favorite son Zhu Changxun, but the ministers and the queen mother insisted on establishing the eldest son Zhu Changluo. It's a good thing now, the court is fighting for this matter, and the battle for the country has begun.

The Ming Dynasty fell, and the culprit was first and foremost on Wanli's head

In the final analysis, Wanli Emperor Zhu Yijun's favorite thing in his heart is Zheng Guifei, which is the tip of his heart, and even his son Zhu Changxun is also very fond of Zheng Guifei.

As soon as the ministers saw that this sign was wrong, they sounded the alarm in their hearts, for fear that the emperor would be impulsive and abolish his eldest son Zhu Changluo and replace Zhu Changxun as the crown prince.

They didn't want to wait for things to get big and then clean up the mess, so Shen Shixing, the first assistant of the cabinet, was the first to stand up and write to the emperor to ask the emperor to appoint Zhu Changluo as the crown prince as soon as possible, so as to stabilize the foundation of the country. But Zhu Yijun didn't put this matter at ease at all, and directly ignored it.

The ministers saw that the emperor was quite stubborn, so let's do something hard. The heads of the household department, the official department, and the criminal department took turns to go into battle one after another, and they wrote letters one after another to ask for the crown prince.

The Ming Dynasty fell, and the culprit was first and foremost on Wanli's head

As a result, Zhu Yijun became angry directly, and in a fit of anger, the three of them were demoted and sent to remote places.

Do you think that's how the civil servants coaxed? Then you can underestimate the civil officials of the Ming Dynasty, they are famous for their backbone and responsibility.

The Ming Dynasty fell, and the culprit was first and foremost on Wanli's head

In the face of the emperor's anger, instead of flinching, they strengthened their position, and sent them to the palace one after another, asking the emperor to make the crown prince.

Of course, most of these twists and turns have gone to waste, or in exchange for harsher punishments.

This battle for the national capital has lasted for 15 years! During this period, the cabinet leaders and assistants have changed several times, and four of them were forced to resign because of this matter.

The Ming Dynasty fell, and the culprit was first and foremost on Wanli's head

There are also ministerial-level officials, central and local officials, large and small, a total of several hundred people are involved in this turmoil, and more than 100 of them have lost their positions, been demoted, and exiled because they have stood firm, and some have even been sent to the frontiers by confiscating the army.

In the end, it was Emperor Wanli's mother, Empress Dowager Li, who couldn't stand it anymore, so she personally went out and asked her son why he didn't make Zhu Changluo the crown prince.

Zhu Yijun was quick for a while, and said: "He is the son of a palace maid, how can he be worthy of being a prince?" As soon as these words came out, Empress Dowager Li was furious and went back directly: "Don't forget, you yourself are also the son of a palace maid!" ”

This sentence directly shocked Zhu Yijun, and he realized how hurtful his words were, and he also understood his mother's determination and the persistence of the ministers.

The Ming Dynasty fell, and the culprit was first and foremost on Wanli's head

So, in the twenty-ninth year of Wanli, that is, in 1601 AD, Zhu Yijun finally relented and agreed to make Zhu Changluo the crown prince, and the other sons were also crowned kings. This struggle for the national capital, which lasted for 15 years, finally ended in the victory of the civilian clique.

But ah, this is a big blow to Zhu Yijun.

The Ming Dynasty fell, and the culprit was first and foremost on Wanli's head

He has been managed by his mother since he was a child, and when he became an emperor and was managed by Zhang Juzheng, he finally became pro-government, and he was stared at by the civil official group of the Manchu Dynasty, can he feel good in his heart?

Therefore, since the seventeenth year of Wanli, he has simply stopped receiving courtiers, which can be regarded as a way to express his dissatisfaction and helplessness.

For the rest of my life, I chose to lie down

Speaking of Wanli Emperor Zhu Yijun, he seemed to have changed in the middle and late stages of his reign. Since November of the 14th year of Wanli, he seems to have suddenly opened his mind, fell in love with drinking and having fun, soaked in the harem all day long, and didn't even go to the court much.

In his heart, he probably felt that the errand of being an emperor was too tiring, so he simply left it alone and let the ministers toss it themselves. He is so bad, but he will make the entire Ming Dynasty miserable.

The Ming Dynasty fell, and the culprit was first and foremost on Wanli's head

Think about it, the emperor is no longer in court, so who will take care of the country's major affairs? Although the ministers were anxious, they could only bite the bullet, and as a result, the situation was chaotic. The partisan struggle is becoming more and more fierce, the officials are also having their own evil intentions, relatives and eunuchs are taking advantage of the opportunity to rise, and the country's money bag is becoming more and more deflated. What a disaster!

However, Emperor Wanli was not completely inactive. He also engaged in the "Three Great Expeditions of Wanli", that is, he fought three major battles with Ningxia, North Korea and Banzhou. Although they all won in the end, the cost was also huge.

The Ming Dynasty fell, and the culprit was first and foremost on Wanli's head

Zhang Ju just happened to have a family foundation that was not easy to save, and it was almost exhausted after a few battles. In order to supplement military spending, Emperor Wanli could only reach out to the common people and collect more taxes. Now the common people are not doing it, complaining everywhere, and they are becoming more and more dissatisfied with the court.

One of the most fatal was the Battle of Salhu in Liaodong. Emperor Wanli thought that he could eliminate the Houjin (that is, the later Qing Dynasty) in one fell swoop, but in the end, he lost his wife and his soldiers, and he lost so badly.

The Ming Dynasty fell, and the culprit was first and foremost on Wanli's head

After this battle, the power of the Ming Dynasty in Liaodong was greatly weakened, and it had to spend a lot of money every year to guard the border. In this way, the country will be poorer.

And what about the Wanli Emperor himself? He is still addicted to wine all day long, unable to extricate himself, and his body is not as good as day by day. Finally, in 1620, he died of illness, leaving behind a devastated Ming Dynasty to clean up the mess for future generations.

Speaking of which, Emperor Wanli's life is really loved and hated. He's had moments of glory and moments of disappointment.

The Ming Dynasty fell, and the culprit was first and foremost on Wanli's head

After the death of Mingshenzong Zhu Yijun, only twenty-four years later, the Ming Dynasty was completely finished. Some people say that the Ming Dynasty has been slowly dying since the Wanli time.

Although, it is indeed a bit unfair to dump the pot of the fall of the Ming Dynasty on Wanli alone, but we also have to say that his various behaviors at that time, such as not caring about anything, irresponsible, and cold, really made the Ming Dynasty collapse all at once. He can't escape this responsibility.

The Ming Dynasty fell, and the culprit was first and foremost on Wanli's head

In general, the story of Emperor Wanli tells us a truth: as a monarch, it is not enough to have ability, but more importantly, to have a sense of responsibility and a spirit of responsibility. If even the emperor abdicated his responsibilities and missions, how could the country not go into decline? History is so cruel and fair, it doesn't turn a blind eye to you because of who you are.

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