
The stinging Crown Prince Liu Zhao

Liu Was born in the spring of the first year of Yuan Shuo and was only six years old when he was made crown prince. When he became an adult, Emperor Wu inspected and went out, and he entrusted him with state affairs. The prince's style of government is benevolent and wins the hearts of the people. Among the courtiers, those who were generous supported and attached themselves to the prince. And those who rule harshly denigrate the prince.

After the death of the general Wei Qing in the fifth year of the Yuan Dynasty, the traitors in the court believed that the prince had lost his patron, and because they were worried that the prince would not be good for them after he ascended the throne, they competed to frame the prince.

The stinging Crown Prince Liu Zhao

When the crown prince was born, Emperor Wu of Han not only invited famous teachers to teach learning, but after he became an adult, he also opened up the Bowang Garden for the prince in the palace, so that he could freely entertain the literati and scholars, study learning, know the world's major events, and really love.

Later, after Wei Qing and Huo Went ill successively died, Wei Zifu also grew old. Emperor Wu of Han himself belonged to the widowed people, so although Empress Wei Zifu had not moved, Emperor Wu had rarely met and talked with her.

In his later years, Emperor Wu loved to travel, and often ordered the prince to supervise the country, and then people would hang around, which led to the fact that the prince or the empress could not see the emperor for a long time, and there was less communication between husband and wife, and the trust was naturally getting lower and lower, otherwise the father and son would not rely on each other to the extent that they had to meet each other.

The stinging Crown Prince Liu Zhao

Liu Zhao's nature is kind, gentle and cautious, and the personality of Emperor Wu of Han is very different, so it is said that Emperor Wu of Han does not like Liu Zhao, nor is it annoying, and the relationship between father and son is tepid. For the sake of vested interests, some villains provoked the feelings between Emperor Wu of Han and the crown prince.

Historical records record: "Huangmen Su's proclamation said: "The prince plays with the palace people." "The Shangyi TaiGong is full of two hundred people. The prince knows it later, and his heart is titled. "

In fact, if there was no such disaster, Liu Zhi would have been a good emperor.

If Liu Zhao succeeds to the throne as emperor, then he will be like Emperor Wen of Han, Emperor Xuan of Han, Emperor Ming of Han, Emperor Gaozong of Tang, Emperor Xuanzong of Tang, Emperor Renzong of Song, Emperor Mingrenzong of Qing, and other emperors, and become the wise and benevolent monarch in history, and the zhaoxuan dynasty of the strongest period of the Western Han Dynasty will appear in another posture under Liu Zhao's governance.

The stinging Crown Prince Liu Zhao

But alas, he died in the scourge of the witches.

The prince died because of the lack of foreign aid. After the loss of the foreign relatives, the hostile forces in the DPRK and The Chinese elite saw his two giants of the foreign relatives fall, and some people constantly stirred up dissension in front of Emperor Wu of Han, and Su Wen actually lied to him about flirting with the palace women.

Gongsun He, who was also a cousin, died in prison because he was implicated by his brothers, and Liu refused to lose all his protections for foreign relatives.

The stinging Crown Prince Liu Zhao

At the same time, Jiang Chong killed tens of thousands of officials and people because of the witchcraft case, the power covered the sky, and the bold Jiang Chong saw that Emperor Wu of Han was old, worried that he was at odds with the prince, and actually went first, directly excavating the palace of Empress Wei Zifu and the prince, and said that he found a puppet used by Emperor Wu of Han in the palace of the prince!

There was a scene of Emperor Wu of Han killing his son.

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