
When Emperor Wu of Han learned that the crown prince had been wronged, he did not avenge the prince: the emperor was angry and ambushed millions of corpses

When Emperor Wu of Han learned that the crown prince had been wronged, he did not avenge the prince: the emperor was angry and ambushed millions of corpses

"Hirata School hunting books are still Chen, why don't you say anything on this day?" The unique prestige resounds through the ages, and the heirs are respected as warriors. This is a poem by the Tang Dynasty poet Wei Yingwu to describe Emperor Wu of Han, who is a famous emperor in history, who set the territory of the Han Dynasty, opened up the territory and expanded the territory, and the Xiongnu were repelled by him. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was able to write and write many poems.

Speaking of Emperor Wu of Han, there are meritorious deeds, and our achievements are all recognized by us, not to mention. The greatest of his lives is nothing more than the scourge of witchcraft. It was because of the scourge of the witches in his later years that he wrongfully killed the crown prince Liu Zhao, forcing the death of empress Dowager Wei Zifu. As a result, the century-old foundation has not been passed on, tens of thousands of people have died during the turmoil, and innocent people have also been implicated. After he woke up, in order to avenge the prince, he killed many people, and the blood flowed into rivers and ambushed millions of corpses.

Emperor Wu of Han lost his son and grandson, lost his daughter, lost his empress, listened to rumors, and caused himself to regret it, wondering what he remembered in the last scene before he died.

When Emperor Wu of Han learned that the crown prince had been wronged, he did not avenge the prince: the emperor was angry and ambushed millions of corpses

The antecedent of the scourge of witchcraft

Emperor Wu of Han had three plagues of witchcraft in his lifetime, the first two of which had no impact on the country, and the third and final plague of witchcraft caused serious losses to Emperor Wu of Han himself and to the Han Dynasty, and also made Emperor Wu of Han in his later years regret it.

The third plague of witchcraft was provoked by Jiang Chong, so why did Jiang Yong frame the prince? It was because he had offended the prince earlier and had a grudge against him and wanted to get rid of him.

In the early years, Jiang Chong served as an embroidery messenger, and at that time, the prince's courtiers were not allowed to ride horses on the street. However, when the crown prince's courtiers rode up the street, they were seen by Jiang Chong and wanted to tell Emperor Wu of Han. The crown prince was distressed by his own courtiers, so he interceded with Jiang Chong. Who knew that Jiang Chong ignored it and went straight to Emperor Wu of Han. This incident made Jiang Chong famous in the capital, but it also made Jiang Chong feel bad in his heart.

When Emperor Wu of Han learned that the crown prince had been wronged, he did not avenge the prince: the emperor was angry and ambushed millions of corpses

Emperor Wu of Han was sick and sick in old age, and Jiang Chong waited on the side. As Emperor Wu of Han's health weakened, Jiang Chong was very worried that the crown prince would kill himself after he ascended the throne. But in fact, the prince did not take this matter to heart, nor did he expect that he would suffer a flying disaster.

It just so happened that Lady Hook Yi, a fellow jiangchong, extended an olive branch to Jiang Chong and wanted to plot with Jiang Chong for power. Because of the lessons of the past, Emperor Wu of Han was very concerned about Wu Jiao, and once when he was taking a nap during the day, he dreamed that thousands of wooden people with sticks wanted to attack him, and suddenly woke up.

After that, Emperor Wu of Han's body began to feel uncomfortable, and his mind was full of witchcraft. Jiang Chong took the opportunity to speak to the emperor, saying that the Yellow Emperor's illness was due to someone practicing witchcraft. Emperor Wu of Han believed that this was true, so he sent Jiang Chong as an emissary to investigate. Jiang Chong's mind was poisonous, and he first went to the people to wrongfully accuse the people, and beat them into confession. The officials were also very frightened, and they were also beaten into confession by Jiang Chong, and at this time the government was in chaos. He also sent a Hu sorcerer to tell the emperor that someone in the palace was practicing witchcraft, and the emperor sent him to investigate.

When Emperor Wu of Han learned that the crown prince had been wronged, he did not avenge the prince: the emperor was angry and ambushed millions of corpses

Jiang Chong first searched from the palaces of several unfavored concubines, and finally searched the empress and the prince's palace. Jiang Chong took revenge and overturned the land in the prince and empress palaces, so that there was no place to put the bed in two places. Jiang Chong had sent his henchmen to put the little wooden people in the tai womb, so he threatened to go back to the emperor, and the small wooden people found the most in the tai womb. The crown prince was temporarily wronged and was very afraid, and his teacher gave him advice, so it was better to kill Jiang Chong first while the emperor was seriously ill. The crown prince felt that it was not in line with etiquette, did not do this, and went to see the emperor several times, but was stopped by Jiang Chong. Forced to be helpless, the prince had no choice but to kill Jiang Chong.

The Curse of witchcraft

The crown prince entered the palace from the palace and brought weapons from the military treasury. He said to the civil and military officials: "I suspect that something may have happened, and the traitors want to take advantage of the opportunity to rebel." However, the emperor's henchmen and palace ladies around Jiang Chong said that the prince had rebelled.

Emperor Wu of Han listened to the rumors and sent emissaries to investigate whether the prince had rebelled, who knew that the emissaries were too timid to return to the palace and tell the emperor that the prince had rebelled. Send the newly established chancellor to hunt down the rebels. When the prince left the palace, who knew that the prince had already spread rumors that the prince had rebelled, so no people were willing to attach themselves to the prince's troops, on the contrary, the prince's troops were getting bigger and bigger. In the end, the prince and his two children were forced to die in Hu County.

When Emperor Wu of Han learned that the crown prince had been wronged, he did not avenge the prince: the emperor was angry and ambushed millions of corpses

In this disaster, the prince only had one young grandson survived, the empress in the palace also hanged herself because of this matter, the prince and the empress were married by this matter, Lady Hook Yi thought that she had gained all the benefits, although Jiang Chong died, but now her son is the emperor's favorite son, she thinks she can enjoy it. Unfortunately, Emperor Wu of Han was afraid of his son and mother, and the situation of Lü Hou's dictatorship appeared, so he found an excuse to kill her. In this witch rebellion, Emperor Wu of Han lost far more than he could have imagined.

The Son of Heaven woke up

In this scourge, the people and the ministers were very worried. No one dared to mention the prince and the empress to seek revenge, only Huguan Sanlao Ling Humao wrote to Emperor Wu of Han that the prince was the emperor's son, and the emperor did not believe in his son, but credulously trusted the traitors, resulting in a gap between the emperor and his son, so he forced his son to use his father's army. In the end, he was forced to commit suicide. Ling Humao said that he did not think that the prince had any sinister intentions, but that those traitors were reprehensible.

When Emperor Wu of Han learned that the crown prince had been wronged, he did not avenge the prince: the emperor was angry and ambushed millions of corpses

Just at this time, the Langguan guarding the ancestral temple of Han Gaozu played to Emperor Wu of Han, saying that a white-haired old man had given him a dream, and his sons had used their fathers to be whipped, but tianzi's son had accidentally killed the traitor, what was the crime? Take this to avenge the crown prince. Emperor Wu of Han suddenly realized that he had wronged the prince and empress.

Emperor Wu of Han regretted it, but unfortunately the lives of his sons and grandsons could never be returned. Poor Wei Zifu was old and decaying, and he was no longer the gentle, lovely, kind and beautiful Wei Zifu that Emperor Wudi of Han wanted, so he was left behind by Emperor Wudi of Han. In order to avenge his son, Emperor Wu of Han killed the three tribes of Jiangchong and burned Su Wen, who had entered the rumors at that time, on the cross bridge. The soldiers who had once slashed at the prince in the midst of the disaster were all killed. In aggravated cases, capital punishment is imposed. The minister who forced the prince to die was tortured to death, and his wife was also hung at the city gate. At this time, Emperor Wu of Han pitied the prince very much, and also built a Sizi Pavilion in Huxian County to miss the prince and his grandson.

It was precisely because Emperor Wu of Han believed the rumors that the children he had painstakingly cultivated for several years were forced to hang themselves, and the century-old inheritance of the Han Dynasty was not inherited for a while. This led to the dictatorship of Huo Guang after his death. The Son of Heaven was furious and laid down millions of corpses. Because of the scourge of the witches, when the prince was married, hundreds of people died tragically.

When Emperor Wu of Han learned that the crown prince had been wronged, he did not avenge the prince: the emperor was angry and ambushed millions of corpses

And because Emperor Wu of Han avenged the crown prince, how many innocent people with this matter also died tragically. Later generations did not have a high evaluation of Emperor Wu of Han's later years, and this matter was the decisive factor. And Emperor Wu of Han can be said to have a miserable old age and died with remorse. But even if you regret it, what you lose is ultimately lost, and you can never come back.

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