
711 was penalized for using an incomplete map of China, misrepresenting The province of Taiwan as an independent state

On January 6, the Tianyancha App showed that recently, Qiyi Shiyi (Beijing) Co., Ltd. was fined a total of 150,000 yuan by the Dongcheng Branch of the Beijing Municipal Planning and Natural Resources Commission for displaying incomplete maps on the website and marking content that could not be expressed on the map with relevant national regulations. The specific reasons for the punishment show that the incomplete map displayed on the company's website omits the points of the South China Sea Zhudao Islands; the Diaoyu Islands and Chiwei Islands; the national border line in the Aksai Chin region is incorrect; the national border line in the southern Tibet region is incorrect; and the Taiwan Province is incorrectly represented as an independent country.

711 was penalized for using an incomplete map of China, misrepresenting The province of Taiwan as an independent state

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