
711 company website display incomplete map was fined 150,000! Be given a warning

On January 6, Nandu reporters learned from the official website of Credit China that Qiyi Shiyi (Beijing) Co., Ltd. was fined a total of 150,000 yuan by the Dongcheng Branch of the Beijing Municipal Commission of Planning and Natural Resources for displaying incomplete maps of China on its website. Nandu reporters have twice consulted 711 Beijing on this penalty information, but have not received a reply as of press time.

711 company website display incomplete map was fined 150,000! Be given a warning

According to the official website, Qiyi Shiyi (Beijing) Co., Ltd. displayed incomplete maps on the of its website, including omitting the points of the South China Sea Zhudao Islands, omitting the Diaoyu Islands and Chiwei Islands, the national borders of the Aksai Chin region indicating errors, the national borders of southern Tibet indicating errors, and the wrong behavior of Taiwan as an independent country.

In addition, the company's entrance shows the existence of incomplete maps, including the missed diaoyu Dao, Chiwei Island tou Nanhai Zhudao island point is wrong, the southern Tibet regional border line is wrong, and the Aksai Chin regional border line is incorrect.

According to Article 37 of the "Regulations on the Administration of Maps", no unit or individual may upload or label through the Internet content that contains content that cannot be expressed on the map in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State; Article 15 stipulates that maps disclosed to the public shall be submitted to the competent administrative department for surveying, mapping and geographic information with the right to review and approve.

Therefore, the Dongcheng Branch of the Beijing Municipal Commission of Planning and Natural Resources gave a warning and a fine of 50,000 yuan for displaying incomplete maps at the entrance of Qiyi Shiyi (Beijing) Co., Ltd.; and fined 100,000 yuan for the behavior of marking on the official website with content that cannot be expressed on the map in accordance with relevant national regulations.

According to the National Enterprise Credit Information Publicity System, Qiyi Shiyi (Beijing) Co., Ltd. was established on January 2, 2004, the legal representative is Hideo Iwamoto, the registered capital is 44 million US dollars, and the business scope includes retail, wholesale grain and oil products, wine, tea, food, beverages, health food, processed food, catering services, etc.

It is worth noting that one of the shareholders of Qiyi Shiyi (Beijing) Co., Ltd. is Qiqi Shiyi (China) Investment Co., Ltd., and the majority shareholder of the company is 7-11 Japan Co., Ltd.

On the 6th and 10th, Nandu reporters consulted 711 Beijing twice on this penalty information, but as of press time, they have not received a reply.

Written by: Nandu reporter Yang Tianzhi

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