
He joined the revolution at the age of 17 and became vice governor of Shanxi at the age of 55, after which he was unjustly imprisoned for 8 years at the age of 83


2021 marks the 76th anniversary of the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan, and in these decades, the Communist Party has gone from a spark that can ignite the plains to a great layout for building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way. Along the way, through thorns and thorns, finally victory. At this time, we need to remember the revolutionary martyrs who braved the rain of bullets and bullets 76 years ago, or even 80 years ago, to break a bloody road for us today. It is precisely because of their selfless efforts that we have today's happy life.

He joined the revolution at the age of 17 and became vice governor of Shanxi at the age of 55, after which he was unjustly imprisoned for 8 years at the age of 83

Remember the martyrs, do not dare to forget. Today we will go to know the steel and iron bones of Liu Guanyi, who used his life to sing and compose a wonderful music for victory. We need to remember him, although he does not appear in the various history books that we see in our daily lives, and may not appear on the television news. But it is his tenacious struggle that will have us today.


Liu Guanyi was born in 1908 in Tongxian County, Beijing, and he studied assiduously from a very young age, and in a short period of time, he read books such as "Three People's Principles", "Analects", and "Mencius". These books are mainly about the idea of saving the country and the people. In 1925, he joined the Communist Youth League, and when in 1935, when the northeast was completely occupied, Liu Guanyi made up his mind to go to the north to resist Japan. After the July 7 Incident broke out, he resolutely bid farewell to his new wife and mother, and resolutely went to lead the anti-Japanese resistance.

He joined the revolution at the age of 17 and became vice governor of Shanxi at the age of 55, after which he was unjustly imprisoned for 8 years at the age of 83

In the process of participating in the anti-Japanese war, he was brave and tenacious, and in order to be able to incite the anti-Japanese sentiment of the people, he published articles in the newspaper many times. Later, he served as the leader of the Kuomintang army and the New Fourth Army. It played an important role in the war against Japan. Later, during the Liberation War, he repeatedly persuaded Kuomintang officers to choose to join the Communist Party. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he was still persuading the captured Kuomintang officers.


Liu Guanyi, who commanded our army in many times during the war, won many crucial victories. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he served as secretary-general of the China Committee for the Defense of World Peace and director of the World Peace Council. He edited books on the great harm that Japan had done to our country.

He joined the revolution at the age of 17 and became vice governor of Shanxi at the age of 55, after which he was unjustly imprisoned for 8 years at the age of 83

In 1959, he became the director of the Beijing Machinery Factory, and then the executive vice president and party secretary of the International University. In 1963, he became a member of the Standing Committee of Shanxi Province and concurrently served as vice governor. In the great catastrophe of ten years of history, he was wronged and spent 8 years in prison.

After the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, he was completely rehabilitated. In his later years, he compiled books on other war histories and historical figures. He died in Beijing in 1991 at the age of 83.


Liu Guanyi was the forerunner of the revolution and the guiding light in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. He lived in anonymity during that war-torn era, delivering news to many members of our party, and later serving as a commander on the battlefield and a local county magistrate on many occasions. He made a lot of propaganda for the victory of the war, and he also made many people join the ranks of the revolution.

He joined the revolution at the age of 17 and became vice governor of Shanxi at the age of 55, after which he was unjustly imprisoned for 8 years at the age of 83

Such a person is worthy of our study, and at the same time worthy of our respect for him, he used his own steel and iron bones to cast the Sheng ShiHua Chapter. With victory, I played this incredibly beautiful song. The wonderful chapter he described moved us, and at the same time made us feel extremely pleased.


Everyone who made a major contribution during the war of resistance against Japanese aggression deserves to be remembered by history. Although they do not tell us about their past, we will remember Him ourselves in the future. On some special days, we must remember Liu Guanyi, who used the pen in his hand to bring inspiration to many revolutionaries.

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