
Some people are born to be drama spirits, and the whole face of chatting is drama, so they can't talk well and be honest with each other. Today, Doubao's "goddess" is downstairs, and the bear child heard the woman at home


Some people are born to be drama spirits, and the whole face of chatting is drama, so they can't talk well and be honest with each other.

Today, Doubao's "goddess" is downstairs, and the bear child heard the voice of the goddess at home, ran to the balcony to look downstairs, and ran out in a hurry to change his shoes.

"Mom, Little Apple is downstairs, I'm going to play with her"

Before I could reply, the bear child had already entered the elevator, so frightened that I ran downstairs down the corridor in my pajamas, and I couldn't stop him on the first floor all the way.

When I got to the first floor, he was already out of the unit door, and I heard him shouting happily: "Little Apple, I'm coming"! I learned to be a licking dog at such a young age, I sighed in my heart!

I can only follow along, and it happens that several parents know each other, so I can say hello and chat for a while.

There is a parent who is very annoying, always frowning when chatting, at first I thought she had facial twitches, but when I looked closely, she was selective, as long as she talked about kindergarten, she would twitch.

instantly lost a good impression of her, and was the most annoying to this kind of person.

If it weren't for the love of the baby, I don't like to get together, and I feel that women are together a lot. Especially in this community, most of the children are in a kindergarten or even a class, and the topic always revolves around the teacher, kindergarten, if you don't pay attention to it, you will say the wrong thing, and people with ulterior motives will add fuel to the vinegar and tell the truth.

Usually I take him to the Haihe River to play, I walk and he rides, and then go home to wash and sleep together.

Recently, I have been busy and rarely go out, so I clean up and watch TV for him. I went out today, and I was very entangled in my heart, and meeting a person who was annoying really affected my mood.

I don't know what to avoid me, but when others talk about the point, she looks at them. I only know them, and I don't know them at all.

Maybe it's because you're unfamiliar that you need to avoid it! Blame me for not having eyesight and not walking away on my own at the time.

The corn cooked at night, my mother-in-law went to the morning market in the morning to buy it, 10 yuan 7 sticks cooked and smelled delicious, and a bite was really the taste of childhood.

I also made chicken soup noodles that fat people love to eat, and today I see that he is pleasing to the eye, and what he makes is what he loves to eat.

The main thing is that there is no money and lack of confidence. If I still have a few steel hammers in my pocket, I can show him my face.

Some people are born to be drama spirits, and the whole face of chatting is drama, so they can't talk well and be honest with each other. Today, Doubao's "goddess" is downstairs, and the bear child heard the woman at home
Some people are born to be drama spirits, and the whole face of chatting is drama, so they can't talk well and be honest with each other. Today, Doubao's "goddess" is downstairs, and the bear child heard the woman at home
Some people are born to be drama spirits, and the whole face of chatting is drama, so they can't talk well and be honest with each other. Today, Doubao's "goddess" is downstairs, and the bear child heard the woman at home

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