
Lin Guan went to Lingshan County to investigate

author:Qinzhou release
Lin Guan went to Lingshan County to investigate

From January 4th to 5th, Lin Guan, secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, went to Lingshan County to investigate and hold a symposium, emphasizing the need to fully, accurately and comprehensively implement the new development concept, take the lead in seizing opportunities, promote the high-quality development of the county economy, and make Lingshan contributions to Qinzhou's struggle to become the vanguard of Guangxi's "facing the sea and facing the sea", showing The responsibility of Lingshan.

Lin Guan went to Lingshan County to investigate

Lin Guan (front second from the right) went to The Beachhead Natural Village of the Dengyang Village Committee of Berau Town, Lingshan County, to investigate the progress of the improvement of rural style

Lin Guan went to Lingshan County to investigate

Lin Guan (front left, second from left) went to Guangxi Tianshan Electronics Co., Ltd. to investigate the development of enterprises and the non-public party building work of enterprises

Lin Guan gave a wonderful party lesson to everyone at the Party Member Activity Center of Tantou Natural Village of Dengyang Village Committee of Berau Town, combined with the improvement of rural style. Coming to the construction site of Guangxi Guangda New Material Industrial Park, Lin Guan learned in detail about the industrial park project and the construction of Guangxi Qinzhou Urban-Rural Integration Development Pilot Zone, and then went deep into Guangxi Tianshan Electronics Co., Ltd. to understand the development of enterprises and the non-public party building of enterprises, and fully affirmed the achievements of Lingshan County in seeking breakthroughs, grasping implementation, and being shortlisted for "2021 Top 100 Counties and Cities in Western China".

Lin Guan went to Lingshan County to investigate

The scene of the symposium

Lin Guan stressed

It is necessary to thoroughly implement the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on inspecting Guangxi on April 27, and the series of important instructions and requirements for Guangxi's work, firmly defend the "two establishments", and resolutely achieve "two safeguards". Take the lead in implementing the deployment requirements of the 12th Party Congress of the Autonomous Region and the Third Plenary Session of the Sixth Municipal Party Committee, focus on the five major visions of "port, district, industry, city and people", implement the four-wheel drive strategy of "building a big port, strengthening the industry, building a coastal city, and beautiful countryside", and strive to integrate into the overall situation of the city's work.

It is necessary to focus on the implementation of the "four-wheel drive" strategy and accelerate the high-quality development of the county economy. Strengthen the thinking of development to the sea, seize the opportunity to accelerate the construction of the Pinglu Canal and the Xianghai Expressway, strengthen the top-level design, actively integrate into the development of the port, and raise the leader of the development of strong industrial counties. Based on the advantages of demographic dividends, consumption resources, and labor demand, we will strive to create a strong county in Guangxi County, strengthen the drive of leading enterprises, make electronic information, toy manufacturing and other industries bigger and stronger, actively undertake the Lingang industry, rely on the Greater Bay Area to attract industries, adhere to the "no outside is not fast, no outside is not big, no outside is not strong, no outside is not rich", so that the vitality of all production factors burst forth and promote development. Relying on the park to cultivate industries, adhere to the "around the park to grasp the industry, around the industry to grasp the project, around the project to grasp the enterprise, around the enterprise to grasp the service", with an open concept and mind, pioneering and innovative to go out, cultivate Qinzhou self-confidence, establish the image of Qinzhou, and create the acceleration of Qinzhou's development. Adhere to the "five-level secretary to grasp rural revitalization", comprehensively promote rural revitalization, solidly promote the construction of the Guangxi Qinzhou Urban-Rural Integration Development Pilot Zone, create a model for urban-rural integration development, and accelerate the realization of strong agriculture, rural beauty, and farmers' prosperity.

It is necessary to comprehensively strengthen party building and gather strong synergy for high-quality development. Build a strong and powerful leadership team, and earnestly serve the officials and benefit the party. We should earnestly strengthen the work of party building at the grass-roots level, and truly ensure that a party member is a banner and a branch is a fortress. Adhere to the main tone of "strictness" and consolidate the development of Qinzhou's good political ecology with a clean and healthy atmosphere. Earnestly improve the style of work, strictly and earnestly grasp the work of epidemic prevention and control, safe production, etc., to ensure the stability of the overall social situation and the safety of people's lives and property.

Mo Jinrong, Li Chuangchuang, Fang Jian'an and other leaders participated in the investigation.

Original title:

Lin Guan stressed when he went to Lingshan County to investigate

Take the lead in seizing opportunities to promote the high-quality development of the county economy

Photo and text 丨 Rong media reporter Pan Dingpan Wang Hulu

Editor 丨Liang Wenhui Qin Mingming (Trainee)

Proofreading 丨 Yang Xiying

Audit 丨 Luo Libin

(Produced by Qinzhou without authorization)

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Lin Guan went to Lingshan County to investigate

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