
A prisoner was sentenced to beheaded, dragged half of his body and wrote 7 words in blood, and Yongzheng quickly abolished it

From the beginning of human society's records, what cannot be avoided is the occurrence of some disputes.

In order to achieve the purpose of harmonious coexistence, there are slowly developing mechanisms in society to adjudicate disputes, but fairness and justice are the absolute prerequisites

In the past years when there was no scientific basis, unjust, false and wrongly decided cases often occurred. Although there is a lack of technology to solve cases, it does not affect people's determination to uphold judicial justice, such as the activity of putting disputes under authority.

Nowadays, the high technology that can be used to solve cases is basically invisible in ancient times, and everything is time-consuming and laborious for case-handling personnel, and they are painstakingly tracked along the clues.

Behind the seeming justice, it is actually a test of the conscience of the judge

A prisoner was sentenced to beheaded, dragged half of his body and wrote 7 words in blood, and Yongzheng quickly abolished it

Because the administrative management and means of communication are very backward, if you encounter a person who sees profit and forgets righteousness, the two sides collude inside and outside, and it will always be you, the ordinary people, who will bear the grievances. Some people may think that there is a bag of qingtian, but how many in history?

During the Yongzheng period, a prisoner was sentenced to be beheaded by the waist, cut into two pieces, and then rolled on the ground in pain, dragged half of his body with his own blood, and wrote seven words on the ground in a row.

Frightened, Yongzheng quickly abolished the punishment of waist beheading

Yu Hongtu

The prisoner' name was Yu Hongtu and he was born during the Kangxi Dynasty. “

There is no cold door in the upper product, and no soldier in the lower product

Yu Hongtu changed his personal destiny through the imperial examination. In the tenth year of Yongzheng, he was selected as a supervisor and began his career path.

A prisoner was sentenced to beheaded, dragged half of his body and wrote 7 words in blood, and Yongzheng quickly abolished it

When he first entered the official field, Yu Hongtu still maintained his original intention of incorruptibility, while trying to avoid conflicts with many court ministers. Lest the enemy be excluded in the shadows, causing his career to go unsatisfactory, or even the end of his life.

As the voices of the masses grew louder, the Yongzheng Emperor decided to promote them. On the surface, this is the importance that the Yongzheng Emperor attached to Yu Hongtu; fundamentally, it was the Yongzheng Emperor

In order to strengthen the centralization and unity of thought

After the news spread, many people began to give gifts to Yu Hongtu, who had already anticipated this, and specifically instructed his subordinates to look after the gate and refuse anyone carrying gifts to enter, and their attitude was very firm.

A prisoner was sentenced to beheaded, dragged half of his body and wrote 7 words in blood, and Yongzheng quickly abolished it

At that time, some people refused to take it back, and Yu Hongtu asked the next person to convey it."

This kind of behavior needs to be punished, and if it is not stopped, I will report it to the emperor, and no one will be able to save you


The purpose of eating people's mouths with short hands is very simple, that is, to refuse to owe others human kindness. I thought that Yu Hongtu would be like Bao Qingtian, but who had thought that "his camp" had appeared as a traitor - Lin Shi.

Concubine Lin

Lin Shi is Yu Hongtu's concubine, and she is very incomprehensible to her master's words and deeds. Isn't participating in the imperial examination to better change one's destiny?

Nowadays, gold and silver wealth is placed in front of the eyes of individuals but do not know how to cherish, what kind of operation is this

A prisoner was sentenced to beheaded, dragged half of his body and wrote 7 words in blood, and Yongzheng quickly abolished it

A clean official is a clean official, and if he can adhere to the bottom line of principle, he will naturally keep his original intention. Perhaps because of the influence of the general environment of the times, Lin has always felt that Yu Hongtu has other purposes in doing so: to better promote, and then to exchange for greater wealth and official positions.

Later, she found Yu Hongtu's assistant, and after discussion, the two decided to profit from it.

The day before the imperial examination, Lin took advantage of Yu Hongtu's official clothes to put the answers to the imperial examination in his pocket and brought them to the examination room

In order to avoid cheating, examiners on the imperial examination generally need to take off their outer clothes. At this time, Yu Hongtu's assistant came up with the answer and then sent it to a powerful family that had previously paid them bribes, who had thought that they would be discovered the next year.

A prisoner was sentenced to beheaded, dragged half of his body and wrote 7 words in blood, and Yongzheng quickly abolished it

The Yongzheng Emperor was furious when he heard the news, and sent the governor of Hedong to review and manage the case, and later unearthed two key figures, Lin Shi and Yu Hongtu's assistants.

In order to mitigate their punishment, they eventually framed Yu Hongtu as the mastermind behind the scenes

Yu Hongtu was powerless to argue, because there was no struggle to prove that this answer was not put in his pocket. He accepted this reality and was eventually sentenced to be beheaded.

After the executioner executed, Yu Hongtu dragged half of his body and wrote 7 in blood



Pin Shijun said

Yu Hongtu did this, on the one hand, to prove his innocence, on the other hand, to condemn this punishment.

After the news reached Yongzheng's ears, the latter immediately ordered that this punishment be abolished, after all, such an act was seen by everyone


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A prisoner was sentenced to beheaded, dragged half of his body and wrote 7 words in blood, and Yongzheng quickly abolished it

Dare to compete with the evil spirits and not give way to the overlord

It sounds so inspiring, but the feudal era seems to have such a law: Qing officials can not fight corrupt officials, loyal ministers can not fight traitors, gentlemen can not fight villains, in short, good people can not fight bad people.

In Pin Shijun's view, the environment of the times is doomed to the diametric opposite of fate and fate, no

After all, the past will not forget those extraordinary people who have made outstanding contributions to the country and the people

What do you think?

I am Pin Shijun, thank you for reading.

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