
In 1938, Chen Geng reported that the enemy cavalry was encircling our army, and Xu Laozong said: The troops should not move in ambush

What is history: it is the echo of the past to the future, the reflection of the future on the past. - Hugo

In a battle between our army and the Japanese army, the Japanese cavalry wanted to encircle our army, but General Xu ordered the troops not to fight first. On March 31, 1938, Chen Geng, brigadier of the 386th Brigade of the 129th Division of the Eighth Route Army, made a phone call to Xu Laozong, commander of the 129th Division's front line in Xiangtangpu, Xiangxian County, Hebei Province, to report on the movements of a Japanese unit. "The 772nd Regiment found that the Japanese troops at Dongyang Pass had sent more than two hundred men to Majiayu, and there were still Japanese cavalry on the high ground southeast of Changning, which was moving toward the rear of our army's flank. Whether to withdraw the main force to Miaoshang Village and Ya'er Mountain to block the enemy. ”

In 1938, Chen Geng reported that the enemy cavalry was encircling our army, and Xu Laozong said: The troops should not move in ambush

At that time, Liu Bocheng's division commander had just commanded his troops to fight an ambush at Shentou Ridge and won a great victory. Commander Liu Bocheng found that the terrain of Xiangtangpu was more suitable for ambush than Shentou Ridge, and the road was full of rubble, and it would be very inconvenient for Japanese cars to drive on this road. The south of the road is next to a very steep cliff, the Japanese army can not climb, and into the north is undulating highlands, there are many valley mouths, if there is an ambush here, the Japanese army will not be easy to find our soldiers, after the start of the battle is also convenient for the deployment of troops. Therefore, Liu Bocheng's division commander decided to set up an ambush here, but at that time, he just needed to go to a meeting, so he could only give the ambush to xu xiangqian, the deputy commander of the 120th Division, to command.

In 1938, Chen Geng reported that the enemy cavalry was encircling our army, and Xu Laozong said: The troops should not move in ambush

Mr. Xu pondered for a long time on the map and said: "It is very likely that this unit of the Japanese army came to the headquarters and discovered this ambush long ago, and their front troops should first encircle the rear of our army, and then the large Japanese troops will form an encirclement, so that there is no need to block the attack and have to retreat quickly." But if it wasn't for the command, then the ambush could have been fought. If you rush to block this Japanese army, you may recruit all the Japanese troops in the vicinity to lose more than you lose. Mr. Xu looked at the intelligence of the Japanese army's movement again and found that this may just be a coincidence.

In 1938, Chen Geng reported that the enemy cavalry was encircling our army, and Xu Laozong said: The troops should not move in ambush

Therefore, General Manager Xu immediately ordered the troops not to move in place, and then asked the intelligence personnel to verify the intelligence, and as a result, the intelligence personnel found that the so-called enemy cavalry was a few ordinary people rushing to transport goods in donkey carts. After the Xiangtangpu ambush began, our army successfully annihilated more than 400 Japanese troops, destroyed more than 180 Japanese cars, and killed a Japanese post and captured a large number of materials.

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