
The famous general of the Song Dynasty: After 900 years, it was risked to be smelted and then donated to the country free of charge

Song Dynasty famous general Iron Hammer: After 900 years, it was smelted in the 1960s and then donated to the country free of charge

The hammer belongs to the short weapon of the iron whip class, usually for those who fight on horseback, the length and size vary from person to person, but usually between half a meter and one meter and two, the shape is square, with four edges, the lower end has a handle, and the upper end is relatively thin.

It is usually heavy, and because it has no blade, it usually hurts people with direct blows, and if it is used by a fairly powerful person, then even the armor can be smashed.

The famous general of the Song Dynasty: After 900 years, it was risked to be smelted and then donated to the country free of charge

It is also because of the characteristics of this "non-powerful person can not be used", the ancient generals who used the hammer are not many, in the Fujian Provincial Museum there is a song dynasty general iron hammer, after nine hundred years, the hammer is engraved with the word "Li Gang", which is the weapon of the famous Song Dynasty general Li Gang, and the casting time "Jing Kang Yuan Year" was also engraved.

The rarity of the weapon itself also makes this Song Dynasty iron hammer the earliest hammer found in China, this hammer is about one meter long, except for the handle, the body is seventy-four centimeters long, with a sheath of seventy-six centimeters long, weighing 3.6 kilograms.

The famous general of the Song Dynasty: After 900 years, it was risked to be smelted and then donated to the country free of charge

The grip of the hammer is melon hammer-shaped, and there is a piece of twill rosewood on the outside of the grip, and the handle is separated from the body by a grid, which is four-petal-shaped, and this hammer is also typical of the upper and lower thickness, so in addition to being able to strike, it can also poke.

And this hammer sheath is not cast when there is, may be in the Qing Dynasty, in order to protect this hammer, collectors at their own expense to create, the entire sheath is very gorgeous, not only with precious trees, but also inlaid with silver flowers, ancient, weeping wisps, bats and other patterns, the middle is wrapped with copper pendants and pu, with a button, easy to wear, the tail of the sheath is wrapped in a round copper ball.

The famous general of the Song Dynasty: After 900 years, it was risked to be smelted and then donated to the country free of charge

But the real reason why this hammer has become a national first-class cultural relic is that after nine hundred years of wind and sand baptism, it is like new, and the story itself is also very exciting.

The reason why this hammer was cast was that in the first year of Jing Kang, the Song Dynasty and jin broke out into a war, Li Gang was the main war faction, in order to kill the enemy, he ordered people to build this hammer, engraved his own name, when the Jin army attacked the city, Li Gang took this hammer, bravely killed the enemy, thousands of people died under his hammer.

Although this gong and his master were bent on defending the motherland and fighting heroically on the front line, the imperial court did not appreciate it, and Li Gang was always demoted, and finally settled in Fujian, where he could only learn about the situation on the front line through the news passed by his former friends.

The famous general of the Song Dynasty: After 900 years, it was risked to be smelted and then donated to the country free of charge

In the last days of his life, Li Gang gave all the costumes and weapons given by the emperor to his friend Han Shizhongzhi, who came to visit him, and only wore this hammer on his body, and after the general died with regret, this hammer was passed on to his descendants, and the general wanted his descendants to remember that they would never be at odds with the Jin people.

This hammer went through the Song Dynasty, came to the Qing Dynasty, in 1926, was purchased by Xiao Qibin, who was then the director of the Nanjing Wang Puppet Government Ceremony Bureau, and stored in his nephew Lin Zhongyu's family, in the 60s this hammer was almost smelted, almost stored as the "four olds" in the Fuzhou Garrison District Jinjishan Logistics Repair Depot warehouse, and other items that were taken away at the same time as this hammer were later sent to other places for smelting, but somehow, this hammer was well preserved.

The famous general of the Song Dynasty: After 900 years, it was risked to be smelted and then donated to the country free of charge

Until 1982, this hammer was found in the warehouse by Zhou Xun, then deputy political commissar of the Fuzhou Garrison District, and after asking his superiors, it was accepted into the museum, in fact, the museum originally wanted to return this cultural relic to the original owner, that is, Mr. Lin Zhongyu, but in the end, Mr. Lin donated the hammer to the state free of charge, which was also a beautiful achievement.

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