
Proposal Story| Member Song Weizu: 13 years of non-stop, seeking a new home for the ancient guild hall

"The Tasting Examination Hall is located in the capital, and there is no ancient one, and the first Jialong is also in the middle of the city." The records of the Ming dynasty bear witness to the origin of the ancient guild hall in Beijing. The ancient guild halls scattered on the capital land are like pearls decorating the south central axis of the capital, telling the smoke clouds of Beijing in the past 600 years. From the once decadent old alleys that no one knows, to the current listing of the reopening of the welcome, Song Weizu, a member of the Standing Committee of the Beijing Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and a first-level inspector of the Beijing Municipal Committee of the China Democratic League, can be called a witness and promoter of the "change of life" of the ancient guild hall.

In 2009, the protection and repair of houses in the historical and cultural blocks of the old city attracted the attention of Song Weizu, who was still a deputy to the Municipal People's Congress at the time, and he began to inspect the Beijing Guild Hall in the Ming and Qing dynasties. He found that there were more than 600 guild halls in Beijing's history, mainly concentrated in the areas outside Chongwen Gate and Xuanwu Gate. To date, only 57 of the surviving guild hall buildings remain.

Proposal Story| Member Song Weizu: 13 years of non-stop, seeking a new home for the ancient guild hall

During the visit, the scene of the once prosperous guild hall now decadent made Song Weizu feel regret and urgency. The Anhui Guild Hall, where Li Hongzhang had received North Korean envoys, had been transformed into a large courtyard, with a dilapidated half-door that could faintly see the appearance of the qi Yuxuan in the past, while the regular courtyard was messy with kitchens and storage rooms for each family. The Pingyao Pigment Hall, a 400-year-old Jin Chamber of Commerce, is used as a warehouse for stacking items.

How should these historical and cultural sites that tell the old memories of Beijing be protected, repaired and utilized? At that year's municipal people's conference, Song Weizu put forward the view that "whoever takes away who's child" should be protected and utilized in the Jinggu Guild Hall, "Involving the local clan halls, can they be 'claimed' by all localities, repair and protection, develop cultural industries, and activate cultural relics in various places that are drowning in the dust of history." ”

In each subsequent year, Song Weizu paid close attention to the new developments in the protection and utilization of the ancient guild hall and formed a series of protection plans.

In 2021, at the fourth meeting of the 13th CPPCC National Committee, he put forward a proposal on "salvaging and repairing and protecting typical guild halls and developing the cultural economy of clan halls", which aroused widespread concern. In this proposal, he put forward constructive suggestions such as formulating "norms for the protection and utilization of the guild hall" from the perspective of urban development planning; setting up a cultural industry zone for the clan hall to reproduce the historical features of cultural integration and commercial prosperity in that year; and attracting local enterprises to develop cultural industries in the clan hall. This proposal was rated as the excellent proposal of the year and was personally supervised by the municipal leaders.

To his relief, under the active running and loud voice of his colleagues, the Ancient Guild Hall in Beijing has been "recovered" and listed. A brand-new guide board was hung at the door of the once inconspicuous courtyard, which found the "soul" of the past, and the history and culture lovers who liked to visit the ancient world also had the basis of "pressing Tu Suoji".

Proposal Story| Member Song Weizu: 13 years of non-stop, seeking a new home for the ancient guild hall

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Song Weizu's investigation found that of the 57 existing ancient guild halls, only 2 have been used. By this year, the utilization of ancient guild halls has been developed by leaps and bounds, and the number of guild halls that have been opened for use has reached more than 10. Among them, of course, there is the credit of Song Weizu and his colleagues for many years, and when it comes to this, Song Weizu's face shows a proud look.

The Pigment Hall followed the use form of the Huguang Guild Hall, carrying out the activity of "the guild hall has a play" and hosting traditional music and art performances; the former residence of Lin Zexu in Beijing, as the new museum in Fuzhou, was restored and opened into a beijing anti-drug education base; the Linfen Guild Hall "gorgeously turned" into a cultural exhibition hall of the guild hall, open to the public... Witnessing the ancient guild hall that he had been waiting for for more than ten years, one by one found a safe new "home", Song Weizu felt sincerely happy.

"But this is not enough, the guild hall is a unique historical existence on the central axis, and it is also an important carrier of cultural inheritance in Beijing." Only when cultural relics are 'alive' can the central axis be 'alive' and can the 'city of museums' be built with sound and color. To this end, Song Weizu brought a proposal to "take multiple measures and make good use of the guild hall" at the fifth meeting of the 13th CPPCC this year.

To "live", the guild hall must first be "used". Song Weizu suggested that the guild hall can be used as a place for community cultural activities, and through activities such as "I go to the guild hall to repair cultural relics" and "I go to the guild hall to learn history", so that citizens and teenagers can participate in the protection and utilization of the guild hall. At the same time, through the unified logo and unified publicity of the ancient guild hall in Beijing, "let the cultural relics come alive" to create a theme cultural relics community displayed on the south central axis, the urban culture museum - the Beijing Guild Hall Museum.

Walker Fang Zhiyuan, the road to the protection of the ancient guild hall in the capital, the road is long. After 13 years of perseverance, Song Weizu, the "rusher", still did not dare to slack off for a moment.

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