
New regulations on automobile maintenance: Realize the real-time aggregation of electronic maintenance record data before the end of the year

On January 6, the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the Ministry of Commerce, and the State Administration for Market Regulation jointly recently jointly issued a notice on deepening the comprehensive application of automobile maintenance data.

New regulations on automobile maintenance: Realize the real-time aggregation of electronic maintenance record data before the end of the year

Its main content is to achieve real-time aggregation of maintenance electronic record data:

1. Clarify the scope of data aggregation. Local transportation authorities should rely on the automobile maintenance electronic health record system (hereinafter referred to as the electronic health record system), on the basis of guiding the first and second types of automobile maintenance operators to do a good job in uploading the maintenance electronic record data, organize the collection and upload of the data of the three types of automobile maintenance operators, and actively guide the automobile comprehensive minor repair operators specified in the "Conditions for the Opening of the Automobile Maintenance Industry" (GB/T 16739.2), as well as those engaged in engines, transmissions, body, air conditioners, Special maintenance operators for electrical system maintenance and four-wheel positioning business will realize the real-time collection of maintenance electronic record data by the end of 2022.

2. Standardize data timeliness management. Local transportation authorities should guide automobile maintenance operators to upload electronic record data for automobile maintenance in real time, accurately and completely after completing the settlement of expenses in accordance with the series of standards of the "Automobile Maintenance Electronic Health Record System" to improve the timeliness of data upload. It is necessary to strengthen the data management of newly opened automobile maintenance operators, and remind operators to transmit data to the electronic health record system in a timely manner after completing the business filing.

3. Improve the quality of data transmission. The competent departments of transportation in various localities should publish a list of automobile maintenance management software or mobile phone APP that meet the requirements of the national network and data security management regulations and the construction of electronic health record systems in a variety of ways, so as to facilitate the independent choice and use of automobile maintenance operators and improve the convenience and standardization of data filling. The operating units of the provincial electronic health record system should actively open service functions such as automatic reminders of data specific values in combination with local realities, so as to facilitate data verification and verification. For acts such as data fraud and leakage, it is necessary to promptly supervise and urge relevant automobile maintenance operators to rectify them.

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