
It's so interesting! Chairman of Toyota: Chinese automobiles ignore safety, reliability, and operability

author:Fantasy space

"Technological innovation is the future of automobiles, but safety is the soul of automobiles." This sentence expresses the core contradiction of today's automotive industry. Recently, Toyota Motor Chairman Akio Toyoda's remarks have caused a lot of shock in the automobile industry. He bluntly pointed out that Chinese automakers are focusing too much on intelligence and interiors, and ignoring the "old three" of cars - safety, reliability and operability. These words are like a hammer, sounding the alarm bell of China's automotive industry, and at the same time, it has also triggered people's in-depth thinking about the direction of automobile development.

It's so interesting! Chairman of Toyota: Chinese automobiles ignore safety, reliability, and operability

Akio Toyoda's point of view undoubtedly hit the nail on the head. In the current Chinese auto market, intelligent and luxurious interiors seem to have become the dominant trend. Fancy features such as large screens, voice control, and autonomous driving assistance systems emerge one after another, giving people a futuristic sense of technology. But do these glamorous exteriors hide a more fundamental problem?

Safety is the lifeblood of a car. No matter how smart a car is, if it can't guarantee the safety of its passengers, then its existence is meaningless. In recent years, the frequent autonomous driving accidents at home and abroad are a warning. Over-reliance on intelligent systems and neglect of basic security design can have catastrophic consequences.

It's so interesting! Chairman of Toyota: Chinese automobiles ignore safety, reliability, and operability

Reliability is the quality assurance of automobiles. If a car breaks down frequently, it will not only cause inconvenience to users, but also seriously affect the brand image. It is not difficult to find that some domestic models performed well in the early stage of the market, but with the extension of the use time, various problems gradually appeared. This is where the reliability is lacking.

Operability is the bridge between the car and the driver. No matter how advanced the intelligent system is, it also needs the support of human-computer interaction. If the operation is complicated, it will increase the burden on the driver and may even cause safety hazards. An easy-to-use, intuitive and efficient operating system is the only way to truly improve the driving experience.

It's so interesting! Chairman of Toyota: Chinese automobiles ignore safety, reliability, and operability

We cannot deny the achievements of China's automotive industry in terms of intelligence. In recent years, the development speed of Chinese auto companies in the fields of electrification and intelligent networking has been remarkable. The participation of technology giants such as Huawei and Baidu has injected new vitality into the automotive industry. This spirit of innovation and speed of development are worthy of recognition.

Intelligence and security are not opposites. On the contrary, many smart technologies are designed to improve safety. For example, automatic emergency braking, lane keeping assist and other functions are all through intelligent means to improve driving safety. The key is how to balance and integrate these technologies, rather than simply denying them.

It's so interesting! Chairman of Toyota: Chinese automobiles ignore safety, reliability, and operability

Changes in consumer demand are also important factors in driving intelligent vehicles. The expectations of the new generation of consumers for cars are no longer just a means of transportation, they also value the technological experience and lifestyle brought by cars. Automobile companies conform to this trend and increase investment in intelligence, which is also an inevitable choice for market competition.

However, Akio Toyoda's warning is still worth pondering. While pursuing innovation, Chinese auto companies really cannot ignore the importance of the "old three".

It's so interesting! Chairman of Toyota: Chinese automobiles ignore safety, reliability, and operability

In terms of safety, in addition to passive safety design, more attention should be paid to the research and development of active safety technology. In terms of reliability, it is necessary to strictly control the product development stage and establish a sound quality management system. In terms of operability, it is necessary to continuously optimize the human-computer interaction interface and improve the user experience on the basis of intelligence.

At the same time, we must also recognize that the automotive industry is an industry that needs to be accumulated over a long period of time. Toyota's position in the global automotive market is due to its decades-long commitment to quality. Although China's auto companies started late, as long as they adhere to the right direction of development and continue to invest, they will eventually catch up with and surpass international giants.

It's so interesting! Chairman of Toyota: Chinese automobiles ignore safety, reliability, and operability

For consumers, the discussion also provides an opportunity to revisit the criteria for car ownership. While attracted by intelligent functions, it is also necessary to pay attention to the basic performance and safety configuration of the vehicle. After all, a car is first and foremost a means of transportation, and its core function is to safely and reliably transport people from point A to point B.

Overall, Akio Toyoda's perspective provides an opportunity to re-examine the direction of the automotive industry. In the pursuit of intelligence at the same time, we can not ignore the essential attributes of automobiles. Safety, reliability and operability are seemingly old-fashioned concepts that are the foundation of the automotive industry. Only on this solid foundation can we build a truly intelligent car era.

It's so interesting! Chairman of Toyota: Chinese automobiles ignore safety, reliability, and operability

Let us look forward to the fact that in the near future, Chinese automobiles will be able to show their unique charm on the world stage: they have both intelligent functions with a sense of science and technology, and reliable safety performance; It can not only meet the pursuit of young people for new things, but also allow every user to drive with peace of mind. This is the ultimate goal that China's automobile, and even the global auto industry, should pursue.

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