
2022 target 1000 homes! In 2021, Fuchuang, which does practical things and lays the foundation, is ready

2021 is definitely a year full of changes and opportunities for major car companies, the wave of new energy and intelligence continues to surge, and the pressure of supply chain and chip shortage is also pressing step by step.

And this pressure is naturally reflected in the automotive aftermarket, under the tide of the times, no one can be alone, the concept of "three points to repair, seven points to rely on maintenance" has gradually been recognized by consumers, but the epidemic has made the industry that is already trapped in low quality, low price and low trust more complicated, and has also brought difficulties to the high-end stores that once paid attention to customer experience and concentrated on polishing offline contacts.

The mainstream play that once attracted traffic and then formed a scale, and finally consolidated and even rebranded, is now facing huge difficulties and urgently needs to change.

2022 target 1000 homes! In 2021, Fuchuang, which does practical things and lays the foundation, is ready

As a "new force" in the automotive aftermarket, Fuchuang faced the dilemma of the industry, and after more than a year of exploration, achieved the development goal of 2021 to "break the game", and pushed the "Mobil No. 1 Car Maintenance" brand to the top of the industry. So, how exactly did they do it?

1. Lay the foundation and do practical things

First of all, Fuchuang has enhanced its brand value by building a perfect store system. Last year, Fuchuang held 17 large-scale investment promotion meetings across the country, attracting thousands of store owners to participate. At present, the number of selected stores has reached nearly 400. Through this move, the GMV of Fuchuang in the 2021 Singles Day period increased tenfold compared with the same period last year.

Specifically, in the system support of chain stores, Fu Chuang absorbed the top experts in the industry and suggested that through the closed single store test, a set of service support systems covering 8 major aspects such as brand image, site selection and construction, operation specifications, operation consultants, personnel training, supply chain, store marketing, and IT system support were polished.

The most important of these is the respect and cultivation of talents. As we all know, talent is a key part of service performance, Fuchuang has always attached importance to talents, respected talents, and focused on cultivating talents to create a good working environment and growth space for technicians.

2022 target 1000 homes! In 2021, Fuchuang, which does practical things and lays the foundation, is ready

This is not a slogan, Fuchuang has implemented it into the "1-5-4-4" all-round talent training system* of "one training goal, five basic capabilities, four job types, and four training modes" to ensure the practicality, scientificity and comprehensiveness of store talent training. At the same time, more than 200 courses have been developed, and 100% of the pre-job training of newly opened stores has been covered; the online school that has been maturely developed has been put into use on a large scale and is being continuously upgraded.

In September, the Shanghai Technical Center for Mobil No. 1 Car Maintenance was opened, which can undertake more than 20,000 training trips per year, and the key layout in the landing of service standardization has been preliminarily completed.

Fuchuang also did not meet the existing pattern, but accurately grasped the vane of the times, adhered to digital empowerment, led stores to embrace digital transformation, completed the closed-loop link from Fuchuang to dealers, stores, and online malls, and formed a data series, and all the selected stores carried out standardized operation and management through the Fuchuang smart store system. It should be known that in 2021, Fuchuang's IT R & D team has been continuously expanded, and nearly half of the employees are currently IT personnel, which is very good even in many automakers.

2022 target 1000 homes! In 2021, Fuchuang, which does practical things and lays the foundation, is ready

For the key channel integration, Fuchuang has also made great efforts, in view of the dealers' more conservative sales thinking, actively innovate the cooperation model, through live broadcasting, points promotion and other forms, and dealers to transform and grow together. This also makes the current more than 40 dealers of Fuchuang not only the role of traditional oil sellers, but also the role of regional integrated service providers, Fuchuang has always attached importance to the regional advantages of dealers, maintained a good cooperative relationship, and ensured the efficient undertaking of regional store business.

2. Under the future, above the brand

If you want to say that Fuchuang operates the most famous brand, it is naturally not "Mobil No. 1 Car Maintenance". "Mobil No. 1 Car Maintenance" is backed by the deep aftermarket genes of the shareholders, so it has certain advantages in the external expression of the brand.

Fuchuang also insists on doing a good job in refined brand operation to enhance the outer edge perception and premium ability of store services. Held 10 pop-up store activities in 8 cities including Shanghai and Suzhou, and recruited hundreds of consumer "experience officers" in 6 key cities such as Changsha and Shijiazhuang to enhance the emotional connection between brands and users.

At the same time, in view of the preferences of young people, the event elements of the League of Legends Professional League ("LPL") are integrated into the offline store design, so that young consumers can feel the dynamic car experience. In July this year, the anniversary of the renewal of the Mobil No. 1 car maintenance brand was held, and the brand building and store operation information were actively released.

2022 target 1000 homes! In 2021, Fuchuang, which does practical things and lays the foundation, is ready

In addition to offline operations, online, Fuchuang also continues to optimize the operation of social channels such as Douyin, video number and WeChat public account, and narrows the distance with users through popular science conservation knowledge and brand topics.

These are all laying a solid foundation for the coming 2022, and Fuchuang has also formulated a detailed development plan for 2022. First of all, on the basis of adhering to the brand spirit of Mobil No. 1 car maintenance, we will continue to cultivate "internal strength" to meet people's "pursuit of a better life". Secondly, we will make every effort to expand the recruitment of offline stores, and open up a battlefield of expanding stores in many provinces across the country through large-scale investment promotion activities, small and medium-sized salons, high-quality store visits, etc., to form a scale effect. At the same time, we will focus on the strengthening of store service capabilities and open regional technical centers to help stores obtain the required services and technical support nearby.

2022 target 1000 homes! In 2021, Fuchuang, which does practical things and lays the foundation, is ready

The most important thing is that Fuchuang will improve the efficiency of the "smart brain" of the Wuhan R&D Center, improve the construction of the data middle platform under the premise of ensuring information security, achieve task to the point in the key scenarios of online and offline integration, better understand the needs of consumers and stores, and truly grasp online and offline to better serve consumers.

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